Spokesmen, How to make the Cosmetic legend(6)

DHC is also a rising rapidly recent years, the Company has personified brands are superior.
DHC, Spokesmen for the appointment of men
Spokesmen for the appointment of women, this is a very reasonable traditional ideas and very persuasive. But the real purpose of spokesmen is to advocate for the personality linked to brands.
DHC is the first in Japanese market share in the beauty brand, in Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong markets are very popular. Member of DHC is total of four million. Since the appointment of men such as Jay Chou and Rain, DHC won wide acclaim.
Jay Chou
Jay Chou made a song for the DHC hotline as DHC spokesmen and played it impromptu in the publicity.

DHC used Jay Chou as spokesmen for the purpose, is the hope that this trend and the simple pursuit of the natural character be established as a part of DHC personification.
In the second advertising of Jay, he played a DHC delivery boy, in heavy rain he will send to the actress home products, as impressed by his thoughtful and sincere, the pet and warm displayed by a woman happy smile.

Performing the trend by use music; caring advertising bring out the love of a woman was happy personality; Simple layout and a soft atmosphere, demonstrated the natural style. These characters become a part of DHC’s personality.

Rain is a winner who got a six newcomers Award and popular in South Korea, is also cyworld’s spokesmen. Innocent, fashionable dress, and the informal character details, a gentle inner side, natural charm appear.

In the DHC advertisement, choice of the simple natural background, soft colors and lighting.
Particularly Rain concentrate on doing mask for the model, with the model regular exchange of sweet and warm smile.
Female model show that the feeling of happiness. "Favor me, understand me " -- that is, to love a woman is to understand her, a woman's most happy when there was a know her and understand her men around her.

DHC matching

Shop: blue and white, simple relaxed, the background music is the theme song of Jay’s.
Service: efficient delivery of services and beauty magazine, customer service is almost perfect.
Every one brand of cosmetics is doing well? No, let us look at the case of the failure.
Next section...We will talk about FANCL.......

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