WMF 文件格式:
typedef struct _PlaceableMetaHeader
DWORD Key; /* 固定大小以相反顺序出现 9AC6CDD7h */
WORD Handle; /* Metafile HANDLE number (always 0) */
SHORT Left; /* Left coordinate in metafile units */
SHORT Top; /* Top coordinate in metafile units */
SHORT Right; /* Right coordinate in metafile units */
SHORT Bottom; /* Bottom coordinate in metafile units */
WORD Inch; /* Number of metafile units per inch */
DWORD Reserved; /* Reserved (always 0) */
WORD Checksum; /* Checksum value for previous 10 WORDs */
紧接文件缩放信息的是 WMFHEAD, 0x12字节
typedef struct _WindowsMetaHeader
WORD FileType; /* Type of metafile (0=memory, 1=disk) */
WORD HeaderSize; /* Size of header in WORDS (always 9) */
WORD Version; /* Version of Microsoft Windows used */
DWORD FileSize; /* Total size of the metafile in WORDs */
WORD NumOfObjects; /* Number of objects in the file */
DWORD MaxRecordSize; /* The size of largest record in WORDs */
WORD NumOfParams; /* Not Used (always 0) */
typedef struct _StandardMetaRecord
DWORD Size; /* Total size of the record in WORDs */
WORD Function; /* Function number (defined in WINDOWS.H) */
WORD Parameters[]; /* Parameter values passed to function */
每一个record中储存的是Windows GDI绘图函数的代码及每个函数对应的参数.这样的
Record Name Function Number
AbortDoc 0x0052
Arc 0x0817
Chord 0x0830
DeleteObject 0x01f0
Ellipse 0x0418
typedef struct _PlaceableMetaHeader
DWORD Key; /* Magic number (always 9AC6CDD7h) */
WORD Handle; /* Metafile HANDLE number (always 0) */
SHORT Left; /* Left coordinate in metafile units */
SHORT Top; /* Top coordinate in metafile units */
SHORT Right; /* Right coordinate in metafile units */
SHORT Bottom; /* Bottom coordinate in metafile units */
WORD Inch; /* Number of metafile units per inch */
DWORD Reserved; /* Reserved (always 0) */
WORD Checksum; /* Checksum value for previous 10 WORDs */
d7 cd c6 9a(这是规定的信息)
00 00(这是保留信息)
91 00 bf f3 c8 02 a7 f5(这是图元文件的最左端与最右端坐标信息)
20 01(记录了每英寸的逻辑单位数)
00 00 00 00 (保留字段)
70 52(文件校验位) ,校验代码如下:
* 判断此文件是否为活动式wmf文件
* @param path
* @throws IOException
private byte[] opinionHead(String path) throws IOException {
FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(path);
// 对头22个字节进行判断
byte bf[] = new byte[22];
fs.close();// 关闭文件流
System.out.println((bf[0] & 0xff) + "\t" + (bf[1] & 0xff) + "\t"
+ (bf[2] & 0xff) + "\t" + (bf[3] & 0xff));
// 对开始的四个字节进行校验
if (((bf[0] & 0xff) != 215) || ((bf[1] & 0xff) != 205)
|| ((bf[2] & 0xff) != 198) || ((bf[3] & 0xff) != 154)) {
bf = null;
throw new IOException("此文件不为活动式wmf文件.....");
// 验证文件校验位
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i += 2) {
if (i == 0) {
index = (((int) bf[i + 1] & 0xff) << 8) | ((int) bf[i] & 0xff);
