
[背景]今天,在整理自己的桌面时,发现了几篇关与snmp的脚本,感觉还行.就拿来和大家一起分享了.如果有脚本不明白的请留言,或者加我MSN:[email protected],保证有问必答(除非我不会,哈哈)!
# Dont use the embedded apache perl....
# Author : Peter
# Date : Apr 11 2006
# check_hd IP COMMUNITY warnlevel criticallevel disc
sub print_usage
print "
############################## check_hd ###############################
# Version : 1.0
# Date : Apr 11 2006 
# Author  : Peter Stimpel
# Thanks to Benjamin Jakubowski for the idea to walk through snmp
# Help : [url][/url]
# Licence : GPL - [url][/url]
 print "check_hd IP COMMUNITY warnlevel criticallevel disc\n";
 print"\ncheck_hd -v for version info\n";
$PROGNAME = "check_hd";
if (@ARGV[0] eq "-v") {
 exit 0;
if  ( @ARGV[0] eq "" || @ARGV[1] eq "" || @ARGV[2] eq "" || @ARGV[3] eq "" || @ARGV[4] eq "")
    exit 0;
$resultat =`snmpwalk -v 1 -c $COMMUNITY $IP  hrStorageDescr | grep $LW\:\\`;
if ( $resultat ) {
  $resstring= $resultat;
  if ($resultat = ~/hrStorageDescr./) {
   $tsid = substr($resstring,35,1);  
   $resultat2 =`snmpwalk -v 1 -c $COMMUNITY $IP hrStorageAllocationUnits.$tsid`;
   $resstring2 = $resultat2;
   if ($resultat2 = ~/hrStorageAllocationUnits.$tsid/) {
     #@unit = substr($resstring2,58,5);
    @unit1=split(/\ /,$unit[3]);
    $resultat3 =`snmpwalk -v 1 -c $COMMUNITY $IP hrStorageSize.$tsid`;
    $resstring3 = $resultat3;
    if ($resultat3 = ~/hrStorageSize.$tsid/) {
     $fullsize1 = $fullsize1 + $size1;
     $fullsize1 = $fullsize1 * $unit1;
    $resultat4 =`snmpwalk -v 1 -c $COMMUNITY $IP hrStorageUsed.$tsid`;
    $resstring4 = $resultat4;
    if ($resultat4 = ~/hrStorageUsed.$tsid/) {
     $usedsize1 = $usedsize1 + $size1;
     $usedsize1 = $usedsize1 * $unit1;
    if ($usedsize1 > 0 && $fullsize1 > 0) {
     $freespace=$fullsize1 - $usedsize1;
     $freespace=$freespace / 1024 / 1024 / 1024;
     $percfilled=$usedsize1 * 100 / $fullsize1;
     if ($percfilled > @ARGV[3]) {
      print "critical: hd $LW in use $percfilled perc and $freespace GB free w-$ARGV[2] c-$ARGV[3]\n";
             exit 2;
     if ($percfilled > @ARGV[2]) {
      print "warning: hd $LW in use $percfilled perc and $freespace GB free w-$ARGV[2] c-$ARGV[3]\n";
             exit 1;
     print "OK: hd $LW in use $percfilled perc and $freespace GB free w-$ARGV[2] c-$ARGV[3]\n";
     exit 0;
 print "Critical  : Response unknown\n";
        exit 2;
 print "Critical  : no response\n";
        exit 2;
[分析]这是一篇磁盘检测,和 [url][/url]这篇功能上差不多,但不同的是,它是借用snmp协议来获取数据的,而不是在本地,这样就可以实现监控很多主机了,或者结合nagios来搞些插件了.哈哈.看个人想法了,个人感觉这个脚本还是比较简单的......供学习.
