Unable to communicate with the reporting component after logging into the Sym


The Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) console shows the following error: "Unable to communicate with the reporting component... "
After clicking OK to this message, either the Home, Monitors and Reports pages are dimmed or the data does not load

There are multiple possible reasons for this issue and this document will detail all known solutions - troubleshooting opportunities.


There are a number of possible causes. This article details the known solutions or troubleshooting methods.


Reset Internet Information Services (IIS)
In some cases simply resetting IIS can resolve this issue. Follow the steps below:

  1. Exit SEPM
  2. Click Start > Run.
  3. Type iisreset
  4. Click OK.
  5. Log into SEPM again.

Check the IIS Configuration

    Verify IIS permissions and account(s) rights are set correctly
    Use the Microsoft IIS Diagnostics Toolkit to identify all the rights and permissions on the accounts. The toolkit is available from Microsoft at:

    Verify the DefaultAppPool identity is set to 'Network Service'
      1. Open the IIS Administrator
      2. Expand <server name> &gt; Application Pools
      3. Right-click DefaultAppPool and select Properties
      4. On the Identity tab verify the Predefined radio button is selected and that Network Service is on the drop down list
      5. If Network Service is listed then try adding the Local System

        Note: Parts of these instructions cannot be performed with Windows XP running IIS 5.1 or Windows 2000 running IIS 5.0.
        For either, there is no "application pool in the configuration and "IP address and domain name restrictions" are dimmed in the virtual server settings.
        Microsoft purposely denies access to these settings.
    Verify user rights.
      1. Run gpedit.msc
      2. Expand Computer Configuration &gt; Windows Settings &gt; Security Settings &gt; Local Policies
      3. Select User Rights Assignment in the left-hand pane
      4. Go to the Adjust memory Quotas for a Process item and double click.
      5. Verify that LOCAL SERVICE and NETWORK SERVICE are listed under the Local Security Setting tab.
      6. Go to the Replace a process-level token item and double click. Again, verify that LOCAL SERVICE and NETWORK SERVICE are listed
        1. Note: If the "Add User or Group..." button is disabled, it may be locked by a domain GPO (group policy object) which will require an assessment of domain GPOs.
        2. Restart the IIS Admin service to update any changes
      Verify Authentication and Access Control.
        1. Open the IIS Administrator
        2. Right-click Default Web Site and click Properties
        3. On the Directory Security tab, under Authentication and Access Control, click Edit
        4. Verify that Enable Anonymous Access is selected
        5. Please select the appropriate setting if you are utilizing Authenticated Access
      If SSL is not implemented, verify that Secure Communications is not selected
        1. Open the IIS Administrator
        2. Right-click Default Web Site and select Properties
        3. On the Directory Security tab, under Secure Communications click Edit
        4. Verify Require Secure Channel (SSL) is not selected

    Re-enable logging in IIS
    Examine the IIS logs to get the full error code. The default location for the logs is C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\W3SVC1
    In the IIS manager, right click each site where you wish to have the logs, such as Reporting and Secars, and select Log visits and click OK.
    If you have to contact technical support, have these logs ready for the technicians.
    Testing the ODBC Connection
    Note: On a 64-bit computer, a 32-bit DSN is created and is accessible via (by default) C:\Windows\SysWoW64\Odbcad32.exe.

      For an embedded (Sybase) database
      1. Verify that the Symantec Embedded Database service is running and that the dbsrv9.exe process is listening on TCP port 2638
      2. Test the ODBC connection.
        1. Open Control Panel &gt; Administrator Tools
        2. Double click Data Sources (ODBC)
        3. On the System DSN tab, double-click SymantecEndpointSecurityDSN
        4. On the Database tab, type in the Server name (computer name) of your Manager, where the database resides. If computer name does not work, try the IP number or fully qualified domain name. (Version 11.0.5002.333 or newer, add SPC_ to the beginning of the server name. If the SPC_ prefix is not included, you will receive the error: "Database Server Not Found")
        5. On the Login tab, supply the user ID and password for the Symantec Embedded Database (defaults to the first admin password you ever used for the SEPM).
          User ID: dba
          Password: <password>
          Note: If the “Encrypt password” box on the Login tab is not checked, your password will be stored as plain text in the Windows registry.
        6. On the Network tab, confirm that TCP/IP is checked and the value has either HOST= or IP= with your server's IP ( is also acceptable).
        7. Leave the defaults for the rest of the items and return to the ODBC tab
        8. Click Test Connection , it should return "Success"
        9. Click OK

      For an SQL database
      1. Verify the following:
        • You specified a named instance during installation and configuration. For example: \\<server name>\<instance name>
        • The SQL Server is running and properly configured
        • The network connections between Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager and the SQL database.
      2. Test the ODBC connection.
        1. Open Control Panel &gt; Administrator Tools
        2. Double click Data Sources (ODBC)
        3. On the System DSN tab, double-click SymantecEndpointSecurityDSN
        4. Go through the wizard to ensure the following settings:
          Name: SymantecEndpointSecurityDSN
          Description: <Anything>
          Server: Servername\InstanceName (Only enter the server name or IP address if using the default instance)
          Login ID: sa
          Password: <password>
        5. Leave the defaults for the rest of the items and click Finish
        6. Click Test Data Source , it should return "Success"
        7. Click OK

    Check system resources
    You should have at least 1GB of RAM available. If not, CPU usage may be high and this could be affecting the issue. Refreshing the console may help temporarily but it is only a workaround and not a solution.

