1. Two ingredients of Graph:
a) vertices A.K.A. nodes (V)
b) edges = pairs of vertices (E)
can be undirected or directed A.K.A arcs
2. Definition of Cuts of Graphs:
A cut of Graph ( V, E) is a partition of V into two non-empty sets A and B.
The crossing edges of a cut (A, B) are those edges with:
a) one endpoint in each of (A, B) for undirected graph
b) tail in A, head in B for directed graph
3. Definition of the Minimum Cut Problem:
Input : an undirected graph G = (V, E) , parallel edges (multiple edges for the same node pair are allowed
Output : a cut with fewest number of crossing edges.
4. Applications for Min-Cut problem:
a) Identify network bottlenecks / weaknesses
b) Community detection in social networks
c) Image segmentation
5. Let n = # of vertices and m = # of edges.
In most applications, m is Ω(n) and O(n^2).
-- in a "Sparse Graph", m is O(n) or close to it.
-- in a "Dense Graph", m is Θ(n^2) or close to it.
6. The Ajacency Matrix :
Represent G by a nXn 0-1 matrix A, where Aij = 1 <==> G has an i-j edge
a) Aij = # of i-j edges (if parallel edges allowed)
b) Aij = weight of i-j edge ( if any)
c) Aij = +1, if i --> j ; -1 if j --> i ;
Takes Θ(n^2) spaces.
7. The Ajacency Lists:
a) array ( or list ) of vertices
b) array ( or list ) of edges
c) each edge points to its endpoints
d) each vertex points to edges incident on it
Takes Θ(n+m) = Θ (max{n, m}) spaces.
8. Random Contraction Algorithm:
While there are more than 2 vertices :
a) pick a remaining edge (u, v) uniformly at random
b) merge ( or contract ) u and v into a single vertex
c) remove self-loops
Return cut represented by final 2 vertices.
9. Fix a graph G = (V, E) with n vertices , m edges.
Fix a minimum cut (A,B), ( there can be multiple minum cuts, here we fix the specific one)
Let k = # of edges crossing (A, B)
Let F = crossing edges of cut (A, B)
a) Suppose an edge of F is contracted at some point => algorithm will not output (A, B)
b) Suppose only edges inside A or inside B get contracted => algorithm will output (A, B)
So, P[ output is (A, B) ] = P[ never contracts an edge of F]
Let Si = event that an edge of F contracted in iteration i.
Goal : compute P[ !S1 and !S2 and ...and !Sn-2]
degree ( # of incident edges ) of each vertex is at least k. (otherwise # of crosing edges of min-cut <k)
Sum {degree(v) } = 2m >= kn , m >= kn/2
So for the first iteration, P[S1] = k/m <= 2/n. P[!S1] >= 1-2/n
P[!S1 and !S2] = P[!S1] P[!S2 | !S1] >= (1-2/n) ( 1- k/ # of remaining edges)
In the second iterfation, still degree(v) >= k , so Sum{degree(v)} = 2 * # remaining edges >= 2 (n-1)
So P[!S1 and !S2] >= (1-2/n) * (1- 2/(n-1) );
So P[ never contracts an edge of F]>= ( 1- 2/n ) * ( 1- 2/(n-1) ) * ... * ( 1- 2/(n-(n-3) ) ) (total n-2 iteration)
= (n-2)/n * (n-3)/(n-1) * (n-4) /(n-2) * ... * 2/4 * 1/3
= 2/(n * (n-1) ) >= 2/n^2
10. Run the random contraction algorithm a large number N times. Let Ti = event that the Min-Cut (A, B) is found on the ith try. By definition different Ti are independent.
So P[ all N trials failed] = P [ !T1 and !T2 and ... !TN] = P[!T1] * P[!T2] * ... * P[!TN] <= (1-1/n^2)^N
Since, for any real number x, 1+x <= e^x
let N= n^2 , P[ all N trails failed] <= e^(-N* 1/n^2) = 1/e
let N = n^2* lnn , P[ all N trails failed] <= 1/n
Each contraction algorithm takes O(m) (need to check each edges) and at most n^2 or n^2 * lnn times.
11. A tree with n vertices has n-1 min cuts.
12. What's the largest number of min cuts that a graph with n vertices can have?
Lower bound : n verices that forms a cycle. Each pair of the n edges defines a distinct min cut ( with two crossing edges) . so it has n * (n-1) / 2 min cuts.
Upper bound : Let (A1, B1) , (A2, B2), ... (At, Bt) be the min cuts of a Graph with n vertices. By random contraction algorithm, we know that P[ output = (Ai, Bi) ] >= 2/(n (n-1) ).
So Sum(i = 1, 2, ..., t) { P[output = (Ai, Bi)] } >= 2t/( n(n-1) ) <= 1 , so t <= n(n-1) /2