NDIS Intermediate Driver 与 NDIS Filter Intermediate Driver的区别

Diff b/w NDIS Intermediate Driver and NDIS Filter Intermediate Driver

"David R. Cattley" < [email protected]>

> I want to change the IP address of TCP/UDP packets going out from my
> computer. I want to do this at NDIS level.

> Can abybody tell me the difference between NDIS Intermediate Driver and NDIS
> Filter Intermediate Driver?

An NDIS Intermediate Driver (NDIS IM Driver) is a more general type of NDIS
concept than an NDIS IM Filter Driver.    A NDIS IM Driver is essentially a
miniport driver which has a 'lower edge other than hardware.  The NDISWDM
and MUX examples in the DDK are NDIS Intermediate drivers.

An NDIS Intermediate Filter driver is a type of Intermediate driver that has
an NDIS protocol as its lower edge.  The purpose here is to bind between
existing adapters and protocols in a stack.  the PASSTHRU example in the DDK
is an NDIS IM Filter driver.  A IM Filter has a one-to-one relationaship
between the lower binding and an upper (virtual) miniport adapter instance.

The DDK documents cover this material in some detail in the section "Device
Technologies, Network Devices and Protocols, NDIS Intermediate Drivers".   

For your task, a good starting point would be the PASSTHRU IM Filter Driver
sample in the DDK.
