1.在controler中的processRequest 的方法中调用
am.invokeMethod("initDetails", parameters);
当然要调用invokeMethod方法先要OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);来实例化am.
initDetails是写在AM的java 文件的中的一个方法,parameters可以用pageContext.getParameters 方法得到你想要的任何参数.
2.在AM的java文件中写一个initDetails方法函数,来调用VO中的方法.如:initQuery(String XXXX);
import java.util.Vector
Initialize and execute the query
public void initQuery(String name, String onHold, String number)
StringBuffer whereClause = new StringBuffer(100);
Vector parameters = new Vector(3);
int clauseCount = 0;
int bindCount = 0;
setWhereClauseParams(null); // Always reset
if ((name != null) && (!("".equals(name.trim())))) { whereClause.append(" NAME like :"); whereClause.append(++bindCount); parameters.addElement(name + "%"); clauseCount++; }
if ((number != null) && (!(""Equals(number.trim())))) { Number supplierId = null; // SUPPLIER_ID is a NUMBER; datatypes should always // match, and the parameter passed to this method is a // String. try { supplierId = new Number(number); } catch(Exception e) {} if (clauseCount > 0) { whereClause.append(" AND "); } whereClause.append(" SUPPLIER_ID = :"); whereClause.append(++bindCount); parameters.addElement(supplierId); clauseCount++; }
if ((onHold != null) && (!(""Equals(onHold.trim())))) { if (clauseCount > 0) { whereClause.append(" AND "); } whereClause.append(" ON_HOLD_FLAG = :"); whereClause.append(++bindCount); parameters.addElement("Y"); clauseCount++; }
if (bindCount > 0) { Object[] params = new Object[bindCount]; // the copyInto() is 1.1.8 compliant which, as of 4/02/03, is required by ARU parameters.copyInto(params); setWhereClauseParams(params); } executeQuery();
} // end initQuery( )
Genterate an Application Module Interface
If you want to generate an application module interface
so you can invoke typed methods directly
(with compile-time checking) instead of calling
invokeMethod(), you must first create the methods
that you want to expose to the client. Then:
- In the JDeveloper Navigator, select the application module
- that you just created, right-click and select Edit <appmodule_name>....
- In the Application Module Wizard, select Client Methods.
- Select the methods you want to be able to invoke remotely in the
- Available list and shuttle them to the Selected list.
- Select OK to create your interface.