Communicator & Lync Lync Sign-In Troubleshooting Tool (Version 3)

A major upgrade is now available to my popular OCS and Lync Sign-In Troubleshooting Tool. This is a small free tool to help troubleshoot client-side Communicator and Lync sign-in issues (see The OCS 2007 Automatic Sign-In Troubleshooting Tool V2.0 for more information on previous releases).

In addition to several bug fixes, Version 3 of the tool now supports remotely retrieving certificate information from the TLS port on the OCS or Lync server where the client will connect (based on the matching returned DNS records). This will be a major help when trying to debug sign-in issues.

You can read more about the tool and download it here:

Here is a screenshot of the main screen:


Here is a screen shot of the certificate information that is retrieved remotely, including the Common Name (CN), Subject Name, Issuer, Certificate Authority, Expiry Date, Creation Date, and Subject Alternative Names (SANs):


Thanks to all the users who have reported bugs. Retrieving the installed version of Lync or Communicator now works on x64 along with a few other issues.
