物流行业 EDI 电子数据交换 应用



810 Invoice
Functional Group=IN

This Draft Standard for Trial Use contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Invoice Transaction Set (810) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set can be used to provide for customary and established business and industry practice relative to the billing for goods and services provided.

Pos Id Segment Name Req Max Use Repeat Notes Usage
010 ST Transaction Set Header M 1 Must use
020 BIG Beginning Segment for Invoice M 1 Must use
030 NTE Note/Special Instruction O 100 Optional
040 CUR Currency O 1 Used
LOOP ID - N1 200
070 N1 Name O 1 Used
080 N2 Additional Name Information Used
090 N3 Address Information O 2 Used
100 N4 Geographic Location O 1 Used
130 ITD Terms of Sales/Deferred Terms of Sales O >1 Optional

Pos Id Segment Name Req Max Use Repeat Notes Usage
LOOP ID - IT1 200000
010 IT1 Baseline Item Data (Invoice) M 1 Must Use
LOOP ID - PID 1000
060 PID Product/Item Description O 1 Used

Pos Id Segment Name Req Max Use Repeat Notes Usage
010 TDS Total Monetary Value Summary M 1 Must use
020 TXI Tax Information M 10 Used
040 SAC Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Information M 1 Used
070 CTT Transaction Totals O 1 N3/070 Used
080 SE Transaction Set Trailer M 1 Must use

3/070 Number of line items (CTT01) is the accumulation of the number of IT1 segments. If used, hash total (CTT02) is the sum of the value of quantities invoiced (IT102) for each IT1 segment.

ST Transaction Set Header Pos: 010
Max: 1

Heading - Mandatory

Loop: N/A
Elements: 2

User Option (Usage): Must use

To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage
ST01 143 Transaction Set Identifier Code
Description: Code uniquely identifying a Transaction Set
All valid standard codes are used. M ID 3/3 Must use
ST02 329 Transaction Set Control Number
Description: Identifying control number that must be unique within the transaction set functional group assigned by the originator for a transaction set M AN 4/9 Must use

1. The transaction set identifier (ST01) used by the translation routines of the interchange partners to select the appropriate transaction set definition (e.g., 810 selects the Invoice Transaction Set).

BIG Beginning Segment for Invoice Pos: 020
Max: 1

Heading - Mandatory

Loop: N/A
Elements: 7

User Option (Usage): Must use

To indicate the beginning of an invoice transaction set and transmit identifying numbers and dates

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage
BIG01 373 Date
Description: Date expressed as CCYYMMDD M DT 8/8 Must use
BIG02 76 Invoice Number
Description: Identifying number assigned by issuer M AN 1/22 Must use
BIG03 373 Date
Description: Date expressed as CCYYMMDD O DT 8/8 Used
BIG04 324 Purchase Order Number
Description: Identifying number for Purchase Order assigned by the orderer/purchaser M AN 1/22 Must use
BIG05 328 Release Number
Description: Packing Slip Number M AN 1/30 Used
BIG06 327 Change Order Sequence Number
Description: Number assigned by the orderer identifying a specific change or revision to a previously transmitted transaction set O AN 1/8 Not used
BIG07 640 Transaction Type Code
Description:    AP Debit Inv =  DI
                         AP Credit Inv = CI
                         Material credit Inv = MC O ID 2/2 Used

1. BIG01 is the invoice issue date.
2. BIG03 is the date assigned by the purchaser to purchase order.

1. BIG07 is used only to further define the type of invoice when needed.

NTE Notes/Special Instructions Pos: 030
Max: 1

Heading - Optional

Loop: N/A
Elements: 7

User Option (Usage): Optional

To transmit information in a free-form format, if necessary, for comment or special instruction

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage
NTE01 363 Note Reference code
Description: GEN = General message M DT 3/3
Must use
NTE02 352 Description M AN 1/80 Must use

CUR Currency Pos: 040
Max: 1

Heading - Optional

Loop: N/A
Elements: 2

User Option (Usage): Used

To specify the currency (dollars, pounds, francs, etc.) used in a transaction

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage
CUR01 98 Entity Identifier Code
Description: Code identifying an organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individual
Seller: SE M ID 2/3 Must use
CUR02 100 Currency Code
Description: Code (Standard ISO) for country in whose currency the charges are specified M ID 3/3 Must use
