


  • 掌握启用和关闭STP的方法

  • 了解不同的STP模式的差异

  • 掌握修改网桥优先级影响根网桥选举的方法

  • 掌握修改端口优先级影响根端口与指定端口选举的方法

  • 掌握配置边缘的方法








请保证设备以空配置启动。如果设备默认生成树没有开启,使用stp enable命令开启。


[Huawei]sysname S1

[S1]stp mode stp

[S1]stp root secondary



[Huawei]sysname S2

[S2]stp mode stp

[S2]stp root primary


[Huawei]sysname S3

[S3]stp mode stp


[Huawei]sysname S4

[S4]stp mode stp

使用display stpbrief 命令查看各接口简要STP状态。

[S1]display stp brief

 MSTID Port                       Role  STP State     Protection

  0    GigabitEthernet0/0/9        ROOT FORWARDING      NONE

  0    GigabitEthernet0/0/10       ALTE DISCARDING      NONE

  0    GigabitEthernet0/0/13       DESI FORWARDING      NONE

  0    GigabitEthernet0/0/14       DESI FORWARDING      NONE


[S2]display stp brief

 MSTID Port                       Role  STP State     Protection

  0    GigabitEthernet0/0/9        DESI FORWARDING      NONE

  0    GigabitEthernet0/0/10       DESI FORWARDING      NONE

  0    GigabitEthernet0/0/21       DESI FORWARDING      NONE

  0    GigabitEthernet0/0/22       DESI FORWARDING      NONE


[S3]display stp brief

 MSTID Port                       Role  STP State     Protection

  0    Ethernet0/0/13              ALTE  DISCARDING      NONE

  0    Ethernet0/0/21              ROOT  FORWARDING      NONE


[S4]display stp brief

 MSTID Port                       Role  STP State     Protection

  0    Ethernet0/0/14              ALTE  DISCARDING      NONE

  0    Ethernet0/0/22              ROOT  FORWARDING      NONE

使用display stpinterface命令查看某接口详细STP状态。

[S1]displstp interface gi0/0/10

-------[CISTGlobal Info][Mode STP]-------

CISTBridge         :4096 .4c1f-cce0-2efa

ConfigTimes        :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly15s MaxHop 20

ActiveTimes        :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly15s MaxHop 20

CISTRoot/ERPC      :0    .4c1f-ccee-152e / 1

CISTRegRoot/IRPC   :4096 .4c1f-cce0-2efa / 0

CISTRootPortId     :128.9

BPDU-Protection     :Disabled

CISTRoot Type      :Secondary root

TCor TCN received  :149

TCcount per hello  :0

STPConverge Mode   :Normal

Timesince last TC  :0 days 0h:26m:58s

Numberof TC        :18

LastTC occurred    :GigabitEthernet0/0/9


 Port Protocol       :Enabled

 Port Role           :Alternate Port

 Port Priority       :128

 Port Cost(Dot1T )   :Config=auto / Active=1

 Designated Bridge/Port   :0.4c1f-ccee-152e / 128.10

 Port Edged          :Config=default / Active=disabled

 Point-to-point      :Config=auto / Active=true

 Transit Limit       :147 packets/hello-time

 Protection Type     :None

 Port STP Mode       :STP

 Port Protocol Type  :Config=auto / Active=dot1s

 BPDU Encapsulation  :Config=stp / Active=stp

 PortTimes           :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15sRemHop 0

