javaeetutorial6 学习笔记 -the web tier



    web application 刚开始看我就又有了深刻的理解了。。。。之前只是硬编码,回想起来那时候真是。。。。接下来的这段话应该把javaee技术都概括进来了.

    In the Java EE platform, web componentsprovide the dynamic extension capabilities for a web server. Web components can be Java servlets, web pages implemented with JavaServer Faces technology, web service endpoints, or JSP pages.Figure 3–1illustrates the interaction between a web client and a web application that uses a servlet. The client sends an HTTP request to the web server. A web server that implements Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technology converts the request into an HTTPServletRequest object. This object is delivered to a web component, which can interact with JavaBeans components or a database to generate dynamic content. The web component can then generate an HTTPServletResponseor can pass the request to another web component. A web component eventually generates a HTTPServletResponseobject. The web server converts this object to an HTTP response and returns it to the client.



    我的英文也不好  ,没办法  ,只有学。还有一点我想说,千万不要觉得自己不行,我问过很多人,也是从被人教育的阶段过来的,一点要记住,就是持之以恒,第一遍看不懂就看第二遍第三遍,直到懂,如果你这样坚持下去,那么你绝对是高手。


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