} else if (i < 19) {
index ^= (((int) bf[i + 1] & 0xff) << 8) | ((int) bf[i] & 0xff);
if (index != ((((int) bf[21] & 0xff) << 8) | ((int) bf[20] & 0xff))) {
bf = null;
throw new IOException("此wmf文件已损坏!");
return bf;
typedef struct _WindowsMetaHeader
WORD FileType; /* Type of metafile (0=memory, 1=disk) */
WORD HeaderSize; /* Size of header in WORDS (always 9) */
WORD Version; /* Version of Microsoft Windows used */
DWORD FileSize; /* Total size of the metafile in WORDs */
WORD NumOfObjects; /* Number of objects in the file */
DWORD MaxRecordSize; /* The size of largest record in WORDs */
WORD NumOfParams; /* Not Used (always 0) */
01 00(当为0的时候表示此文件只存在于内存,当为1的时候表示此文件是以文件形式存在的)
09 00(是一个固定值,表示文件头的大小总是9个字大小,即18个字节)
00 03(使用的windows版本号一般是windows 3系列)
4d 00 00 00 (文件大小以字为单位不包含 文件缩放信息的22字节)
02 00(Number of objects in the file )
0f 00 00 00(此文件的最大记录数)
00 00(保留位)
typedef struct _StandardMetaRecord
DWORD Size; /* Total size of the record in WORDs */
WORD Function; /* Function number (defined in WINDOWS.H) */
WORD Parameters[]; /* Parameter values passed to function */
可知第一个记录的大小为: 04 00 00 00(即8字节大小)
对应函数的十六进制为01 03
函数参数为 00 08
第二个记录的大小为:05 00 00 00
对应函数的十六进制为:02 0b
函数参数为:f3 bf,00 91
依此类推,关于windows gdi函数与十六进制的对应关系,由于一些原因,本人只收集了一部分,希望有这方面资料的高手能贴上来,供大家分享。
AbortDoc 0x0052
Arc 0x0817
Chord 0x0830
DeleteObject 0x01f0
Ellipse 0x0418
EndDoc 0x005E
EndPage 0x0050
ExcludeClipRect 0x0415
ExtFloodFill 0x0548
FillRegion 0x0228
FloodFill 0x0419
FrameRegion 0x0429
IntersectClipRect 0x0416
InvertRegion 0x012A
LineTo 0x0213
MoveTo 0x0214
OffsetClipRgn 0x0220
OffsetViewportOrg 0x0211
OffsetWindowOrg 0x020F
PaintRegion 0x012B
PatBlt 0x061D
Pie 0x081A
RealizePalette 0x0035
Rectangle 0x041B
ResetDc 0x014C
ResizePalette 0x0139
RestoreDC 0x0127
RoundRect 0x061C
SaveDC 0x001E
ScaleViewportExt 0x0412
ScaleWindowExt 0x0410
SelectClipRegion 0x012C
SelectObject 0x012D
SelectPalette 0x0234
SetTextAlign 0x012E
SetBkColor 0x0201
SetBkMode 0x0102
SetDibToDev 0x0d33
SetMapMode 0x0103
SetMapperFlags 0x0231
SetPalEntries 0x0037
SetPixel 0x041F
SetPolyFillMode 0x0106
SetRelabs 0x0105
SetROP2 0x0104
SetStretchBltMode 0x0107
SetTextAlign 0x012E
SetTextCharExtra 0x0108
SetTextColor 0x0209
SetTextJustification 0x020A
SetViewportExt 0x020E
SetViewportOrg 0x020D
SetWindowExt 0x020C
SetWindowOrg 0x020B
StartDoc 0x014D
StartPage 0x004F
xViewport = (xWindow - xWinOrg)*xViewExt/xWinExt + xViewOrg
yViewport = (yWindow - yWinOrg)*yViewExt/yWinExt + yViewOrg
此文件的逻辑坐标为(在windows gdi函数中设置逻辑坐标的函数十六进制为020b):(0091,f3bf);对应上面公式的(xWindow ,yWindow )
此文件的逻辑横纵轴的长度为(在windows gdi函数中设置逻辑坐标系横纵轴的函数十六进制为020c):(0237,01e8); 对应上面公式的(xWinOrg,yWinOrg)
本文出自 “陈砚羲” 博客,转载请与作者联系!