vriger 添加新的字段 需要操作 vtiger_field 表

Fields in modules are controlled by the vtiger_field table - the field must exist in the appropriate database table, and there must be a record in vtiger_field that describes the field.

vtiger_field looks like (V5.2):


Field Type Null Key Default
tabid int(19) NO MUL  
fieldid int(19) NO PRI NULL
columnname varchar(30) NO    
tablename varchar(50) NO    
generatedtype int(19) NO   0
uitype varchar(30) NO    
fieldname varchar(50) NO MUL  
fieldlabel varchar(50) NO    
readonly int(1) NO    
presence int(19) NO   1
selected int(1) NO    
maximumlength int(19) YES   NULL
sequence int(19) YES   NULL
block int(19) YES MUL NULL
displaytype int(19) YES MUL NULL
typeofdata varchar(100) YES   NULL
quickcreate int(10) NO   1
quickcreatesequence int(19) YES   NULL
info_type varchar(20) YES   NULL
masseditable int(10) NO   1
helpinfo text YES   NULL

Allowed field values are:


Field Description Allowed Values
tabid ID number of the module (from vtiger_tab) INT, tabid types
fieldid ID of field; generated by getUniqueID("vtiger_field"). Normally obtained at installation. INT
columnname Name of the column in its table any
tablename Name of the table that stores field any table
generatedtype Specifies type of field in module whether 1='Exisiting' or 2='User Defined' 1,2
uitype Handles what widget displays field Ui types
fieldname The vTiger name of the field  ??
fieldlabel The label name of the field vTiger will look for fieldlabel as a key in the the $mod_strings array stored at modules/ModuleName/language/<language prefix>.lang.php
readonly 0=true(ro) 1=false(rw) BOOLEAN
presence Describes the nature of the field. 0=A system field (should always be present), 1=Field should be hidden and not displayed, 2=A normal-use field. 0, 1 or 2
selected  ??  ??
maximumlength  ??  ??
sequence The display order of your field in your block. Number (1,2,3...)
block Block id (from Vtiger blocks) where the field will appear INT
displaytype Indicates if field will be displayed on Create/Edit & Detail View. 1=displayed on all views, 2=displayed only in detail view (but not in edit), 3=field will not come separately, it will come along with other field, 4= only in the createview. it will not come other views(detailview & editview) 1,2,3,4
typeofdata X~Y, where X is the type of data V for varchar, N for numbers etc and Y stands for (O)ptional or (M)andatory INV...~OM
quickcreate if field appears or not on quickcreate field 0/1
quickcreatesequence sequence of field in quick create screen number
info_type 'BAS' field is displayed in Basic Information, 'ADV' field is displayed in More information BAS or ADV
masseditable If field is shown and can be changed via the Mass edit dialogue 0/1
helpinfo Tooltip text for the field text

To insert this record into vtiger_field, you have to write an insert query for each field of the form:


$this->db->query("insert into vtiger_field values ( <tabid>,

For example take some field XYZ, for block 51, tab 20 the code is:

$this->db->query("insert into vtiger_field values(20,

or if you just want to inset this SQL straight in to your database, it would look something like this.

insert into vtiger_field values(20,

This must be done once during the installation of the corresponding module. If the module is to be bundled with a new installation you can add the inserts into the 'modules/Users/DefaultDataPopulator.php' file under //Blockn (where n is the appropriate block number) and they will automatically be executed during step 5 of the installation process.

你可能感兴趣的:(vriger 添加新的字段 需要操作 vtiger_field 表)