



看到日志内容的前半部份,以为是谁在后台做DC的降级操作。再看看后半句日志,有涉及到安全设置方面的内容,有可能是安全权限未设置好的缘故了,到搜索MSDTC和53258后,原来是Network Service账号对于注册表HKLM/SOFTWARE/MICROSOFT/MSDTC没有写入权限造成的,这下子找到了解决方法:

1、定位到注册表“HKLM/SOFTWARE/MICROSOFT/MSDTC”,右击“MSDTC”键,选择“权限”,授予账户Network Service"创建子键“和“设置数值”的权限。

2、打开“服务”管理,重启“MSDTC(Distributed Transaction Coordinator)”服务后警告日志未再出现。


1. Click Start -> Administrative Tools -> Component Services.
2. Click the "+" next to Component services to expand it.
3. Right click "My Computer" in the right window pane and select Properties.
4. Click the MS DTC Tab.
5. Click the "Security Configuration" button, a dialog box appears. Click "OK".
6. Click "OK" on the "My Computer Properties" box; this will take you back to the console.
7. Right click "My Computer" and select "Stop MS DTC" (this stops the MSDTC service.
8. Again, right click "My Computer" and select "Start MS DTC".
