innosetup 制作.net 2.0 安装包的模板
innosetup 制作.net 4.0 安装包的模板
innosetup 制作.net 2.0 安装包的模板 代码如下:
; 脚本由 Inno Setup 脚本向导 生成! ; 有关创建 Inno Setup 脚本文件的详细资料请查阅帮助文档! #define MyAppName "应用程序名称" #define MyAppVersion "1.0.0" #define MyAppPublisher " " #define MyAppURL "www.qq.com" #define MyAppExeName "MyApp.exe" #define IncludeFramework true #define IsExternal "" #define IsAdminLoggedOn true ;放置客户端文件的地方 #define SourceFileDir "D:\ClientApp\" [Setup] ; 注: AppId的值为单独标识该应用程序。 ; 不要为其他安装程序使用相同的AppId值。 ; (生成新的GUID,点击 工具|在IDE中生成GUID。) AppId={{D4CA6231-73B5-4FD9-99E9-2568C4C5A0D1} AppName={#MyAppName} AppVersion={#MyAppVersion} ;AppVerName={#MyAppName} {#MyAppVersion} AppPublisher={#MyAppPublisher} AppPublisherURL={#MyAppURL} AppSupportURL={#MyAppURL} AppUpdatesURL={#MyAppURL} DefaultDirName={pf}\{#MyAppName} DefaultGroupName={#MyAppName} ;如果用户选择的文件夹已经存在,是否提示 DirExistsWarning=no ;卸载程序所在的文件夹,将会与我们的程序存在于同一文件夹中 UninstallFilesDir={app} ;卸载程序所使用的图标 在添加删除程序中 UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\{#MyAppName} Compression=lzma SolidCompression=yes #if IncludeFramework OutputBaseFilename=setup_FW #else OutputBaseFilename=Setup #endif ;输出目录 OutputDir={#SourceFileDir}\setup ;是否在程序组中允许卸载 Uninstallable=yes UninstallDisplayName=卸载{#MyAppName} [Languages] Name: "chinesesimp"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl" [Tasks] Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; Flags: checkablealone; Name: "quicklaunchicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateQuickLaunchIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; Flags: unchecked [Files] ;Source: "{#SourceFileDir}\{#MyAppExeName}"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion {#IsExternal} ;创建子文件夹的示例 ;Source: "{#SourceFileDir}\a\mbs485.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\a"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs Source: "D:\ClientApp\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs #if IncludeFramework ;net Framework2.0放在另一个文件夹中 Source: "D:\DotnetFolder\dotnetfx.exe"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: ignoreversion {#IsExternal}; Check: NeedsFramework #endif ; 注意: 不要在任何共享系统文件上使用“Flags: ignoreversion” [Icons] Name: "{group}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}" ;WorkingDir: "{app}" ;桌面快捷方式 ;ico2.ico是在桌面显示快捷方式的图标 Name: "{commondesktop}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Tasks: desktopicon ;WorkingDir:"{app}"; IconFilename: "{app}\ico2.ico"; ; 快速启动 Name: "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Tasks: quicklaunchicon ;WorkingDir: "{app}" ;卸载 Name: "{group}\卸载{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}" [Registry] ;注册表中添加自启动 Root: HKLM; Subkey: "software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "MyStartKey"; ValueData: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName} /s"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue [Run] #if IncludeFramework ;加入 /passive 看看是否能单独安装此.net 框架 Filename: {tmp}\dotnetfx.exe; Parameters: "/q:a /c:""install /l /q"""; WorkingDir: {tmp}; Flags: skipifdoesntexist; StatusMsg: "正在安装程序运行所必须的.NET Framework2.0框架,大概需要2-5分钟,请稍后" #endif Filename: {win}\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CasPol.exe; Parameters: "-q -machine -remgroup ""{#MyAppName}"""; WorkingDir: {tmp}; Flags: skipifdoesntexist runhidden; StatusMsg: "设置程序访问权限..." Filename: {win}\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CasPol.exe; Parameters: "-q -machine -addgroup 1.2 -url ""file://{app}/*"" FullTrust -name ""{#MyAppName}"""; WorkingDir: {tmp}; Flags: skipifdoesntexist runhidden; StatusMsg: "设置程序访问权限..." Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,{#StringChange(MyAppName, '&', '&&')}}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent [UninstallRun] Filename: {win}\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CasPol.exe; Parameters: "-q -machine -remgroup ""MyAppName"""; Flags: skipifdoesntexist runhidden; [code] // Indicates whether .NET Framework 2.0 is installed. function IsDotNET20Detected(): boolean; var success: boolean; install: cardinal; begin success := RegQueryDWordValue(HKLM, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v2.0.50727', 'Install', install); Result := success and (install = 1); end; //RETURNS OPPOSITE OF IsDotNet20Detected FUNCTION //Remember this method from the Files section above function NeedsFramework(): Boolean; begin Result := (IsDotNET20Detected = false); end; //CHECKS TO SEE IF CLIENT MACHINE IS WINDOWS 95 function IsWin95 : boolean; begin Result := (InstallOnThisVersion('4.0,0', '4.1.1998,0') = irInstall); end; //CHECKS TO SEE IF CLIENT MACHINE IS WINDOWS NT4 function IsWinNT : boolean; begin Result := (InstallOnThisVersion('0,4.0.1381', '0,4.0.1381') = irInstall); end; //GETS VERSION OF IE INSTALLED ON CLIENT MACHINE function GetIEVersion : String; var IE_VER: String; begin {First check if Internet Explorer is installed} if RegQueryStringValue(HKLM,'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer','Version',IE_VER) then Result := IE_VER else {No Internet Explorer at all} result := ''; end; //GETS THE VERSION OF WINDOWS INSTALLER DLL function GetMSIVersion(): String; begin GetVersionNumbersString(GetSystemDir+'\msi.dll', Result); end; //LAUNCH DEFAULT BROWSER TO WINDOWS UPDATE WEBSITE procedure GoToWindowsUpdate; var ErrorCode: Integer; begin if (MsgBox('是否打开windows更新网站?' + chr(13) + chr(13) + '(Requires Internet Connection)' , mbConfirmation, MB_YESNO) = IDYES) then ShellExec('open', 'http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com','', '', SW_SHOW, ewNoWait, ErrorCode); end; //IF SETUP FINISHES WITH EXIT CODE OF 0, MEANING ALL WENT WELL //THEN CHECK FOR THE PRESENCE OF THE REGISTRY FLAG TO INDICATE THE //.NET FRAMEWORK WAS INSTALLED CORRECTLY //IT CAN FAIL WHEN CUST DOESN'T HAVE CORRECT WINDOWS INSTALLER VERSION function GetCustomSetupExitCode(): Integer; begin if (IsDotNET20Detected = false) then begin MsgBox('.NET Framework没有安装成功!',mbError, MB_OK); result := -1 end end; //启动的时候进行系统检查,检查系统环境是否符合安装 function InitializeSetup: Boolean; var Version: TWindowsVersion; IE_VER: String; MSI_VER: String; NL: Char; NL2: String; // ResultCode: integer; 用于在安装程序运行前执行某个程序 begin // if Exec(ExpandConstant('{win}\notepad.exe'), '', '', SW_SHOW, // ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode) then NL := Chr(13); NL2 := NL + NL; // Get Version of Windows from API Call GetWindowsVersionEx(Version); // On Windows 2000, check for SP3 if Version.NTPlatform and (Version.Major = 5) and (Version.Minor = 0) and (Version.ServicePackMajor < 3) then begin SuppressibleMsgBox('Win2000系统需要安装sp3补丁包.' + NL + '访问' + NL2 + ' *** http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com ***' + NL2 + '来获取补丁包,' + NL + '并安装', mbCriticalError, MB_OK, MB_OK); GoToWindowsUpdate; Result := False; Exit; end; // On Windows XP, check for SP2 if Version.NTPlatform and (Version.Major = 5) and (Version.Minor = 1) and (Version.ServicePackMajor < 2) then begin SuppressibleMsgBox('Winxp系统至少需要安装sp2补丁包' + NL + '访问' + NL2 + ' *** http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com ***' + NL2 + '来获取补丁包,' + NL + '并安装', mbCriticalError, MB_OK, MB_OK); GoToWindowsUpdate; Result := False; Exit; end; //IF WINDOWS 95 OR NT DON'T INSTALL if (IsWin95) or (IsWinNT) then begin SuppressibleMsgBox('本程序不能运行在win95或 Windows NT系统上.', mbCriticalError, MB_OK, MB_OK); Result := False; Exit; end; //CHECK MSI VER, NEEDS TO BE 3.0 ON ALL SUPPORTED SYSTEM EXCEPT 95/ME, WHICH NEEDS 2.0) MSI_VER := GetMSIVersion if ((Version.NTPlatform) and (MSI_VER < '3')) or ((Not Version.NTPlatform) and (MSI_VER < '2')) then begin SuppressibleMsgBox('您的windows系统需要更新.' + NL + '访问*** http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com *** 来获取更新,' + NL + 'and then reinstall this program', mbCriticalError, MB_OK, MB_OK); GoToWindowsUpdate; Result := False; Exit; end; //CHECK THE IE VERSION (NEEDS TO BE 5.01+) IE_VER := GetIEVersion; if IE_VER < '5.01' then begin if IE_VER = '' then begin MsgBox('需要IE为5.0或以上版本.' + NL2 + '您没有安装IE浏览器或者浏览器损坏' + NL + '请升级您的浏览器程序', mbInformation, MB_OK); end else begin MsgBox('需要IE为5.0或以上版本.' + NL2 + '您的IE版本为 ' + IE_VER + '.' + NL2 + '请升级您的浏览器程序.', mbInformation, MB_OK); end GoToWindowsUpdate; result := false; exit; end; //MAKE SURE USER HAS ADMIN RIGHTS BEFORE INSTALLING if IsAdminLoggedOn then begin result := true exit; end else begin MsgBox('您必须拥有管理员权限来执行此次操作.' + NL + '请使用管理员账户登录,' + NL + '然后重新运行此程序.', mbInformation, MB_OK); result := false; end end; end.
innosetup 制作.net 4.0 安装包的模板 代码如下:
; 脚本由 Inno Setup 脚本向导 生成! ; 有关创建 Inno Setup 脚本文件的详细资料请查阅帮助文档! #define MyAppName "应用程序" #define MyAppVersion "1.0.0" #define MyAppPublisher " " #define MyAppURL "www.qq.com" #define MyAppExeName "AppClient.exe" #define IncludeFramework true #define IsExternal "" #define IsAdminLoggedOn true ;ClientApp是客户端程序所在的文件夹 #define SourceFileDir "D:\ClientApp\" [Setup] ; 注: AppId的值为单独标识该应用程序。 ; 不要为其他安装程序使用相同的AppId值。 ; (生成新的GUID,点击 工具|在IDE中生成GUID。) AppId={{D74B494C-8E8D-46BD-B166-142678A51AF2} AppName={#MyAppName} AppVersion={#MyAppVersion} ;AppVerName={#MyAppName} {#MyAppVersion} AppPublisher={#MyAppPublisher} AppPublisherURL={#MyAppURL} AppSupportURL={#MyAppURL} AppUpdatesURL={#MyAppURL} DefaultDirName={pf}\{#MyAppName} DefaultGroupName={#MyAppName} ;如果用户选择的文件夹已经存在,是否提示 DirExistsWarning=no ;卸载程序所在的文件夹,将会与我们的程序存在于同一文件夹中 UninstallFilesDir={app} ;卸载程序所使用的图标 在添加删除程序中 UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\{#MyAppName} Compression=lzma SolidCompression=yes #if IncludeFramework OutputBaseFilename=setup_FW #else OutputBaseFilename=Setup #endif ;输出目录 OutputDir={#SourceFileDir}\setup ;是否在程序组中允许卸载 Uninstallable=yes UninstallDisplayName=卸载{#MyAppName} [Languages] Name: "chinesesimp"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl" [Tasks] Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; Flags: checkablealone; Name: "quicklaunchicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateQuickLaunchIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; Flags: unchecked [Files] Source: "D:\ClientV4\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs #if IncludeFramework ;把.net framework 4.0放在另一个文件件中 Source: "D:\NetFramework4\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: ignoreversion {#IsExternal}; Check: NeedsFramework #endif ; 注意: 不要在任何共享系统文件上使用“Flags: ignoreversion” [Icons] Name: "{group}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}" ;WorkingDir: "{app}" ;桌面快捷方式 ;ico2.ico是要在桌面显示的快捷方式的ico Name: "{commondesktop}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Tasks: desktopicon ;WorkingDir:"{app}"; IconFilename: "{app}\ico2.ico"; ;快速启动 Name: "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Tasks: quicklaunchicon ;WorkingDir: "{app}" ;卸载 Name: "{group}\卸载{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}" ;注册开机启动 暂时不启用 ;[Registry] ;注册表中添加自启动 ;Root: HKLM; Subkey: "software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "MyStartKey"; ValueData: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName} /s"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue [Run] #if IncludeFramework Filename: {tmp}\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe; Parameters: "/q:a /c:""install /l /q"""; WorkingDir: {tmp}; Flags: skipifdoesntexist; StatusMsg: "正在安装程序运行所必须的.NET Framework4.0框架,大概需要2-5分钟,请稍后" #endif Filename: {win}\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\CasPol.exe; Parameters: "-q -machine -remgroup ""{#MyAppName}"""; WorkingDir: {tmp}; Flags: skipifdoesntexist runhidden; StatusMsg: "设置程序访问权限..." Filename: {win}\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\CasPol.exe; Parameters: "-q -machine -addgroup 1.2 -url ""file://{app}/*"" FullTrust -name ""{#MyAppName}"""; WorkingDir: {tmp}; Flags: skipifdoesntexist runhidden; StatusMsg: "设置程序访问权限..." [UninstallRun] Filename: {win}\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\CasPol.exe; Parameters: "-q -machine -remgroup ""{#MyAppName}"""; Flags: skipifdoesntexist runhidden; [code] // Indicates whether .NET Framework 4.0 is installed. function IsDotNET40Detected(): boolean; var success: boolean; install: cardinal; begin success := RegQueryDWordValue(HKLM, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full', 'Install', install); Result := success and (install = 1); end; //RETURNS OPPOSITE OF IsDotNet20Detected FUNCTION //Remember this method from the Files section above function NeedsFramework(): Boolean; begin Result := (IsDotNET40Detected = false); end; function GetCustomSetupExitCode(): Integer; begin if (IsDotNET40Detected = false) then begin MsgBox('.NET Framework 未能正确安装!',mbError, MB_OK); result := -1 end end; //卸载程序 function InitializeUninstall(): Boolean; begin Result := MsgBox('卸载程序:' #13#13 '你真的要卸载该程序?', mbConfirmation, MB_YESNO) = idYes; //if Result = False then // MsgBox('InitializeUninstall:' #13#13 'Ok, bye bye.', mbInformation, MB_OK); end; procedure CurUninstallStepChanged(CurUninstallStep: TUninstallStep); var ErrorCode: Integer; begin case CurUninstallStep of usUninstall: begin //MsgBox('卸载程序:' #13#13 '正在卸载...', mbInformation, MB_OK) // ...insert code to perform pre-uninstall tasks here... end; usPostUninstall: begin //MsgBox('卸载程序:' #13#13 '卸载完成.', mbInformation, MB_OK); // ...insert code to perform post-uninstall tasks here... ShellExec('open', 'http://www.qq.cn', '', '', SW_SHOW, ewNoWait, ErrorCode) end; end; end;