Chapter 3 Fundamental Programming Structures in Java[CJ 8e NOTE]




StringBuilder, a class that can be used to build a long string from many pieces, which is more efficient than concatentation. StringBuilder should used in a single thread.Instead, StringBuffer allows mutiple threads to operate.


java.util.Scanner in = new Scanner(; cons = System.console();

String username = cons.readline("User name: ");

char[] passwd = cons.readPassword("Password: "); //Security issue


Formatting Output

    System.out.printf(), similar with printf() method from C


Array Copying

    int[] arrayA = arrayB; //both variables refer to the same array

    int[] arrayA = Arrays.copyOf(arrayB, arrayB.length); //copy all values of arrayB to a new array arrayA

    System.arraycopy(fromArray, fromIndex, toArray, toIndex, count); //the toArray must have suffient space to hold the copied elements


Array Sorting

    Arrays.sort(array); //this method used a tuned version of QS
