黑莓PlayBook OS v1.0.7发布

BlackBerry PlayBook OS v1.0.7 Released
黑莓PlayBook OS v1.0.7发布
posted by fran on Tue 19th Jul 2011 20:43 UTC
发表于:2011年7月20日 北京时间04:43

BlackBerry Tablet OS v1.0.7 is released today. New features and enhancements include: more flexibility around where and how you save attachments for viewing and editing, ZIP attachment support, portrait support in pictures app, pinch to zoom in video app and additional languages support.
黑莓平板电脑OS v1.0.7今日发布。新特性和增强包括:围绕何地与如何保存用于查看与编辑的附件等更大的灵活性;ZIP附件支持;图片应用中的肖像(portrait)支持;视频应用中的挤压变焦;以及额外的语言支持。

黑莓PlayBook OS v1.0.7发布_第1张图片

英文原文: http://www.osnews.com/story/24967/BlackBerry_PlayBook_OS_v1_0_7_Released
译文原文: http://www.linux-ren.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=61972&forum=72
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