RH133 Unit 8 Network Configuration

Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to:
- configure IP interfaces
- setup routes
- understand name resolution
- setup IPv6
Network Interfaces
1) Networking scripts refer to logical interface names:
- Enthernet: eth0, eth1 …
- Dial-up: ppp0, ppp1 …
- Loopback: lo
2) Display network interfaces by using:
- ifconfig �Ca
- ip link [show]
Driver Selection
1) All drivers for network interface cards built as modules
2) /etc/modprobe.conf maps logical names to specific modules:
alias eth0 3c59x
3) Secondary “card selection” can be specified in the interface configuration file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
HWADDR= 00:0D:60:FB:CA:61
Speed and Duplex Settings
1) Modules are configured to autonegontiate, by default
2) Mismatched can cause intermittent to no communication
3) Manually override using:
- ethtool
- ETHTOOL_OPTS in ifcfg-ethX
- options or install in /etc/modprobe.conf for older interface modules
IPv4 Addresses
1) View configuration with:
- ifconfig
- ip addr [show]
Dynamic IPv4 Configuration
1) Interface configuration defined in:
- /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX
- Dynamic with line of: BOOTPROTO=dhcp
2) Zero Configuration Networking
- Uses
- Disabled with line of: NOZEROCONF=yes in /etc/sysconfig/network-syscripts/ifcfg-ethX
3) Use ifdown device; ifup device to apply configuration changes
Static IPv4 Configuration
1) Interface configuration defined in: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX
2) Static with lines of:
Device Aliases
1) Useful for virtual hosting
2) Bind multiple IP addresses to a single NIC
3) Create a separate interface configuration file for each device alias:
Must use static networking
Routing Table
1) Defines path to all system
2) View table with:
- route
- netstat �Cr
- ip route [show]
Default Gateway
1) Used when no route entry is matched
2) Might be obtained dynamically with DHCP
3) Can be statically configured:
- With a line of: GATEWAY =
- Globally in: /etc/sysconfig/network
- OR, per interface in the interface configuration file: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethx
Configurating Routes
1) To control traffice flow when there is more than one router
2) Static routes defined per interface
- /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-ethX
- Uses ip route add syntax
3) Dynamic routes learned via daemon(s)
- quagga
- Support for various forms of RIP, OSPF, and BGP
Verify IP Connectivity
1) Ping
- Network packet loss and latency mesurement tool
2) traceroute
- Display network path to the destination
3) mtr
Defining the Local Host Name
1) View/Set local hostname with hostname
2) Initially defined in /etc/sysconfig/network:
- HOSTNAME= stationX.example.com
3) Might “pull” name from network
- dhcpclient daemon
- "Reverser DNS lookup”
Local Resolver
1) Resolver performs forward and reverse lookups
2) /etc/hosts
- Local database of hostname to IP address mappings
- Useful for small isolated networks
- Normally, checked before DNS
Remote Resolvers
1) /etc/resolv.conf
- Domains to search
- Strict order of name servers to use
- May be updated by dhclient
2) /etc/nsswitch.conf
- Precedence of DNS versus /etc/hosts
Verify DNS Connectivity
1) Verify name servers using:
- nslookup (deprecated)
- host
- dig
Network Configuration Utilities
1) system-config-network
- system-config-network-gui
- system-config-network-gui
2) Profile Selection
- system-config-network-cmd
- netprofile kernel argument
Transparent Dynamic Configuration
- NetworkManager service
- nm-applet
Implementing IPv6
1) Kernel ipv6 module enables stateless autoconfiguration
2) Additional configuration implemented by /etc/rc.d/init.d/network initialization script
- NETWORKING_IPV6=yes in /tec/sysconfig/network
- IPV6INIT=yes in /etc/sysconfig/netowrk-script/ifcfg-ethX
IPV6: Dynamic Interface Configuration
1) Two ways to dynamically configure IPv6 addresses:
Router Advertisement Daemon
- Runs on (Linux) Default Gateway �C radvd
- Only specifies prefix and default gateway
- Enabled with IPV6_AUTOCONF=yes
- Interface ID automatically generated based on the MAC address of the system
2) DHCP version 6
- dhcp6s supports# more configuration options
- Enabled with DHCPV6C=yes
IPv6: StaticInterface Configuration
1) /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX
- IPV6ADDR=<ipv6_address>[/prefix_length]
- Device aliases unnecessary…
- IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES=<ipv6_address>[/prefix_length][…]
IPv6: Routing Configuration
1) Default Gateway
- Dynamically from radvd or hhcpv6s
- Manually specified in /etc/sysconfig/network
   IPV6_DEFAULTGW=<IPv6_address [%interface]>
   IPv6_DEFAULTDEV=<interface> �Conly valid on point-to-point interfaces
2) Static Routes
- Defined per interface in
   use ip �C6 route add syntax
   <ipv6_network/prefix> via <ipv6_routeraddress>
New and Modified Utilities
1) ping6
2) traceroute6
3) tracepath6
4) ip �C6
5) host �Ct AAAA hostname6.domain6
End of Unit8
1) Questions and Answers
2) Summary
- Where are drivers linked to specific interfaces?
- Where is a static IP address defined?
- Where is the default route set?
- Where is the list of nameservers stored?
