Adobe Reader 添加书签功能

Adobe Reader 没有书签功能,很不方便,从网上找了添加书签的方法,整理了一下。

这种添加书签的方法有一个缺陷:书签数据是存在Adobe Reader里的,不是与原PDF绑定的,原PDF复制移动后不会携带已添加的书签,选择书签会发生内部错误。

1.确认Adobe Reader首选项中以下选项均选中:



function DateNow()
    var d, t, s;
    d = new Date();
    t = d.getFullYear();
    s = t + "/";
    t = (d.getMonth() + 1).toString();
    if( t.length != 2 )
        t = "0" + t;
    s += t + "/";
    t = (d.getDate()).toString();
    if( t.length != 2 )
        t = "0" + t;
    s += t;
    return( s );

function SaveData( data )
    // data is a array of array(3)
    var ds = '';
    for( ii = 0; ii < data.length; ++ii )
        for( jj = 0; jj < 3; ++jj )
            if( ii != 0 || jj != 0 )
                ds += "%#%#";
            ds += data[ii][jj];
    // ds = "A1%#%#B1%#%#C1%#%#A2%#%#B2%#%#C2..."
    global.pdf_hacks_js_bookmarks = ds;
    global.setPersistent( "pdf_hacks_js_bookmarks", true );

function GetData()
    // data is a array of array(3)
    if( global.pdf_hacks_js_bookmarks == null )
        return new Array(0);
    var flat = global.pdf_hacks_js_bookmarks.split( "%#%#" );
    var data = new Array();
    for( ii = 0; ii < flat.length; )
        var record = new Array();
        for( jj = 0; jj < 3 && ii < flat.length; ++ii, ++jj )
            record.push( flat[ii] );
        if( record.length == 3 )
            data.push( record );
    return data;

function AddBookmark()
    // get the file name
    var thisfilename = this.documentFileName;
    thisfilename = thisfilename.substr(0,thisfilename.lastIndexOf("."));
    // get the length of total page number
    var numLen = this.numPages.toString().length;
    // get the current page number
    var numPlugInss = this.pageNum+1;
    // add 0 before the page number
    while( numPlugInss.toString().length < numLen )
        numPlugInss = "0" + numPlugInss;
    // get the current date
    var currentdate = DateNow();
    // create bookmark
    var label="《"+thisfilename+"》第"+numPlugInss+"页(共"+this.numPages+"页)" + currentdate;
    var cResponse = app.response(
            cQuestion: label,
            cTitle: "添加书签",
            cDefault: "无备注",
            cLabel: "备注:"
    if(cResponse!= null )
        var record = new Array(3);
        record[0] = label + " " + cResponse;
        record[1] = this.path;
        record[2] = this.pageNum;
        // store the bookmark
        data = GetData();
        data.push( record );
        SaveData( data );

function ShowBookmarks()
    var data = GetData();
    var items = '';
    for( ii = 0; ii < data.length; ++ii )
        if( ii != 0 )
            items += ', ';
        items += '"' + (ii + 1) + ': ' + data[ii][0] + '"';
    var command = 'app.popUpMenu( ' + items + ' );';
    // eval() converts the string literal to a number
    var selection = eval( command );
    if( selection == null )
    var index = 0;
    // eval() converts the string literal to a number
    index = eval( selection.substring( 0, selection.indexOf(':') ).toString() ) - 1;
    if( index < data.length )
            if( this.path == data[index][1] )
                this.pageNum = data[index][2];
                var otherDoc = app.openDoc( data[index][1] );
                otherDoc.pageNum = data[index][2];
        catch( ee )
            var response = app.alert( "打开书签错误. 是否删除本书签?", 2, 2, "删除书签" );
            if( response == 4 && index < data.length )
                data.splice( index, 1 );
                SaveData( data );

function DropBookmark()
    var data = GetData();
    var items = '';
    for( ii = 0; ii < data.length; ++ii )
        if( ii != 0 )
            items += ', ';
        items += '"' + (ii + 1) + ': '+ data[ii][0] + '"';
    var command = 'app.popUpMenu( ' + items + ' );';
    var selection = eval( command );
    if( selection == null )
    var index = 0;
    index = eval( selection.substring( 0, selection.indexOf(':') ).toString() ) - 1;
    if( index < data.length )
        data.splice( index, 1 );
        SaveData( data );

function ClearBookmarks()
    if( app.alert( "确认要清除所有的书签吗, 删除后将不可恢复?", 2, 2, "删除书签" ) == 4 )
        SaveData( new Array(0) );

// add button to the View menu
        cName: "-",
        cParent: "View",
        cExec: "void(0);"

        cName: "AddBookmark",
        cUser: "设置本页为书签(&B)",
        cParent: "View",
        cExec: "AddBookmark();",
        cEnable: "event.rc= ( != null);"

        cName: "ShowBookmarks",
        cUser: "转到指定书签(&T)",
        cParent: "View",
        cExec: "ShowBookmarks();",
        cEnable: "event.rc= ( != null);"

        cName: "DropBookmark",
        cUser: "删除一个书签(&D)",
        cParent: "View",
        cExec: "DropBookmark();",
        cEnable: "event.rc= ( != null);"

        cName: "ClearBookmarks",
        cUser: "删除所有书签(&C)",
        cParent: "View",
        cExec: "ClearBookmarks();",
        cEnable: "event.rc= true;"

3.将bookmark_page.js拷贝至<Adobe Reader安装路径>\Reader\Javascripts\下

4.重启Adobe Reader,在View菜单下即有书签功能:

