ORA Error Solutions――ORA-00020 ORA-00257 ORA-00600 ORA-01012 ORA-01031 ORA-01102

ORA-00020 maximumnumber of processes (150) exceeded

Problem: DB instance can’t be login andshow below error

ORA-00020maximum number of processes (150) exceeded

Root CauseTheprocesses parameter is set as 150. Sqlplus / as sysdba can’t login.And hangprocesses were locked the DB instances.

Solution: Restart DB server. It is anot a good solution.

More: please set the parameter as 1000at the begging to create DB instance. It is better to kill the blocked processwith kill -9.

ps -ef|grep oraclesid|grep -v grep|cut -c 9-15 |xargs kill -9

ps -ef|grep oraclesid show the process, if LOCAL=YES: the sessionis connected in locale server and not via listener. If LOCAL=NO: the session isconnected via listener.

ORA-00257:archiver error. Connect internal only, until freed

Problem: archive log is full of thedisk, show below error

ORA-00257:archiver error. Connect internal only, until freed

Root Cause: The archive mode is openand archive log files size is increasing day by day to  be full of disk.

Solution: rman clean archive log,because rman can release the space of Oracle.

rman target sys/manager

RMAN>crosscheck archivelog all

RMAN>delete archivelog all; //delete all archive log

RMAN>delete expired archivelog all; //delete expired archive logs

RMAN>delete archivelog until time 'sysdate-1' ;//delete the archive log beforetoday

Check theusage rate SQL:



sqlplus sys/manager as sysdba

SQL> show parameter log_archive_dest;  //Check archive log location

SQL>archive log list; //archive log directory and logsequence

SQL>show parameter recover; // find the recoverdirectory

Closearchive mode:

SQL>shutdown immediate;

SQL>startup mount;

SQL>alter database noarchivelog;

SQL>alter database open;

Open archivemode:

SQL>alter database archivelog;

SQL>alter database open;

SQL>archive log list;

If thedatabase can’t be started normally with archive mode, please firstly close thearchive mode, startup successfully and then open the archive mode.

If DBstartup still failed, please delete some archivelog files;

SQL>select group#,sequence# from v$log;

SQL>alter database clear unarchived logfile group 1;


SQL>select name from v$datafile;

SQL>ALTER SYSTEM SET LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST=’/opt/app/oracle/oradata/useagedb/arch’scope=spfile

Or updatethe size


ORA-00600:internal error code, arguments: [kcratr1_lastbwr], [], [], [], [],[], [], []

ORACLE instance started.

TotalSystem Global Area 1073741824 bytes
Fixed Size 1264916 bytes
Variable Size 264241900 bytes
Database Buffers 801112064 bytes
Redo Buffers 7122944 bytes
Database mounted.
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcratr1_lastbwr], [], [], [], [],[],[], []

Encountered in: Database

Root Cause:Oracle is unable to perform instance recover but it works whenis invoked manually.


SQL>startup mount
ORACLE instance started.

TotalSystem Global Area 1073741824 bytes
Fixed Size 1264916 bytes
Variable Size 264241900 bytes
Database Buffers 801112064 bytes
Redo Buffers 7122944 bytes
Database mounted.
recover database
Media recovery complete.
alter database open;


More: This manner can’t solve all theORA 600 errors based on different situations.

ORA-01012: not logged on

Problem: DB instance can’t be login andclient reported ora- 12560.

conn / as sysdba report below error: ORA-01012: not logged on

And connect with other user, ORA-01089: immediate shutdown inprogress - no operations are permitted.

Root CauseShutdownprocess is failed.

Solution: ps-ef|grep ora_dbw0_$ORACLE_SID

Kill -9 porcessID


ps -ef |grep $ORACLE_SID | grep -v grep | cut -c 9-15 | xargs kill -s 9


关闭数据库是shutdown 后面没有接关闭参数中的任何一个。

  nomal --->所有连接都断开时才能关闭;

  transactional --->等待事务结束后,主动断开连接;

  immediate --->主动断开事务和连接

  abort --->立刻关闭数据库,这个操作是危险的,不会同步数据,不触发检查点,回滚段直接清空,相当于掉电,每次启动都要实例恢复。

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

Problem: Via root account to connectinstance as sysdba, error ora-01031:insufficientprivileges is shown.

Root Cause: root has not the privilege.

Solution: Change the oracle account toconnect instance as sysdba. And export ORACLE_SID in the multiple instances.

More: Check parameter:

[oracle@3816svr~]$ export ORACLE_SID=opdb

[oracle@3816svr~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba    

SQL> showparameter password;

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

remote_login_passwordfile            string      EXCLUSIVE

SQL> select *from v$pwfile_users;

USERNAME                       SYSDB SYSOP SYSAS

----------------------------------- ----- -----

SYS                            TRUE  TRUE FALSE

SQL> grantsysdba to sys;

Update the passwordfile:

SQL>host$ORACLE_HOME/bin/orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwopdb password=manager force=y

ORA-01102: cannot mount database inEXCLUSIVE mode  

Problem:  Oracle server (virtual machine)isrestarted accidentally and the ora_data in the mount server(not restart). Whenthe instance is started, below error is shown:

ORACLE instance started.

TotalSystem Global Area 276824064 bytes
FixedSize                  778736 bytes
VariableSize            137371152 bytes
Database Buffers         138412032 bytes
RedoBuffers                262144 bytes
ORA-01102: cannot mountdatabase in EXCLUSIVE mode

Root Cause: the file resource is lockedin the server restart process.


(1)cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs

$ls sgadef*

Sgadef* notfound

$ls lk*

ls<sid>filesis not deleted. So delete them.

$rm lk*

(2)And thencheck alter log, below error is shown: ORA-27086: unable to lock file �C alreadyin use

Because thefile lock is still exited. So the lock should be cleaned.


mv controlfile /tmp/controlfile

cp/tmp/controlfile /u01/oratab/ora_sid


[root@3816svr ~]# cd$ORACLE_HOME/dbs

[root@3816svr dbs]#fuser -u lk*

[root@3816svr dbs]#fuser -u lkOPDB (uppercase of SID)

lkOPDB:              24981(oracle) 24983(oracle)25016(oracle) 25022(oracle) 25026(oracle) 25028(oracle) 25030(oracle)25032(oracle) 25034(oracle) 25036(oracle) 25038(oracle) 25042(oracle)

Via fuser to killthem:

[root@3816svrdbs]#fuser -k lk*
