


  1995年,SUN公司和好莱坞准备开展一个技术交流会,皆以宣传公司的产品。James Gosling带着他的系统来到了技术交流会。但他不能用OAK这个名字了。OAK已经被一家半导体公司注册了,并且主册了好多领域,只能换名。James Gosling四处观望寻找灵感,他看到了一个泡咖啡的杯子,杯子上印着Java,James Gosling就把这种语言改名为Java。
  Java命名来源于开发人员名字的组合:James Gosling、Arthur Van Hoff和Andy Bechtolsheim首字母的缩写。
  关于Java命名的由来,James Gosling是曾经这样回答过Jonathan Schwartz,原文如下:
  From: James Gosling
  Date: August 24, 2007 8:16:58 PM PDT
  To: Jonathan Schwartz
  Subject: How was Java named?
  The story goes like this:
  We needed a name. We had been using "oak" (which was selected essentially randomly by me), and while the team had grown attached to it, the trademark lawyers ruled it out. We had lots of email debates about names, but nothing got resolved. We ended up in the awkward position where the #1 thing stopping us from shipping was the name.
  Our marketing lead knew someone who was a "naming consultant" (I don't remember his name, but he was great). We could neither afford the price nor the time of a conventional product naming process. He agreed to do something rather odd, but effective and quick: he acted as a facilitator at a meeting where about a dozen of us locked ourselves in a room for an afternoon. He started asking us questions like "How does this thing make you feel?" (Excited!) "What else makes you feel that way?" (Java!) We ended up with a board covered with essentially random words. Then he put us through a sorting process where we ended up with a ranking of the names. We ended up with a dozen name candidates and sent them off to the lawyers: they worked down the list until they hit one that cleared their search. "Java" was the fourth name on the list. The first name on the list was "Silk", which I hated but everyone else liked. My favorite was "Lyric", the third one on the list, but it didn't pass the lawyers test. I don't remember what the other candidate names where.
  So, who named Java? Marketing organized the meeting, the consultant ran it, and a whole pile of us did a lot of yelling out of random words. I'm honestly not real sure who said "Java" first, but I'm pretty sure it was Mark Opperman.
  There certainly wasn't any brilliant marketing mind who went through a coherent thought process.
  为什么命名Java呢?市场部组织了一个会议,顾问提名,我们全体人员喊出随机的词语。说实话,我真的不确定谁最先说“Java”,但是我有很有把握说这人是Mark Opperman。
