

By Claudia Salzberg Rodriguez, Gordon Fischer, Steven Smolski
刘建文略译( http://blog.csdn.net/keminlau

KEY:Linux 驱动程序 并口


本实验项目是为一个只有很简单功能的并行端口控制器( parallel port controller)写Linux驱动。现在的PC并口控制器一般是集成在南桥芯片的超级IO中。本实验驱动是对编写字符类型设备驱动一很好的示范。实验代码不太实用,但你可以自己动手改善它。因为我是在设备寄存器一级写代码,所以这些代码也适用于PowerPC平台。编写Linux并行接口字符设备驱动

我们并口驱动模块(没有特指的话一般指可动态加载模块)实现了标准的open()、 close()和最重要的ioctl()系统调用函数,展示了设备驱动结构和工作原理。我们没有现实read()或write(),因为本实验适合用ioctl()替代之。


Parallel Port Hardware

本项目使用X86作为硬件环境,不过最终驱动模块很容易被移植到PowerPC。现在并口在嵌入式 PowerPC 平台虽然还很常见,但在桌面PC已经越来越少见了,比如在第四第五代PC。


X86系统的并口一般集成在系统板上的Superio设备上,或者也可以以独立的扩展卡(PCI)方式添加到主机。那么底层配置方面,并口使用了什么地址与主机联系呢?又有没有使用中断信号呢?你可以进入BIOS设备查看并口占用了哪些系统I/O地址空间。一般X86系统里,并口可能使用三个基址:0x278, 0x378, 0x3bc,使用IRQ7。并口有三个8位的寄存器(一个占用一个I/O空间地址,所以并口只占三个I/O地址空间),比如以下使用0x378作基址的情况:

[*] 低电平有效(Active low)


  • The data register contains the 8 bits to write out to the pins on the connector.
  • The status register contains the input signals from the connector.
  • The control register sends specific control signals to the connector.

并口的连接头是25-pin D-shell (DB-25),以下是连接头的针脚与信号的映射表:



For input operations, we will jumper D7 (pin 9) to Acknowledge (pin 10) and D6 (pin 8) to Busy (pin 11) with 470 ohm resistors. To monitor output, we drive LEDs with data pins D0 through D4 by using a 470 ohm current limiting resistor. We can do this by using an old printer cable or a 25-pin male D-Shell connector from a local electronics store.


一位优秀的寄存器级别的程序员(KEMIN:其实就是汇编程序员)总是非常熟悉他手上硬件的细节。包括很迅速地查找出某一个并口设备的 datasheet (KEMIN:注意是设备[控制器 ]的 datasheet,不是并口的datasheet,并口本身不是设备)。datasheet包含了诸如控制器各寄存器功能及设备电流上限等一些设备操作信息。程序员在操作前必须仔细阅读设备[控制器 ]的datasheet。

Parallel Port Software


1. Setting Up the File Operations (fops) 创建文件操作数据结构(fops)

上面已经说了,驱动模块实现了标准的open()、 close()和ioctl()函数,此外还需要模块初始化代码和清理工作代码。

我们的第一步工作是创建文件操作结构(file operations structure)。这个结构在 /linux/fs.h定义,该结构有很多本驱动不实现的抽象接口函数。

通过实现这个结构的抽象接口,告知内核[具体实现函数代码](open, release, and ioctl)的位置。

parll.c-->file_operations parlport_fops

接着分别实现open() 和close(),本实验这两个函数没有实质的工作:

实现 ioctl()函数。注意下面的声明代码必须放在源码文件parll.c的前面:



* The DATA_OUT command sends a value to the data register,

* the GET_STATUS command reads from the status register,

* the CTRL_OUT command is available to set the control signals to the port.

虽然根据[美化原则](better methodology),读写设备操作的特定细节应该分别隐藏于read() 和write()两个接口函数内,但是本实验主要目的是演示I/O,而不是数据封装,所以选择使用ioctl。

代码中使用的三个I/O宏命令在头文件 parll.h中定义。parlport_ioctl() 的开始处有对输入命令的合法检测的逻辑。由于应用程序会引

2. Setting Up the Module Initialization Routine 创建模块初始化函数



The register_chrdev() function takes in the requested major number (discussed in Section 5.2 and later in Chapter 10; if 0, the kernel assigns one to the module). Recall that the major number is kept in the inode structure, which is pointed to by the dentry structure, which is pointed to by a file struct. The second parameter is the name of the device as it will appear in /proc/devices. The third parameter is

the file operations structure that was just shown.

Upon successfully registering, our init routine calls request_region() with the base address of the parallel port and the length (in bytes) of the range of registers we are interested in.

The init_module() function returns a negative number upon failure.

3. Setting Up the Module Cleanup Routine 创建模块清理函数

The cleanup_module() function is responsible for unregistering the module and releasing the I/O range that we requested earlier:

parll.c-->parll_cleanup( )

Finally, we include the required init and cleanup entry points.

4. Inserting the Module 安装驱动模块

We can now insert our module into the kernel, as in the previous projects, by using

Looking at /var/log/messages shows us our init() routine output as before, but make specific note of the major number returned.

In previous projects, we simply inserted and removed our module from the kernel. We now need to associate our module with the filesystem with the mknod command. From the command line, enter the following:

The parameters:

*c. Create a character special file (as opposed to block)

*/dev/parll. The path to our device (for the open call)

*XXX. The major number returned at init time (from /var/log/messages)

*0. The minor number of our device (not used in this example)

For example, if you saw a major number of 254 in /var/log/messages, the command would look like this:

5. Application Code 应用程序代码

Here, we created a simple application that opens our module and starts a binary count on the D0 through D7 output pins.

Compile this code with gcc app.c. The executable output defaults to a.out:


Figure 5.5. Built Connector

本实验项目只是演示了编写一个字符设备驱动需要的主要元素。不过有了这个演示例子,你完全可以编写自己的字符设备驱动程序了。如果要为这个驱动添加中断处理,则必须在 init_module()内调用request_irq()并传递所需IRQ和中断处理函数的函数名。


Here are some suggested additions to the driver:

  • *Make parallel port module service-timer interrupts to poll input.
    • How can we multiplex 8 bits of I/O into 16, 32, 64? What is sacrificed?
    • Send a character out the serial port from the write routine within the module.
    • Add an interrupt routine by using the ack signal.
