
Pebble provides lightweight, open source (BSD licensed), blogging tools that are written in Java.
  • Pebble weblog is a server-side web application that lets you easily publish your thoughts on the Internet. It is written to run inside any JSP 1.2/Servlet 2.3 compatible web container using standards-based technologies such as JSP, servlets, filters, JSP custom tags, JSTL and JAXP.
  • Pebble deskblog is a desktop blogging application that's ideal for keeping an offline diary, with an easy upgrade path to publishing your blog on the Internet with Pebble weblog.
  • Pebble moblog is a J2ME/MIDP application that lets you publish textual content to your blog on the move.
  • Pebble antblog is a set of Ant tasks that let you update a blog from within Ant, for example to update a project blog with information in a continuous build environment.
Simon brown 自己的 blog 也正是用 pebble 搭建的,可以到他的站点去 download:
    我还没有搞懂它的数据是怎么存的 L ,没有找到数据库文件或者 xml 文件。
看作者出的几本书,都是关于 jsp servlet 的,就知道 pebble 一定在表示层有看头,全面使用了 JSTL ,最常做 web 应用的开发者应当看下这个源码。
