Phoenix WinFlash for UEFI
Manufacturers like Lenovo have recently used EFI technology from Phoenix.
The flashing tools:
WinFlash.exe for windows
PFlash.exe for DOS
Both of them are using command lines:
Phoenix WinFlash for UEFI Command Options
Phoenix WinFlash for UEFI Command Options
This section lists WinFlash command options and parameters.
WINFLASH [options] [romfile] [@rspfile]
romfile The new BIOS image name, eg: BIOS.FD
@rspfile The response file (PFLASH.RSP by default) contains all command parameters in text format.
/? or /help or /h Displays help screen
/all Flash the entire image including the descriptor region
/bak:filename Backup ROM to a file.
/bbl Program the boot block. By default, bootblock is not updated.
/bios Flash the BIOS region
/cs Verify BIOS.FD image checksum
/cvar Clear variables
/console Console mode (only progress bar)
/desc Flash the descriptor the region
/dmc:string Specify chassis manufacturer DMI string
/dmm:string Specify motherboard manufacturer DMI string
/dms:string Specify system manufacturer DMI string
/dpc:string Specify chassis asset tag number
/dpm:string Specify motherboard product ID DMI string
/dps:string Specify system product ID DMI string
/dsc:string Specify chassis serial number DMI string
/dsm:string Specify motherboard serial number DMI string
/dss:string Specify system serial number DMI string
/dus:string Specify UUID DMI string
/dvc:string Specify chassis version DMI string
/dvm:string Specify motherboard version DMI string
/dvs:string Specify system version DMI string
/ec Flash the EC region
/exit Exit without rebooting
/gbe Flash the GbE region
/hash ??
/ls Reserve logos in BIOS ROM
/logo:imagefile Replace the BIOS logo with an imagefile in jpeg or bmp format.
/me Flash the ME region
/mfg Manufacturing mode. Automatically reboots without the need for pressing a key.
/mod:filename Updates the module in the BIOS with the module contained in the file (such as /MOD:vga.ffs); the rest of the BIOS image remains unchanged.
/mode=n Specify dmi mode n = {0, 1, 2, 3}
0: Just update BIOS with new file, don’t update DMI variables.
1: Just update DMI variables, keep ROM BIOS as before.
2: Update BIOS, merge ROM DMI variables with command line(default).
3: Update BIOS, merge image variables with command line.
/noflash Perform all steps that do not update the flash part
/p Production mode (minimize messages and delays)
/pfaefv:filename Loads and runs PFAE modules in specified volume file
/raw:uuid:filename Replace the RAW module content.
/remote2 Execute WinFlash without GUI, allowing other applications or other computers to call WinFlash.
/ro[=name] Read contents of flash part and save to a file.
/v Verify each block after programming it.
/vcpu:filename Update variable size CPU micocode
/vbl Show warning for Microsoft Bitlocker
/sm Skip all WinFlash messages
/swm Skip all WinFlash warning messages
/sd Skip BIOS date check.
/sn Skip BIOS part number check.
/sp Skip BIOS product code check.
/sv Skip BIOS version check.
/svs Skip BIOS same version check.
/sa Skip all BIOS checks.
/slp:filename Replace SLP marker (bin size=182 octets)
/spu:filename Replace SLP pubkey (bin size=156 octets)
/ss Use current SLP
Phoenix PFlash for UEFI Command Options
Phoenix PFlash for UEFI Command Options
PFLASH [options] [romfile]
/cvar Clear variables
/mode=n Specify dmi mode n = {0, 1, 2, 3}
0: Just update BIOS with new file, don’t update DMI variables.
1: Just update DMI variables, keep ROM BIOS as before.
2: Update BIOS, merge ROM DMI variables with command line(default).
3: Update BIOS, merge image variables with command line.
/doxx:string Specify the OEMxx DMI string
/dus:string Specify UUID DMI string
/dsc:string Specify chassis serial number DMI string
/dvc:string Specify chassis version DMI string
/dpc:string Specify chassis asset tag number
/dmc:string Specify chassis manufacturer DMI string
/dss:string Specify system serial number DMI string
/dvs:string Specify system version DMI string
/dps:string Specify system product ID DMI string
/dms:string Specify system manufacturer DMI string
/dsm:string Specify motherboard serial number DMI string
/dvm:string Specify motherboard version DMI string
/dpm:string Specify motherboard product ID DMI string
/dmm:string Specify motherboard manufacturer DMI string
/pfaefv:filename Loads and runs PFAE modules in specified volume file
/ioset:port,value Set IO port value after restart
/ls Reserve logos in BIOS ROM
/write:Fname:PhyAddr Write a binary file to specific physical address
/? or /help or /h Displays this help screen
/sm Skip all WinFlash messages
/swm Skip all WinFlash warning messages
/sd Skip BIOS date check.
/sn Skip BIOS part number check.
/sp Skip BIOS product code check.
/sv Skip BIOS version check.
/svs Skip BIOS same version check.
/sa Skip all BIOS checks.
/ss Use current SLP
/me Flash the ME region
/gbe Flash the GbE region
/desc Flash the descriptor the region
/ec Flash the EC region
/bios Flash the BIOS region
/all Flash the entire image including the descriptor region
/prog:start:end Flash by address block
/v Verify each block after programming it.
/bbl Program the boot block. By default, bootblock is not updated.
/endkey Press a key to continue after flashing
/shutdown Shutdown the system after flashing
/exit Return to DOS after flashing
/cs Verify the checksum of FFS file
/bak:filename Backup ROM to a file.
/noflash Perform all steps that do not update the flash part
/logo:imagefile:index Replace the current BIOS logo with an imagefile in jpeg or bmp format.
/mod:filename Replace a FFS module
/raw:uuid:filename Replace a RAW module content.
/rsbr:GUID,... Preserve subregions with specified GUIDs during BIOS update
/vcpu:filename Update variable size CPU micocode
/silent Silent operation (no beeps)
/p Production mode (minimize messages and delays)
/vbl Show warning for Microsoft Bitlocker
/force Update BIOS without modification
/slp:filename Replace SLP marker (bin size=182 octets)
/spu:filename Replace SLP pubkey (bin size=156 octets)
If using a moded Bios the flash fails, open WINFLASH.LOG
if you see the following errors, a hack of environment.dll is needed.
[0403/001701:INFO:utils.cpp(29)] imageDigest fail!
Fail to authenticate image!
[0403/001701:INFO:utils.cpp(29)] Fail to authenticate image!
Verified for WinFlash for UEFI versions to
in environment.dll
68 01 00 83 C4 0C 85 C0 74 15
68 01 00 83 C4 0C 85 C0 EB 15
to suppress "imageDigest fail!" error
83 C4 14 89 45 E0 83 7D E0 00 74 31
83 C4 14 89 45 E0 83 7D E0 00 EB 31
to suppress "Fail to authenticate image!" error
(this second hack is not necessary if first is applied)
SLIC insertion/replacement
These tools allow the marker and pubkey insertion by command line:
/slp:filename Replace SLP marker (bin size=182 octets)
/spu:filename Replace SLP pubkey (bin size=156 octets)
/ss Use current SLP
BIOS recovery instructions
are explained in a packard bell document, but the needed files are not yet available on the net.
Hope these informations will help modders