puppet成长日记一 file资源详细介绍及案例分析
1、puppet服务端 Release:RHEL6.4 HOSTNAME: puppetserver.rsyslog.org TCP/IP: Packages: puppet-server-2.7.21-1.el6.noarch mcollective-client-2.2.4 activemq-5.5.0 2、puppet节点 Release: RHEL5.8 HOSTNAME: agent1.rsyslog.org TCP/IP: Packages: puppet-2.7.21-1.el5 mcollective-2.2.4-1.el5 3、puppet节点 Release: RHEL6.4 HOSTNAME: agent3.rsyslog.org TCP/IP: Packages: puppet-2.7.21-1.el6 mcollective-2.2.4-1.el6
2.1 ensure => {present|absent|directory|file|link}, 指定文件的目标状态
=> present, 检查文件是否存在,不存在则新建之
=> absent, 检查文件是否存在,存在则删除之
=> directory, 指定这是一个目录,不存在则创建
2.2 owner|user => root, 所属用户,也可以用UID
2.3 group => puppet, 所属用户组,也可以用GID
2.4 mode => 0644, 权限属性,四位八进制数
2.5 source => "puppet:///modules/ssh/etc/ssh/sshd_config" | soure => "/etc/passwd" 文件获取地址,以puppet:///开头为从master下载,正常路径则在agent本地读取
2.6 path => "/etc/postfix/main.cf", 文件完整路径。默认与title相同可不写
file { "main.cf":
path => "/etc/postfix/main.cf",
2.7 content => "hello",|content => template("postfix/main.cf.erb"), 文件的具体内容,亦可由erb模板生成,选择这个可不写资源source
2.8 backup => 'main',| backup => ".$backup_date.bak", 节点更新之前上一个版本备份方式;backup => 'main',需要结合资源filebucket实现
2.9 recurse => '{true|false|inf|remote}', 对目录是(true)否(false)递归(ensure => directory时有效)
2.10 puppet依赖关系资源有三个,分别为require,before,after
require => Class["mysql::install"], | require => Package["setup"], 当前资源或者类被要求的资源或者类所依赖,需要被要求的资源或者类先执行成功后在执行自己的资源或者类
before 在某个资源之前执行
package { "openssh-server":
before => File["/etc/ssh/sshd_config"],
after 在某个资源之后执行
file {"/etc/ssh/sshd_config":
after => Package["openssh-server"],
2.11 puppet触发更新有两个,分别为notify,subscribe,写的位置不同。
notify {"operatingsystem is $operatingsystem": 将输出内容记录到日志里面,可在调试的时候查看。
withpath => true|false, #是否打印全路径
notify => Class["mysql::service"], 当前类或者资源的文件被改动后通知服务重启。
subscribe => Class["ssh::config"], 该资源有更新时,通知另一个资源执行相应的动作。目前支持subscribe只有exec、service、mount
2.12 link软连接设置 /etc/file2 -> /etc/passwd
file{ "/etc/file2":
ensure => link,
target => "/etc/passwd",
2.13 purge => true 清理目录下面没有被资源被管理的文件都会被清除
force => true 和purge => true配合使用才能删除目录,mode => 0700保证具有删除权限
ignore => file|directory, 忽略某一个目录或者文件做任何操作
1.1 实现功能
1.2 配置说明
class motd::motd { package{ setup: ensure => present, } file{ "/etc/motd": owner => "puppet", group => "puppet", mode => 0700, source => "puppet://$puppetserver/modules/motd/etc/motd", require => Package["setup"], }
1.3 客户端agent1上测试
[root@agent1 ~]# puppet agent --test info: Caching catalog for agent1.rsyslog.org info: Applying configuration version '1378193573' notice: /File[/etc/motd]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}0acb622c16dbdecb670d8920d96bdd30' notice: Finished catalog run in 0.41 seconds [root@agent1 ~]# ll /etc/motd -rwx------ 1 puppet puppet 82 Sep 3 15:33 /etc/motd
2.1 实现功能
2.2 配置说明
class motd::file2 { file{ "/etc/file2": owner => "puppet", group => "puppet", ensure => link, target => "/etc/passwd", } }
2.3 客户端agent1上测试
[root@agent1 ~]# puppet agent --test info: Caching catalog for agent1.rsyslog.org info: Applying configuration version '1378194373' notice: /File[/etc/file2]/ensure: created notice: Finished catalog run in 0.07 seconds [root@agent1 ~]# ll /etc/file2 lrwxrwxrwx 1 puppet puppet 11 Sep 3 15:46 /etc/file2 -> /etc/passwd
3.1 实现功能
*要求每次更新将"This is dir1!"写入日志里面
