
1:List 结构

typedef struct {
      gpointer data;
      GList *next;
      GList *prev;
    } GList;

GList* g_list_append (GList *list,
                                                             gpointer data);
    GList* g_list_prepend (GList *list,
                                                             gpointer data);
    GList* g_list_insert (GList *list,
                                                             gpointer data,
                                                             gint position);
    GList* g_list_insert_before (GList *list,
                                                             GList *sibling,
                                                             gpointer data);
    GList* g_list_insert_sorted (GList *list,
                                                             gpointer data,
                                                             GCompareFunc func);
    GList* g_list_remove (GList *list,
                                                             gconstpointer data);
    GList* g_list_remove_link (GList *list,
                                                             GList *llink);
    GList* g_list_delete_link (GList *list,
                                                             GList *link_);
    GList* g_list_remove_all (GList *list,
                                                             gconstpointer data);
    void g_list_free (GList *list);

    GList* g_list_alloc (void);
    void g_list_free_1 (GList *list);
    #define g_list_free1

    guint g_list_length (GList *list);
    GList* g_list_copy (GList *list);
    GList* g_list_reverse (GList *list);
    GList* g_list_sort (GList *list,
                                                             GCompareFunc compare_func);
    gint (*GCompareFunc) (gconstpointer a,
                                                             gconstpointer b);
    GList* g_list_insert_sorted_with_data (GList *list,
                                                             gpointer data,
                                                             GCompareDataFunc func,
                                                             gpointer user_data);
    GList* g_list_sort_with_data (GList *list,
                                                             GCompareDataFunc compare_func,
                                                             gpointer user_data);
    gint (*GCompareDataFunc) (gconstpointer a,
                                                             gconstpointer b,
                                                             gpointer user_data);
    GList* g_list_concat (GList *list1,
                                                             GList *list2);
    void g_list_foreach (GList *list,
                                                             GFunc func,
                                                             gpointer user_data);
    void (*GFunc) (gpointer data,
                                                             gpointer user_data);

    GList* g_list_first (GList *list);
    GList* g_list_last (GList *list);
    #define g_list_previous (list)
    #define g_list_next (list)
    GList* g_list_nth (GList *list,
                                                             guint n);
    gpointer g_list_nth_data (GList *list,
                                                             guint n);
    GList* g_list_nth_prev (GList *list,
                                                             guint n);

    GList* g_list_find (GList *list,
                                                             gconstpointer data);
    GList* g_list_find_custom (GList *list,
                                                             gconstpointer data,
                                                             GCompareFunc func);
    gint g_list_position (GList *list,
                                                             GList *llink);
    gint g_list_index (GList *list,
                                                             gconstpointer data);

#include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <glib.h>
    #include <glib/gprintf.h>

    static gint
    sort(gconstpointer p1, gconstpointer p2)
        gint32 a, b;
        a = GPOINTER_TO_INT(p1);
        b = GPOINTER_TO_INT(p2);

        return (a > b ? +1 : a == b ? 0 : -1);

    static gint
    sort_r(gconstpointer p1, gconstpointer p2)
        gint32 a, b;
        a = GPOINTER_TO_INT(p1);
        b = GPOINTER_TO_INT(p2);

        return (a < b ? +1 : a == b ? 0 : -1);

    static void
    print(gpointer p1, gpointer p2)
        g_printf("%d,", *(gint*)p1);

    static void
        GList *list = NULL;
        gint nums[10] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};

