配置管理小报100119:cvs [update aborted]: cannot rename file _new_test.doc to test.doc: Permission denied

l 使用CVS中的常见故障

Ø         现象:        作者:唐××(tanghongshan@××.cn)

cvs update -P -d -C -- test.doc (in directory D:workspacetest3)(Locally modified test.doc moved to .#test.doc.1.1)U test.doc

cvs [update aborted]: cannot rename file _new_test.doc to test.doc: Permission denied


***** CVS exited normally with code 1 ***** 


1.        经查,本地“test.doc”修改后未关闭

2.        先关闭“test.doc”文件,再进行相关操作则正常

3.        此类错误提示主要是针对存储格式为二进制(binary)的文件。

你可能感兴趣的:(配置管理小报100119:cvs [update aborted]: cannot rename file _new_test.doc to test.doc: Permission denied)