有关 GUID 分区表磁盘体系结构的常见问题 {下}

什么是 GPT 磁盘上支持最大 NTFS 卷大小?

这取决于所选格式时簇大小。 NTFS 仅当前限于 2 ^32 1 分配单元。 这将使用 64 k 群集 256TB 卷。 但是,此仅测试过 16TB,或使用 4K 簇大小的 17,592,186,040,320 字节。 下表显示了 NTFS 限制基于簇大小:

簇大小 最大 NTFS 卷大小 (字节 RAW) 512 2,199,023,255,040 (2TB) 1024 4,398,046,510,080 (4TB) 2,048 8,796,093,020,160 (8TB) 4096 17,592,186,040,320 (16TB) 8,192 35,184,372,080,640 (32TB) 16,384 70,368,744,161,280 (64TB) 32,768 140,737,488,322,560 (128TB) 65,536 281,474,976,645,120 (256TB)




fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo <volume >

请注意 在 <volume > 占位符代表卷号。
For example, when you run the fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo c: command, you may receive results that resemble the following output:

NTFS Volume Serial Number :             0xf4300f6c300f3560
Version :                               3.1
Number Sectors :                        0x000000001d17dbee
Total Clusters :                        0x0000000003a2fb7d
Free Clusters :                         0x000000000102bfa0
Total Reserved :                        0x0000000000000800
Bytes Per Sector :                      512
Bytes Per Cluster :                     4096
Bytes Per FileRecord Segment :          1024
Clusters Per FileRecord Segment :       0
Mft Valid Data Length :                 0x000000000e630000
Mft Start Lcn :                         0x00000000000c0000
Mft2 Start Lcn :                        0x0000000001d17dbe
Mft Zone Start :                        0x00000000002185a0
Mft Zone End :                          0x0000000000218740
RM Identifier :                         1587CC47-A713-11DB-9287-806E6F6E6963

Note In this example, the "Bytes Per Cluster" value is 4096. 此值表示 4 千字节 (KB) 簇大小。

  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional 64-Bit Edition (Itanium)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition for Itanium-based Systems
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition for Itanium-Based Systems
