我们以WeakHashMap的处理过程为例介绍一个weak reference的生命周期,首先我们调用WeakHashMap的put方法放入对象到Map中,WeakHashMap的Entry继承了WeakReference
- private static class Entry<K,V> extends WeakReference<K> implements Map.Entry<K,V> {
- private V value;
- private final int hash;
- private Entry<K,V> next;
- Entry<K,V> e = tab[i];
- tab[i] = new Entry<K,V>(k, value, queue, h, e);
- if (++size >= threshold)
- resize(tab.length * 2);
- return null;
- }
注意new Entry传递了一个reference queue到构造函数中,此构造函数最终会调用Reference的构造函数
- Reference(T referent, ReferenceQueue<? super T> queue) {
- this.referent = referent;
- this.queue = (queue == null) ? ReferenceQueue.NULL : queue;
- }
referent是我们之前传入的hashmap的key对象,queue的作用是用来读取referent被回收的weak reference,生产者是谁后续介绍,此时WeakHashMap中已经存在了一个对象,先将key对象的strong ref制空并尝试触发gc,比如使用System.gc()来显式的触发gc,然后调用WeakHashMap的size方法返回集合的个数,绝大多数情况下会是0,这个过程中发生了什么呢?
第一步,key没有可达的strong ref,仅仅存在一个weak reference的referent变量仍然指向了key,触发GC时,以openjdk6的parNew为例,jvm在young generation gc时会尝试获取Reference对象里的静态全局锁
- /* Object used to synchronize with the garbage collector. The collector
- * must acquire this lock at the beginning of each collection cycle. It is
- * therefore critical that any code holding this lock complete as quickly
- * as possible, allocate no new objects, and avoid calling user code.
- */
- static private class Lock { };
- private static Lock lock = new Lock();
- void instanceRefKlass::acquire_pending_list_lock(BasicLock *pending_list_basic_lock) {
- // we may enter this with pending exception set
- PRESERVE_EXCEPTION_MARK; // exceptions are never thrown, needed for TRAPS argument
- Handle h_lock(THREAD, java_lang_ref_Reference::pending_list_lock());
- ObjectSynchronizer::fast_enter(h_lock, pending_list_basic_lock, false, THREAD);
- assert(ObjectSynchronizer::current_thread_holds_lock(
- JavaThread::current(), h_lock),
- "Locking should have succeeded");
- }
此处代码在parNew gc时执行,目的就是尝试获取全局锁,在gc完成后,jvm会将key被回收的weak reference组成一个queue并赋值到Reference的pending属性然后释放锁,参考方法:
- void instanceRefKlass::release_and_notify_pending_list_lock(
- BasicLock *pending_list_basic_lock) {
- // we may enter this with pending exception set
- PRESERVE_EXCEPTION_MARK; // exceptions are never thrown, needed for TRAPS argument
- //
- Handle h_lock(THREAD, java_lang_ref_Reference::pending_list_lock());
- assert(ObjectSynchronizer::current_thread_holds_lock(
- JavaThread::current(), h_lock),
- "Lock should be held");
- // Notify waiters on pending lists lock if there is any reference.
- if (java_lang_ref_Reference::pending_list() != NULL) {
- ObjectSynchronizer::notifyall(h_lock, THREAD);
- }
- ObjectSynchronizer::fast_exit(h_lock(), pending_list_basic_lock, THREAD);
- }
- /* List of References waiting to be enqueued. The collector adds
- * References to this list, while the Reference-handler thread removes
- * them. This list is protected by the above lock object.
- */
- private static Reference pending = null;
- public void run() {
- for (;;) {
- Reference r;
- synchronized (lock) {
- if (pending != null) {
- r = pending;
- Reference rn = r.next;
- pending = (rn == r) ? null : rn;
- r.next = r;
- } else {
- try {
- lock.wait();
- } catch (InterruptedException x) { }
- continue;
- }
- }
- // Fast path for cleaners
- if (r instanceof Cleaner) {
- ((Cleaner)r).clean();
- continue;
- }
- ReferenceQueue q = r.queue;
- if (q != ReferenceQueue.NULL) q.enqueue(r);
- }
- }
- }
一旦jvm notify了前面提到的锁,这个线程就被激活并开始执行,作用是将之前jvm赋值过来的pending对象中的WeakReference对象enqueue到指定的队列中,比如WeakHashMap内部定义的ReferenceQueue属性
- private void expungeStaleEntries() {
- Entry<K,V> e;
- while ( (e = (Entry<K,V>) queue.poll()) != null) {
- int h = e.hash;
- int i = indexFor(h, table.length);
- Entry<K,V> prev = table[i];
- Entry<K,V> p = prev;
- while (p != null) {
- Entry<K,V> next = p.next;
- if (p == e) {
- if (prev == e)
- table[i] = next;
- else
- prev.next = next;
- e.next = null; // Help GC
- e.value = null; // " "
- size--;
- break;
- }
- prev = p;
- p = next;
- }
- }
- }
一次gc未必能完全回收所有的weak ref
weak对象也可能会出现在old generation