microsoft * has't been installed for currentus

遇到个怪问题,有一个帐户有管理员权限的运行office任何软件都提示当前用户没有安装微软产品microsoft word has't been  installed for current user,但别的用户就可以正常运行.多方查证,很多人有这个问题啊,解决方法也很多,不过都没搞定我的。总结一下,当然了,重装时试过的。office 2003-07都是这个状况。

1,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ right click and select permissions
Give full control permissions to everyone;Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Software | Microsoft | Office, and give the same permissions to the key,还有人提示在可以运行的用户帐号下导出这个两个键值,然后导入到那个不能运行的帐户中。

2,C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Data\
If you are running Office 2003, right-click Opa11.dat, and then click
Properties. If you are running Office XP, right-click Data.dat, and then
click Properties.
Click the Security tab.
Click Advanced.
Click the Permissions tab.
Click to select Everyone in the Permission entries list, and then click Edit.
Click to select the Full Control check box.
Click OK three times.
If these steps do not resolve this issue, delete the Opa11.dat file or the
Data.dat file from the following folder, and then restart an Office 2003
program or an Office XP program
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Data 这个方法是针对Opa11.dat这个文件进行的。

3,The file that is causing this error is MSO.DLL located at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11 for Office 2003 and C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE12 for Office 2007. Somehow Microsoft has updated this file to give you this error message when it detects a pirated copy of Office that is installed on your computer. When you try to run a repair or even uninstallation, the setup wouldn’t touch the MSO.DLL file at all. That is why after repairing / uninstallation, you’ll still get the same error.这个是提倡置换MSO.DLL这个文件。



对于这种文件如果需要使用到 RunAs 的功能,可以新建一个空的快捷方式,在快捷方式向导对话框中键入项目的位置为 runas /savecred /usr:administrator "command line to the real application" 即可。其中 /usr: 后面的 administrator 表示以 administrator 用户身份运行程序;command line to the real application 填写实际程序的执行命令; /savecred 参数将自动保存输入的密码,这样在下一次运行快捷方式的时候就不需要再输入密码(该参数在 XP Home Edition 版本中无效),如果不希望系统保存密码去掉该参数即可。



