Name triggered by ~
|BufNewFile| starting to edit a file that doesn't exist
|BufReadPre| starting to edit a new buffer, before reading the file
|BufRead| starting to edit a new buffer, after reading the file
|BufReadPost| starting to edit a new buffer, after reading the file
|BufReadCmd| before starting to edit a new buffer |Cmd-event|
|FileReadPre| before reading a file with a ":read" command
|FileReadPost| after reading a file with a ":read" command
|FileReadCmd| before reading a file with a ":read" command |Cmd-event|
|FilterReadPre| before reading a file from a filter command
|FilterReadPost| after reading a file from a filter command
|StdinReadPre| before reading from stdin into the buffer
|StdinReadPost| After reading from the stdin into the buffer
|BufWrite| starting to write the whole buffer to a file
|BufWritePre| starting to write the whole buffer to a file
|BufWritePost| after writing the whole buffer to a file
|BufWriteCmd| before writing the whole buffer to a file |Cmd-event|
|FileWritePre| starting to write part of a buffer to a file
|FileWritePost| after writing part of a buffer to a file
|FileWriteCmd| before writing part of a buffer to a file |Cmd-event|
|FileAppendPre| starting to append to a file
|FileAppendPost| after appending to a file
|FileAppendCmd| before appending to a file |Cmd-event|
|FilterWritePre| starting to write a file for a filter command or diff
|FilterWritePost| after writing a file for a filter command or diff
|BufAdd| just after adding a buffer to the buffer list
|BufCreate| just after adding a buffer to the buffer list
|BufDelete| before deleting a buffer from the buffer list
|BufWipeout| before completely deleting a buffer
|BufFilePre| before changing the name of the current buffer
|BufFilePost| after changing the name of the current buffer
|BufEnter| after entering a buffer
|BufLeave| before leaving to another buffer
|BufWinEnter| after a buffer is displayed in a window
|BufWinLeave| before a buffer is removed from a window
|BufUnload| before unloading a buffer
|BufHidden| just after a buffer has become hidden
|BufNew| just after creating a new buffer
|SwapExists| detected an existing swap file
|FileType| when the 'filetype' option has been set
|Syntax| when the 'syntax' option has been set
|EncodingChanged| after the 'encoding' option has been changed
|TermChanged| after the value of 'term' has changed
Startup and exit
|VimEnter| after doing all the startup stuff
|GUIEnter| after starting the GUI successfully
|TermResponse| after the terminal response to |t_RV| is received
|VimLeavePre| before exiting Vim, before writing the viminfo file
|VimLeave| before exiting Vim, after writing the viminfo file
|FileChangedShell| Vim notices that a file changed since editing started
|FileChangedShellPost| After handling a file changed since editing started
|FileChangedRO| before making the first change to a read-only file
|ShellCmdPost| after executing a shell command
|ShellFilterPost| after filtering with a shell command
|FuncUndefined| a user function is used but it isn't defined
|SpellFileMissing| a spell file is used but it can't be found
|SourcePre| before sourcing a Vim script
|SourceCmd| before sourcing a Vim script |Cmd-event|
|VimResized| after the Vim window size changed
|FocusGained| Vim got input focus
|FocusLost| Vim lost input focus
|CursorHold| the user doesn't press a key for a while
|CursorHoldI| the user doesn't press a key for a while in Insert mode
|CursorMoved| the cursor was moved in Normal mode
|CursorMovedI| the cursor was moved in Insert mode
|WinEnter| after entering another window
|WinLeave| before leaving a window
|TabEnter| after entering another tab page
|TabLeave| before leaving a tab page
|CmdwinEnter| after entering the command-line window
|CmdwinLeave| before leaving the command-line window
|InsertEnter| starting Insert mode
|InsertChange| when typing <Insert> while in Insert or Replace mode
|InsertLeave| when leaving Insert mode
|InsertCharPre| when a character was typed in Insert mode, before
inserting it
|ColorScheme| after loading a color scheme
|RemoteReply| a reply from a server Vim was received
|QuickFixCmdPre| before a quickfix command is run
|QuickFixCmdPost| after a quickfix command is run
|SessionLoadPost| after loading a session file
|MenuPopup| just before showing the popup menu
|User| to be used in combination with ":doautocmd"