using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace CSJob1 { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { decimal benjin, toal; double rate, time; try { benjin = Convert.ToDecimal(capitalBox.Text); rate = Convert.ToDouble(rateBox.Text); time = Convert.ToDouble(timeBox.Text); } catch (Exception ) { MessageBox .Show ("输入数据不正确,请检查!"); capitalBox.Clear(); rateBox .Clear (); timeBox .Clear (); return; } if (benjin < 0 || rate < 0 || time < 0) { MessageBox.Show("输入数据应该为正数,请检查!"); capitalBox.Clear(); rateBox .Clear (); timeBox .Clear (); return; } if (simple.Checked) { toal = benjin + benjin * (decimal)((rate / 100) * time); showBox.Text = Convert.ToString(toal); } else { toal = benjin * (decimal)Math.Pow(1 + rate / 100, time); showBox.Text = Convert.ToString(toal); } } private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { capitalBox.Clear(); rateBox .Clear (); timeBox .Clear (); showBox.Clear(); } private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); } //在Form里先选中KeyPreview设置为true private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.C) count.PerformClick(); //如果按下ctrl+C键,则点击计算按钮 if (e.KeyCode == Keys.R) reset.PerformClick();if (e.KeyCode == Keys.E) exist.PerformClick();
} } }
Assignment 1
Deadline: 10 Oct., 2012
1. To be familiar with the Visual C# / Visual Studio environment
2. To design a simple graphical user interface
3. To perform some simple calculations using Visual C#
In this assignment, your task is to use Visual C# to develop a GUI-based interest calculator. You have to design the user interface. Your program has to:
· Ask the user to select either simple interest or compound interest
· Ask the user to enter the principal
o You can assume that the user’s input has already been rounded to the nearest dollar. Example: 1340
· Ask the user to enter the interest rate per year
o For example, if the user enters 3.5, the user means 3.5% p.a.
· Ask the user to enter the loan period in years
o You can assume that the loan period is a whole number
Example: 15
· Include three buttons:
o The “Calculate” button (Hotkey: C)
§ When the user clicks this button or presses the corresponding hotkey, the program will output the total amount (principal + total interest) in an appropriate location. You can assume that all the required fields have been filled before the user presses this button.
o The “Reset” button (Hotkey: R)
§ When the user clicks this button or presses the corresponding hotkey, all the user inputs will be cleared (or set to the default value).
o The “Exit” button (Hotkey: E)
§ When the user clicks this button or presses the corresponding hotkey, the program terminates.
Note: One can press Alt+Hotkey to click a button.
In addition, you can assume that the user inputs are always valid.
Let A, P, r, and t be the total amount, the principal, the interest rate (p.a.), and the number of years respectively. The formula for calculating the simple interest is shown as follows:
The formula for calculating the compound interest is shown as follows:
Assessment Scheme
· Correctness 80%
· User interface design 10%
o E.g. clarity, convenience
· Program readability 10%
o E.g. comments, indentation, meaningful variable names
Testing Platform
We will test your program in the following platform:
· Windows XP
· Visual C# 2008/2010 Express
If you develop your project in other platforms, please DO test it in the platform mentioned above in the lab before submitting it.