3.2 配置说明
class motd::dir1 { file{ "/etc/dir1": owner => "puppet", group => "puppet", mode => 0700, ensure => directory, recurse => true, purge => true, force => true, ignore => "dir2", } notify { "This is dir1!": # withpath => true, } }
3.3 客户端agent1上测试
[root@agent1 ~]# puppet agent --test info: Caching catalog for agent1.rsyslog.org info: Applying configuration version '1378195554' notice: This is dir1! notice: /Stage[main]/Motd::Dir1/Notify[This is dir1!]/message: defined 'message' as 'This is dir1!' notice: /File[/etc/dir1/dir3]/owner: owner changed 'root' to 'puppet' notice: /File[/etc/dir1/dir3]/group: group changed 'root' to 'puppet' notice: /File[/etc/dir1/dir3]/mode: mode changed '0755' to '0700' notice: /File[/etc/dir1/dir3]/seluser: seluser changed 'root' to 'system_u' notice: /File[/etc/dir1/dir3/file3]/owner: owner changed 'root' to 'puppet' notice: /File[/etc/dir1/dir3/file3]/group: group changed 'root' to 'puppet' notice: /File[/etc/dir1/dir3/file3]/mode: mode changed '0644' to '0700' notice: /File[/etc/dir1/dir3/file3]/seluser: seluser changed 'root' to 'system_u' notice: Finished catalog run in 0.11 seconds [root@agent1 ~]# [root@agent1 ~]# [root@agent1 ~]# ll /etc/dir1/ total 16 drwxrwxrwx 2 puppet puppet 4096 Sep 3 16:00 dir2 drwx------ 2 puppet puppet 4096 Sep 3 16:06 dir3
4.1 实现功能
4.2 配置说明
class motd::dir2 { file{ "/etc/dir2": owner => "puppet", group => "puppet", mode => 0700, ensure => directory, recurse => true, purge => true, force => true, ignore => "dir1", } }
4.3 客户端agent1上测试
[root@agent1 ~]# puppet agent --test info: Retrieving plugin info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/my_apply2.rb info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/my_apply1.rb info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/my_apply3.rb info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/backup_date.rb info: Caching catalog for agent1.rsyslog.org info: Applying configuration version '1378195951' notice: /File[/etc/dir2]/ensure: created notice: Finished catalog run in 0.05 seconds [root@agent1 ~]# mkdir /etc/dir2/dir1 [root@agent1 ~]# mkdir /etc/dir2/dir2 [root@agent1 ~]# touch /etc/dir2/dir1/file1 [root@agent1 ~]# touch /etc/dir2/dir2/file2 [root@agent1 ~]# puppet agent --test info: Retrieving plugin info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/my_apply2.rb info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/my_apply1.rb info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/my_apply3.rb info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/backup_date.rb info: Caching catalog for agent1.rsyslog.org info: Applying configuration version '1378195951' info: /File[/etc/dir2/dir2]: Recursively backing up to filebucket info: FileBucket adding {md5}d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e info: /File[/etc/dir2/dir2]: Filebucketed /etc/dir2/dir2/file2 to puppet with sum d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e notice: /File[/etc/dir2/dir2]/ensure: removed notice: Finished catalog run in 0.09 seconds [root@agent1 ~]# ll /etc/dir2/ total 8 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 3 16:13 dir1 [root@agent1 ~]#
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