[1] php=<?php\n$\n?> common=require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/include/common.inc.php"); dsql=\$dsql->$; [2] case=case $: $\n$ def=#define $\n$ default=default $: $\n$ dowhile=do\n{\n $\n}\nwhile ($);\n$ dowhiles=do\n $\nwhile ($);\n$ else=else\n{\n $\n}\n$ elseif=else if ($)\n{\n $\n}\n$ elseifs=else if ($)\n $\n$ elses=else\n $\n$ for=for ($;$;$)\n{\n $\n}\n$ fors=for ($;$;$)\n $\n$ func=$ $($)\n{\n $\n return $;\n}\n$ if=if ($)\n{\n $\n}\n$ ifelse=if ($)\n{\n $\n}\nelse\n{\n $\n}\n$ ifelses=if ($)\n{\n $\n}\nelse\n $\n$ ifs=if ($)\n $\n$ ifselse=if ($)\n $\nelse\n{\n $\n}\n$ ifselses=if ($)\n $\nelse\n $\n$ inc=#include <$>\n$ incl=#include "$"\n$ main=int main(int argc, char* argv[])\n{\n $\n}\n switch=switch ($)\n{\n $\n}\n$ while=while ($)\n{\n $\n}\n$ whiles=while ($)\n $\n$ [20] b=border:1px solid #$; bb=border-bottom:1px solid #$; bds=border:1px dashed #$; bdt=border:1px dotted #$; bi=background:url(../images/$.gif) no-repeat; bix=background:url(../images/$.gif) repeat-x; biy=background:url(../images/$.gif) repeat-x; bk=background:#$; bl=border-left:1px solid #$; bp=background-position:$; br=border-right:1px solid #$; bt=border-top:1px solid #$; bw=border-width:$px; c=color:#$; cl=clear:$; cm=/*$*/ cur=cursor:pointer; d=display:block; di=display:inline; ff=font-family:$; fl=float:left; fr=float:right; fs=font-style:normal; fsz=font-size:$px; fw=font-weight:bold; fwn=font-weight:normal; h=height:$px; i=!important; lh=line-height:$px; ls=list-style:normal; m=margin:$; mb=margin-bottom:$px; ml=margin-left:$px; mr=margin-right:$px; mt=margin-top:$px; ov=overflow:hidden; p=padding:$px; pb=padding-bottom:$px; pl=padding-left:$px; pr=padding-right:$px; psa=position:absolute; psr=position:relative; pt=padding-top:$px; ta=text-align:center; tar=text-align:right; td=text-decoration:underline; tdn=text-decoration:none; ti=text-indent:$px; vb=visibility:hidden; w=width:$px; [29] else=} else {\n $ foreach=foreach $ $ {\n $\n}\n$ if=if { $ } {\n $\n}\n$ ifelse=if { $ }\n $\n} else {\n $\n} proc=# $\nproc $ { $ } {\n $\n}\n$ regsub=regsub -all {$} "$" {$} $\n$ [3] case=case $: $\n$ class=class $ {\nprivate:\n $\nprotected:\n $\npublic:\n $\n};\n$ def=#define $\n$ default=default $: $\n$ dowhile=do\n{\n $\n}\nwhile ($);\n$ dowhiles=do\n $\nwhile ($);\n$ else=else\n{\n $\n}\n$ elseif=else if ($)\n{\n $\n}\n$ elseifs=else if ($)\n $\n$ elses=else\n $\n$ for=for ($;$;$)\n{\n $\n}\n$ fors=for ($;$;$)\n $\n$ func=$ $($)\n{\n $\n return $;\n}\n$ hclass=#ifndef $\n#define $\n\nclass $ {\nprivate:\n $\nprotected:\n $\npublic:\n $\n};\n\n#endif\n$ if=if ($)\n{\n $\n}\n$ ifelse=if ($)\n{\n $\n}\nelse\n{\n $\n}\n$ ifelses=if ($)\n{\n $\n}\nelse\n $\n$ ifs=if ($)\n $\n$ ifselse=if ($)\n $\nelse\n{\n $\n}\n$ ifselses=if ($)\n $\nelse\n $\n$ inc=#include <$>\n$ incl=#include "$"\n$ main=int main(int argc, char* argv[])\n{\n $\n}\n switch=switch ($)\n{\n $\n}\n$ while=while ($)\n{\n $\n}\n$ whiles=while ($)\n $\n$ [38] Ris=Rising_Edge ( $ )$ access=type $ is access $;\n$ alias=alias $ is $;\n$ archi=architecture $ of $ is\n$\nbegin\n$\nend $;\n$ array=type $ is\n array ( $ ) of $;\n$ assert=assert ( $ )\n report "$"\n sevrity $;\n$ block=$ : block $\nbegin\n $\nend block $;\n$ case=case $ is\n when $ =>\n $;\n when others =>\n $;\nend case;\n$ com=--\n-- $\n-- component=component $\n port (\n $\n );\nend component $;\n$ config=for $ : $\n use $\n $;\n$ constant=constant $: $;\n$ elsif=elsif ( $ ) then\n $; entity=entity $ is\n port (\n $\n );\nend $;\n$ enum=type $ is ( $, $ ); exit=exit $ when $;\n$ file=file $ : $ is $;\n$ for=$ : for $ in $ downto $ loop\n $;\nend loop $;\n$ function=function (\n $\n )return $ is\n $\nbegin\n $\nend $; functiond=function $ (\n $\n) return $;\n$ geneif=$ : if ( $ = $ ) generate\n $\nbegin\n $\nend generate $; generate=$ : for $ in $ downto $ generate\n $\nbegin\n $\nend generate $;\n$ generic=generic (\n $\n );\n$ genmap=generic map (\n $\n)\n$ group=group $ is ( $ );\n$ ieee=library ieee;\n use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;\n $ if=if ( $ ) then\n $;\n$end if;\n$ ifelse=if ( $ ) then\n $\nelse\n $\nend if;\n$ ifelsif=if ( $ ) then\n $\nelsif ( $ )\n $\nend if;\n$ loop=$ : loop\n $\nend loop;\n$ map=$ : $\n port map (\n $\n );\n$ mapgen=$ : $\n generic map (\n $\n )\n port map (\n $\n );\n$ next=$ : next $ when $;\n$ numeric=use ieee.numeric_std.all;\n$ pack=package $ is\n $\nend package $;\n\npackage body $ is\n $\nend package body $;\n$ port=port (\n $\n );\n$ procedure=procedure $ (\n $\n ) is\n$\nbegin\n $\nend procedure $;\n$ procedured=procedure $ (\n $\n);\n$ process=$ : process ( $ )\nbegin\n $\nend process $;\n$ proclk=$ : process ( $, $ )\n begin\n if ( $ = '$' ) then\n $ <= $;\n elsif( Rising_Edge( $ ) ) then\n $\n end if;\nend process $; protected=protected\n $\nend protected ; record=type $ is\n record\n $ : $ ;\nend record $;\n$ start=library ieee;\n use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;\n\nentity $ is\n port (\n $\n );\nend $;\n\narchitecture $ of $ is\n$\nbegin\n$\nend $;\n$ std=signal $ : std_logic$;\n$ stdpi=$ : in std_logic;\n$ stdpio=$ : inout std_logic;\n$ stdpo=$ : out std_logic;\n$ stdtextio=use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;\n$ stdv=signal $ : std_logic_vector( $ downto 0);\n$ stdvar=variable $ : std_logic;\n$ stdvpi=$ : in std_logic_vector( $ downto $);\n$ stdvpio=$ : inout std_logic_vector( $ downto $);\n$ stdvpo=$ : out std_logic_vector( $ downto $);\n$ stdvvar=variable $ : std_logic_vector( $ downto 0);\n$ subtype=subtype $ is $;\n$ textio=use std.textio.all;\n$ units=units\n $;\nend units;\n$ waitf=wait for $;\n$ waitu=wait until $;\n$ waituf=wait until $ for $;\n$ when=when $ =>\n $;$ whene=when ( $ ) else $; while=$ : while $ loop\n $;\nend loop;\n$ x=x"$"$ [8] a=<a href="#">$</a> arclist={dede:arclist flag='h' typeid='' row='' col='' titlelen='' infolen='' imgwidth='' imgheight='' listtype='' orderby='' keyword='' limit='0,1'} ask={dede:ask row='6' qtype='new' tid='0' titlelen='24'} at=<a href="#" target="_blank">$</a> b=<!--{begin $--> bd=<body>\n $\n</body> channel={dede:channel type='top' row='8' currentstyle="<li><a href='~typelink~' class='thisclass'>~typename~</a> </li>"} channelartlist={dede:channelartlist row=6}\n<dl>\n <dt><a href='{dede:field name='typeurl'/}'>{dede:field name='typename'/}</a></dt>\n <dd>\n {dede:arclist titlelen='42' row='10'} <ul class='autod'> \n <li><a href="[field:arcurl /]">[field:title /]</a></li>\n <li>([field:pubdate function="MyDate('m-d',@me)"/])</li>\n </ul>\n{/dede:arclist}\n</dl>\n{/dede:channelartlist} dd=<dd>$</dd> div=<div class="$">$</div> divid=<div id="$">$</div> dl=<dl>\n <dt>$</dt>\n <dd>$</dd>\n</dl> dt=<dt>$</dt> dtd=<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">\n<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">\n<head>\n <title>$</title>\n <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 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