Are there any website like Craigslist

There are many. Here are top three:, created by Village Voice Media, allows you to post ads for sale items, jobs and housing. However, Back page also has subcategories in areas such as "Music" that allow people to post promotional information about bands or artists. Backpage accepts posts that are often considered too risky or outlandish for Craigslist.


Ebay Classifieds was formerly known as Kijiji, which means "village" in Swahili. The site provides online classified-ad services for the U.S., Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and Australia. Ebay Classifieds differs from Craigslist because the "Community" section provides subcategories that include "Activity Partner" for finding others with similar leisure-activity interests and "Carpool/Rideshare." is an online classified-ad site for people in the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, Canada, India and nearly 2500 cities all over the word with more than 550 categories. However, goes one step further by allowing buyers and sellers to negotiate on the site before agreeing to a sale. This allows people to get the best deal without 
