Hadoop 安装 教程

  1. 安装前的准备工作
    1. Java JDK 1.6.x
    2. ssh 以及 sshd。保证各个服务器之前的免密码访问
  2. Hadoop下载:http://labs.renren.com/apache-mirror//hadoop/core/hadoop-0.21.0/hadoop-0.21.0.tar.gz
  3. 这个包需要在hadoop集群的所有服务器上下载并解压缩
  4. 我们计划将整个集群安装在4台服务器上。服务器名字分别为myna[5-8].其中myna5为Namenode, myna6为TaskTracker,myna[5-6]即为master,其余两台myna[7-8]为slaver。
  5. 配置这四台服务器的环境变量
  6. export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/bin/java
    export HADOOP_HOME=~/hadoop-0.21.0
  7. 配置myna5(NameNode)和myna6(TaskTracker):
    1. ~/hadoop-0.21.0/conf/core-site.xml:
    2. < property >
           < name >fs.default.name </ name >
           < value >hdfs://myna5:54320 </ value >
           < description >The name of the default file system.    A URI whose
          scheme and authority determine the FileSystem implementation.    The
          uri's scheme determines the config property (fs.SCHEME.impl) naming
          the FileSystem implementation class.    The uri's authority is used to
          determine the host, port, etc. for a filesystem. </ description >
      </ property >

    3. ~/hadoop-0.21.0/conf/hdfs-site.xml:
    4. < property >
           < name >hadoop.tmp.dir </ name >
           < value >/home/hrj/hadooptmp/hadoop-${user.name} </ value >
           < description >A base for other temporary directories. </ description >
      </ property >
      < property >
               < name >dfs.upgrade.permission </ name >
               < value >777 </ value >
      </ property >

      < property >
               < name >dfs.umask </ name >
               < value >022 </ value >
      </ property>

    5. ~/hadoop-0.21.0/conf/mapred-site.xml:
    6. < property >
           < name >mapred.job.tracker </ name >
           < value >myna6:54321 </ value >
           < description >The host and port that the MapReduce job tracker runs
          at.    If "local", then jobs are run in-process as a single map
          and reduce task.
           </ description >
      </ property >
      < property >
           < name >mapred.compress.map.output </ name >
           < value >true </ value >
           < description >Should the outputs of the maps be compressed before being
                                   sent across the network. Uses SequenceFile compression.
           </ description >
      </ property >
      < property >
               < name >mapred.child.java.opts </ name >
               < value >-Xmx1024m </ value >
      </ property >

    7. 只需要配置myna5的masters
    8. myna6

    9. 配置myna5和myna6的slavers
    10. myna7

  8. 配置myna7和myna8(Slavers)
    1. ~/hadoop-0.21.0/conf/core-site.xml:
    2. < property >
               < name >fs.default.name </ name >
               < value >hdfs://myna5:54320 </ value >
               < description >The name of the default file system.        A URI whose
              scheme and authority determine the FileSystem implementation.        The
              uri's scheme determines the config property (fs.SCHEME.impl) naming
              the FileSystem implementation class.        The uri's authority is used to
              determine the host, port, etc. for a filesystem. </ description >
      </ property >

    3. ~/hadoop-0.21.0/conf/hdfs-site.xml:
    4. < property >
               < name >hadoop.tmp.dir </ name >
               < value >/disk/hadooptmp/hadoop-${user.name} </ value >
      </ property >
      < property >
               < name >dfs.data.dir </ name >
               < value >/home/hadoopdata,/disk/hadoopdata </ value >
      </ property >
      < property >
               < name >dfs.upgrade.permission </ name >
               < value >777 </ value >
      </ property >
      < property >
               < name >dfs.umask </ name >
               < value >022 </ value >
      </ property>
    5. ~/hadoop-0.21.0/conf/mapred-site.xml:
    6. < property >
           < name >mapred.job.tracker </ name >
           < value >myna6:54321 </ value >
           < description >The host and port that the MapReduce job tracker runs
          at.    If "local", then jobs are run in-process as a single map
          and reduce task.
           </ description >
      </ property >
      < property >
           < name >mapred.compress.map.output </ name >
           < value >true </ value >
           < description >Should the outputs of the maps be compressed before being
                                   sent across the network. Uses SequenceFile compression.
           </ description >
      </ property >
      < property >
               < name >mapred.child.java.opts </ name >
               < value >-Xmx1024m </ value >
      </ property >
      < property >
               < name >mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum </ name >
               < value >4 </ value >
           </ property >
           < property >
               < name >mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum </ name >
               < value >2 </ value >
           </ property >

  9. 编辑myna[5-8]的~/hadoop-0.21.0/conf/hadoop-env.sh,,添加JAVA_HOME环境变量
  10. export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/bin/java
  11. 至此,Hadoop cluster配置完成。启动Hadoop:
    1. 在myna5上启动HDFS
    2. hrj$ ~/hadoop-0.21.0/bin/hadoop namenode -format  
      hrj$ ~/hadoop-0.21.0/bin/start-dfs.sh

    3. 在myna6上启动MapRed
    4. hrj$ ~/hadoop-0.21.0/bin/start-mapred.sh

  12. 启动HDFS后,你可以通过前端页面访问:
    1. 访问HDFS:http://myna5:50070
    2. 访问MapRed:http://myna6:50030

更加详细的安装帮助及参数配置信息,请大家访问英文官方网 http://hadoop.apache.org/common/docs/r0.21.0/cluster_setup.html