    Loopback address disabled

    Reporting pages may fail to appear if loopback addresses are disabled on the computer. If you have disabled loopback addresses on your computer, you must associate the word localhost with your computer IP address. You can use the Windows hosts file to do this. For example, on computers running Windows XP, do the following:

    1. Change the directory to the location of your hosts file. By default, the hosts file is located in%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc
    2. Open the hosts file with an editor such as Microsoft Notepad.
    3. Add the following line to the file:
      xxx.xxx.xxx.xx   localhost   # to log on to reporting functions (where xxx.xxx.xxx.xx is the IP address of your computer)
    4. Save and close the hosts file.

    Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
    There may be various issues with unpredictable results associated with RDP when installing or managing SEP or SEPM. To avoid these, it is best to install or manage SEP or SEPM locally. If that is not possible you can:

      • Use pcAnywhere
      • Use the switch that Microsoft recommends to shadow a console session within an RDP session.
        Note: A Windows Server 2003 server must be configured to permit remote control
        For reference, read the Microsoft article: How to Connect to and Shadow the Console Session with Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services

    Verify the version of PHP that SEPM is using
    Running multiple versions of PHP installed and used by different software products may cause conflicts. PHP performs a check for global configuration (php.ini) in a variety of locations. It forces each product to use its own interpreter which allows the product to operate properly and to use the correct version of PHP associated with each product.
    To check if there is a version conflict with the version of PHP that SEPM is using:

      1. Open a blank document with a text editor (Notepad for example.)
      2. Copy/paste the following code into the document:
      3. Save the document as phpinfo.php in the folder C:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\PHP
      4. Click Start &gt; Run
      5. In the Open box type: cmd
      6. In the command window type:
        cd "C:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\PHP"
        php phpinfo.php | more
        If you see text output to the screen that displays the status of PHP, then PHP is installed.
      7. Confirm that this is the correct version by:
        • comparing it to the version of the file: "C:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\PHP\php.exe".
          The version displayed by the php command and the version of the file should match.
        • See the line in the output text on screen that says Loaded Configuration File =&gt;
          This is the configuration file the installed version of PHP is using. Ideally, this file will be: C:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\PHP\Php.ini
      8. If you see text that says: " 'php' is not recognized as an internal or external command", then the PHP installation for SEPM is broken. In this case, do the following:
        1. Close the command prompt.
        2. Copy the file 'phpinfo.php' to C:\
        3. Click Start &gt; Run. Type cmd
        4. In the command window type: php phpinfo.php | more
          • If the command returns: " 'php' is not recognized as an internal or external command", then PHP is not installed and registered with the OS. the problem is not with SEPM as long as step 6 produced a result.
          • If the command returns a status of PHP, then PHP is installed and registered with the operating system. If the version displayed here does not match the version installed with SEPM (step 7), then there is a problem (version mismatch).
        5. Close the command prompt.
        6. Copy the 'phpinfo.php' file to: C:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Inetpub\Reporting
        7. Open the web browser to: http://LocalHost:8014/Reporting/phpinfo.php. A browser page describing the PHP status should display. If a 404 page "Page not found" displays, turn your troubleshooting to IIS.

      Resolving a PHP version conflict with SEPM

      If you do find a PHP version conflict, read the article: Specifying the php.ini file used by the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) Reporting website at http://service1.symantec.com/support/ent-security.nsf/docid/2008060213161448
      If this article does not work try the following workaround. Be advised that any application depending on the PHP version different from the PHP version used by SEPM may be disabled or broken.

        1. Make a back up of the PHP folder that is not the SEPM version. Call this folder A.
        2. Copy the contents of the PHP folder C:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\PHP to folder A (overwriting any and all files)
        3. Restart the SEPM service. A restart of the entire computer may be needed.

    Repair the SEPM installation
    Broken or missing dll files for SEPM installation could cause this issue.
    Perform a repair on the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager installation through add or remove programs.
    How to repair the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager installation through Add or Remove Programs
    Uninstall/Reinstall the SEPM
    If it proves necessary to uninstall and reinstall the SEPM, follow the instructions in the following articles:

        How to install Symantec Endpoint Protection and Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager through Remote Desktop
        http://service1.symantec.com/support/ent-security.nsf/docid/2008030509272248 How to manually uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager 11.0

    Title: 'How to work with Data Sources (ODBC) or ODBC connection in 64bit Windows OS'

    Document ID: 2008021900094548

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    Article URL http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH104777

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