Punix: TI-92+ 图形计算器上的类Unix操作系统

“ Punix是一个基于Motorola M68000的TI (自TI-92+开始)的图形计算器上的类Unix操作系统。它当前尚处开发当中,暂不适合大面积使用。目前正在编写内核,用户空间工具和应用程序将随其后。”......真了不起。

Punix: TI-92+ 图形计算器上的类Unix操作系统_第1张图片

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Punix: Unix-like operating system for the TI-92+ graphing calculator
posted by Thom Holwerda on Sat 7th Apr 2012 23:37 UTC
" Punix is a Unix-like operating system for the Motorola M68000-based TI graphing calculators, starting with the TI-92+. It is currently under development and is not ready for widespread use yet. So far the kernel is being written, and user-space utilities and applications will follow." ...amazing.   

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