
某人(你知道是谁(说不定是国外的砖家!——译者注))预言,甲骨文-谷歌一战,将是谷歌和Android的世界末日。好的!结果,雷声大雨点小。甲骨文的损失索赔最开始是白痴的60亿美元—— 而最后的索赔不到1亿美元。甲骨文的此次的专利垂钓,成了一场空前绝后的失败!

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Oracle's final damage claim less than $100 million
posted by Thom Holwerda on Tue 20th Mar 2012 23:00 UTC
Some people (you know who) predicted the Oracle-Google lawsuit would spell doom for Google and Android. Well, turns out this was all a huge fuss over nothing. Oracle's damages claim started at an idiotic $6 billion - but the final claim is less than $100 million. Oracle's patent trolling is turning into a huge failure of epic proportions.   
