
一、 相关名词解释
SPAM 英文称垃圾邮件为SpamSpam原指一种用猪肉做的午餐肉罐头,如今的意思来源于一部讽刺剧。在这部戏中,有一场讲的是有对夫妻俩去餐馆就餐,妻子不想吃Spam,她坚持想点些别的,可是在餐馆里有一大群人,高声地唱着赞美"Spam"的歌,他们越唱越响,很快在这出戏里所能听到的唯一单词就是"Spam"了。从此人们将泛滥成灾、喧宾夺主、剥夺他人选择权利的行为称为Spam。随着国际互联网的普及,该单词又成了垃圾邮件的专用名词。
Anti-spam 即反垃圾邮件。
CBL 中国垃圾邮件黑名单是我们采集并分析整理的当前的垃圾邮件源,该地址属于恶意或无意的垃圾邮件来源,来自它的邮件属于垃圾邮件的可能性极大。CBL主要面向中国国内的垃圾邮件情况,所甄选的黑名单地址也以国内的垃圾邮件反馈情况为主。可以说,CBL比国外的一些RBL服务器更适合中国国情。
CDL 中国动态地址列表是我们收集统计得到的中国国内(包括台湾省)的动态分配的地址。按照Internet的惯例,这些动态分配的地址(包括普通拨号、ADSL/ISDN拨号、宽带动态接入等)通常只用于为用户提供一个Internet的接入功能,并不作为直接的邮件服务器提供邮件的收发功能。而另一方面,随着接入成本的降低,国内越来越多的垃圾邮件发送者采用动态地址拨入的方式来发送垃圾邮件,这种方式既成本低又能较好的避免封杀和追查。所以,我们认为,通过对邮件来源是否是动态地址的判断,可以有效的减少垃圾邮件的数量。
RBL 实时黑名单(Real-time Blackhole List,简称RBL)技术,实时黑名单实际上是一个可供查询的IP地址列表,通过DNS的查询方式来查找一个IP地址的A记录是否存在来判断其是否被列入了该实时黑名单中。举例来说,比如如果要判断一个地址 11.22.33 .44是否被列入了黑名单,那么使用黑名单服务的软件会发出一个DNS查询到黑名单服务器(如cbl.anti-spam.org.cn),该查询是这样的:查找 是否存在A记录?如果该地址被列入了黑名单,那么服务器会返回一个有效地址的答案。按照惯例,这个地址是127.0.0.0/8内的地址如127.0.0.2(之所以使用这个地址是因为127/8这个地址段被保留用于打环测试,除了127.0.0.1用于打环地址,其它的地址都可以被用来做这个使用,比如有时候还用127.0.0.3等。)。如果没有列入黑名单,那么查询会得到一个否定回答(NXDOMAIN)。这是目前在黑名单技术上最流行的。
二、 为什么要进行Anti-spam名单申请remove即申诉工作
>> <[email protected]>, remote server said: 550 your IP listed on DSBL.ORG see [url]http://dsbl.org[/url]
<[email protected]>, remote server said: 554 Access denied from See [url]http://www.us.sorbs.net[/url] for more information
1、  如果反垃圾邮件联盟的黑名单收录的是单个IP地址,申诉工作较容易成功,如果是一整个IP字址段,单靠自己是无法进行申诉工作的,需要ISP提供商来帮你做申诉工作,不过成功机率甚微。
2、  FIVETENSRCTQM这些组织是不授理来自中国(PRC)的申诉请求的,原因很多,说得最多的就是“中国似乎不关心垃圾邮件的泛滥”,可能也是某国出于国际政治和一些安全因素的考量,诸如此类的联盟还是挺多的。
3、  基本上每个联盟组织都有多个黑名单列表,分布在不同的网站上,但使用的是同一个数据库,比如DSBL这个组织。
4、  邮件服务器地址的反向域名解析很重要,因为很多申诉过程中会检查你IPPRC记录,如果记录不存在,申诉工作都会失败。

接下来: 输入服务器IP地址

How do hosts get removed from DSBL?

The removal of a host from DSBL is done using the following procedure: (以下为申诉工作的步骤)
1.  Somebody requests that the host is removed from DSBL.
2.  DSBL sends a confirmation email to the administrator of the host in question. dsbl 将发送一封确认邮件到你的管理员邮箱里)
3.  The server administrator confirms that the server should be removed from DSBL by clicking the link in the email. (在收到的邮件里点击链接确认清除)
4.  24-25 hours later, DSBL removes the server from the list. (大约 24-25 小时后, dsbl 将从黑名单去除你申请的服务器)
Note that DSBL does not verify whether the server has been secured or not, the fact that the server's administrator is made aware of the fact that there is (or was) a problem should mean the problem gets fixed. If it doesn't get fixed the next spam run will probably trigger a test by one of the other DSBL testers and will get the server listed again.

DSBL: Send Removal ConfirmationDSBL发送确认信到你的管理员信箱)

Please confirm that:
1.   You are an administrator for the IP address
2.   You have investigated and solved the problem that caused your listing.
3.   You have tested that you can receive mail at postmaster@domain from the outside world.
If you have not met these requirements, do not continue: DSBL only sends one removal confirmation per-IP every 7 days. Sending one to an address that does not work will introduce delays in your delisting. Removing an address that is not fixed is likely to result in near-immediate relisting as spam begins to flow to testers from your IP again.

DSBL: Send Removal Confirmation(确认信已发送)

Confirmation email sent. Please follow the instructions in the email to complete the removal of your IP.
Message Report:
    111111111111 accepted message.
Remote host said: 250 ok message accepted for delivery
③到管理 收取邮件,点击链接确认请求后,出现如下信息:

DSBL: Confirm Removal

The IP 111 111 111 111 has been scheduled for removal. It will be removed in 24-25 hours if it does not send any more messages to the DSBL listing address in that time.


DSBL: Listing Data

If you're not sure why you were referred to this webpage, please read this page first.


IP not listed by DSBL.


2005/Mar/15 04:37:36 UTC          Listed in Unconfirmed (view message)
2005/Mar/15 04:37:36 UTC            Listed in Singlehop (view message)
2007/Mar/02 03:55:09 UTC      Removal Confirmation Sent EMail address: postmaster@domain    
Requestor IP:请求IP地址
Message Report: 111111111111 信息报告
accepted message.                                                           Remote host said: 250 ok message accepted for delivery
2007/Mar/02 03:57:38 UTC              Removal Requested Requestor IP: 请求IP地址
2007/Mar/03 04:02:48 UTC              Removed(移除成功)

Messages from this host

2005/Mar/15  04:37:36 UTC (view message) smtp

Support emails about this host      

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