    // GList* g_list_append(GList *list, gpointer data);
        list = g_list_append(list, &nums[1]);
        g_printf("The first item should be '%d' now.\t\tResult: %d.\n", nums[1], *(gint*)list->data);
    // GList* g_list_prepend(GList *list, gpointer data);
        list = g_list_prepend(list, &nums[0]);
    // GList* g_list_first(GList *list);
        g_printf("The first item should be '%d' now.\t\tResult: %d.\n", nums[0], *(gint*)g_list_first(list)->data);
    // GList* g_list_insert(GList *list, gpointer data, gint position);
        list = g_list_insert(list, &nums[2], 2);
    // GList* g_list_last(GList *list);
        g_printf("The last item should be '%d' now.\t\tResult: %d.\n", nums[2], *(gint*)g_list_last(list)->data);
    // GList* g_list_insert_before(GList *list, GList *sibling, gpointer data);
        list = g_list_insert_before(list, NULL, &nums[3]);
        g_printf("The last item should be '%d' now.\t\tResult: %d.\n", nums[3], *(gint*)g_list_last(list)->data);
    // #define g_list_next (list)
        g_printf("The second item should be '%d' now.\t\tResult: %d.\n", nums[1], *(gint*)g_list_next(list)->data);
    // #define g_list_previous (list)
        g_printf("The first item should be '%d' now.\t\tResult: %d.\n", nums[0], *(gint*)g_list_previous(g_list_next(list))->data);
    // gint g_list_index(GList *list, gconstpointer data);
        g_printf("The index of '%d' should be '%d' now.\t\tResult: %d.\n", nums[2], 2, g_list_index(list, &nums[2]));
    // gint g_list_position(GList *list, GList *llink);
        g_printf("The position of the third item should be 2 now.\t\tResult: %d.\n", g_list_position(list, g_list_next(list)->next));
    // guint g_list_length(GList *list);
        g_printf("The length of list should be 4 now.\t\tResult: %d.\n", g_list_length(list));
        GList *lt = NULL;
        gint i;
    // GList* g_list_insert_sorted(GList *list, gpointer data, GCompareFunc func);
        for (i = 4; i < 10; i++)
            lt = g_list_insert_sorted(lt, &nums[i], sort_r);
    // GList* g_list_reverse(GList *list);
        lt = g_list_reverse(lt);
        g_printf("The second half of list should be sored now.\nResult:");
    // gpointer g_list_nth_data(GList *list, guint n);
        for (i = 4; i < 10; i++)
            g_printf("%d,",*(gint*)(g_list_nth_data(lt, i-4)));

    // GList* g_list_concat(GList *list1, GList *list2);
        list = g_list_concat(list, lt);
        g_printf("The list should have all items which should be sored now.\nResult:");
    // void g_list_foreach(GList *list, GFunc func, gpointer user_data);
        g_list_foreach(list, print, NULL);

    // GList* g_list_sort(GList *list, GCompareFunc compare_func);
        list = g_list_sort(list, sort_r);
        g_printf("The list should have all items which should be sored reversed now.\nResult:");
        g_list_foreach(list, print, NULL);

        GList *lb = NULL;
    // GList* g_list_copy(GList *list);
        lb = g_list_copy(list);
        g_printf("The backup list should have the same item and sequence now.\nResult:");
    // GList* g_list_nth(GList *list, guint n);
        for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            GList *ltmp = g_list_nth(lb, i);
            g_printf("%d,", *(gint*)ltmp->data);

    // GList* g_list_sort_with_data(GList *list, GCompareDataFunc compare_func, gpointer user_data);
        lb = g_list_sort_with_data(lb, (GCompareDataFunc)sort, NULL);
        g_printf("The backup list should have all items which should be sored now.\nResult:");
        g_list_foreach(lb, print, NULL);

        GList *lall = NULL;
        lall = g_list_concat(list, lb);
        g_printf("The concated list should have all items now.\nResult:");
        g_list_foreach(lall, print, NULL);

    // GList* g_list_remove(GList *list, gconstpointer data);
        lall = g_list_remove(lall, &nums[0]);
        g_printf("The list should have only one '%d' item now.\nResult:", nums[0]);
        g_list_foreach(lall, print, NULL);

    // GList* g_list_remove_all(GList *list, gconstpointer data);
        lall = g_list_remove_all(lall, &nums[9]);
        g_printf("The list should not have '%d' item now.\nResult:", nums[9]);
        g_list_foreach(lall, print, NULL);
        GList *ll = NULL;
    // GList* g_list_find(GList *list, gconstpointer data);
        g_printf("The list should find '%d' now.\t\tResutl: %d.\n", nums[0], (ll = g_list_find(lall, &nums[0])) ? *(gint*)ll->data : -1);
    // GList* g_list_find_custom(GList *list, gconstpointer data, GCompareFunc func);
        g_printf("The list should not find '%d' now.\t\tResutl: %d.\n", nums[9], (ll = g_list_find_custom(lall, &nums[9], sort)) ? *(gint*)ll->data : -1);

    // void g_list_free(GList *list);

        return 0;

gcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs glib-2.0` -Wall -O2 -o list list.c

    The first item should be '1' now. Result: 1.
    The first item should be '0' now. Result: 0.
    The last item should be '2' now. Result: 2.
    The last item should be '3' now. Result: 3.
    The second item should be '1' now. Result: 1.
    The first item should be '0' now. Result: 0.
    The index of '2' should be '2' now. Result: 2.
    The position of the third item should be 2 now. Result: 2.
    The length of list should be 4 now. Result: 4.
    The second half of list should be sored now.
    The list should have all items which should be sored now.
    The list should have all items which should be sored reversed now.
    The backup list should have the same item and sequence now.
    The backup list should have all items which should be sored now.
    The concated list should have all items now.
    The list should have only one '0' item now.
    The list should not have '9' item now.
    The list should find '0' now. Resutl: 0.
    The list should not find '9' now. Resutl: -1.

