Oracle 创建用户和授权


## 创建数据表空间
create tablespace nice_ts
datafile 'c:\nice_data\nice_ts.dbf' 
size  100M
autoextend on
next 32M;

## 创建临时表空间
create temporary tablespace nice_tmp
tempfile 'c:\nice_data\nice_tmp.dbf'
size 32M 
autoextend on 
next 32M maxsize 2048M 
extent management local;

## 创建用户并指定表空间
create user nice identified by nice123
default tablespace nice_ts
temporary tablespace nice_tmp
account unlock;

## 给用户授权
grant create session to nice;
grant connect to nice;
grant resource to nice;
grant dba to nice;