 TC or TCN send      :32

 TC or TCN received  :52

 BPDU Sent           :87            

          TCN: 0, Config: 87, RST: 0, MST: 0

 BPDU Received       :853            

          TCN: 0, Config: 853, RST: 0, MST: 0


         使用display STP命令查看当前根桥信息

-------[CIST Global Info][Mode STP]-------

CIST Bridge         :0   .4c1f-ccee-152e

Config Times        :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20

Active Times        :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop20

CIST Root/ERPC      :0   .4c1f-ccee-152e / 0

CIST RegRoot/IRPC   :0   .4c1f-ccee-152e / 0

CIST RootPortId     :0.0

BPDU-Protection     :Disabled

CIST Root Type      :Primary root

TC or TCN received  :190

TC count per hello  :0

STP Converge Mode   :Normal

Time since last TC  :0 days 0h:30m:30s

Number of TC        :17

Last TC occurred    :GigabitEthernet0/0/22


         实验中特别定义了S2为主根网桥,S1为备份根网桥。如上输出CISTBridgeCIST Root/ERPC字段值相同的即为根桥。


[S1]undo stp root

[S1]stp priority 4096


[S2]undo stp root

[S2]stp priority 8192

使用display stp命令查看新的根桥信息。

[S1]displ stp

-------[CIST Global Info][Mode STP]-------

CIST Bridge         :4096 .4c1f-cce0-2efa

Config Times        :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop20

Active Times        :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop20

CIST Root/ERPC      :4096 .4c1f-cce0-2efa / 0

CISTRegRoot/IRPC   :4096 .4c1f-cce0-2efa / 0

CIST RootPortId     :0.0

BPDU-Protection     :Disabled

TC or TCN received  :179

TC count per hello  :0

STP Converge Mode   :Normal

Time since last TC  :0 days 0h:1m:12s

Number of TC        :28

Last TC occurred    :GigabitEthernet0/0/9



[S2]disp stp

-------[CIST Global Info][Mode STP]-------

CIST Bridge         :8192 .4c1f-ccee-152e

Config Times        :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop20

Active Times        :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop20

CIST Root/ERPC      :4096 .4c1f-cce0-2efa / 1

CIST RegRoot/IRPC   :8192 .4c1f-ccee-152e / 0

CIST RootPortId     :128.9

BPDU-Protection     :Disabled

TC or TCN received  :245

TC count per hello  :0

STP Converge Mode   :Normal

Time since last TC  :0 days 0h:1m:31s

Number of TC        :22

Last TC occurred    :GigabitEthernet0/0/9



S1]interface gi0/0/9


[S1-GigabitEthernet0/0/9]interface gi0/0/10


[S1-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]interface gi0/0/13





[S2]displ stp

-------[CIST Global Info][Mode STP]-------

CIST Bridge         :8192 .4c1f-ccee-152e

Config Times        :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop20

Active Times        :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop20

CIST Root/ERPC      :8192 .4c1f-ccee-152e / 0

CIST RegRoot/IRPC   :8192 .4c1f-ccee-152e / 0

CIST RootPortId     :0.0

BPDU-Protection     :Disabled

TC or TCN received  :259

TC count per hello  :0

STP Converge Mode   :Normal

Time since last TC  :0 days 0h:2m:30s

Number of TC        :25

Last TC occurred    :GigabitEthernet0/0/22




[S1]interface g0/0/9

[S1-GigabitEthernet0/0/9]undo shutdown

[S1-GigabitEthernet0/0/9]interface g0/0/10

[S1-GigabitEthernet0/0/10]undo shutdown

[S1-GigabitEthernet0/0/10]interface g0/0/13

[S1-GigabitEthernet0/0/13]undo shutdown

[S1-GigabitEthernet0/0/13]interface g0/0/14

[S1-GigabitEthernet0/0/14]undo shutdown


[S1]display stp

-------[CIST Global Info][Mode STP]-------

CIST Bridge         :4096 .4c1f-cce0-2efa

Config Times        :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop20

Active Times        :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop20

CIST Root/ERPC      :4096 .4c1f-cce0-2efa / 0

CIST RegRoot/IRPC   :4096 .4c1f-cce0-2efa / 0

CIST RootPortId     :0.0

BPDU-Protection     :Disabled

TC or TCN received  :183

TC count per hello  :0

STP Converge Mode   :Normal

Time since last TC  :0 days 0h:0m:21s

Number of TC        :34

Last TC occurred    :GigabitEthernet0/0/13


<S2>display stp

-------[CIST Global Info][Mode STP]-------

CIST Bridge         :8192 .4c1f-ccee-152e

Config Times        :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop20

Active Times        :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop20

CIST Root/ERPC      :4096 .4c1f-cce0-2efa / 1

CIST RegRoot/IRPC   :8192 .4c1f-ccee-152e / 0

CIST RootPortId     :128.9

BPDU-Protection     :Disabled

TC or TCN received  :346

TC count per hello  :0

STP Converge Mode   :Normal

Time since last TC  :0 days 0h:0m:39s

Number of TC        :32

Last TC occurred    :GigabitEthernet0/0/9



         S2上使用displaystp brief 查看当前接口的角色信息。

<S2>display stp brief

 MSTID Port                       Role  STP State     Protection

  0    GigabitEthernet0/0/9        ROOT FORWARDING      NONE

   0    GigabitEthernet0/0/10       ALTE DISCARDING      NONE

  0    GigabitEthernet0/0/21       DESI FORWARDING      NONE

  0    GigabitEthernet0/0/22       DESI FORWARDING      NONE




[S1]interface g0/0/9

[S1-GigabitEthernet0/0/9]stp port pri    

[S1-GigabitEthernet0/0/9]stp port priority32

[S1-GigabitEthernet0/0/9]interface g0/0/10

[S1-GigabitEthernet0/0/10]stp port priority16


[S1]display stp interface gi0/0/9



 PortProtocol       :Enabled

 PortRole           :Designated Port

 Port Priority       :32

 PortCost(Dot1T )   :Config=auto / Active=1

 Designated Bridge/Port   :4096.4c1f-cce0-2efa / 32.9

 PortEdged          :Config=default /Active=disabled

 Point-to-point      :Config=auto / Active=true

 Transit Limit       :147 packets/hello-time

 Protection Type     :None

 PortSTP Mode       :STP

 PortProtocol Type  :Config=auto /Active=dot1s

 BPDUEncapsulation  :Config=stp / Active=stp

 PortTimes           :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15sRemHop 20

 TCor TCN send      :70

 TCor TCN received  :1

 BPDUSent           :545            

         TCN: 0, Config: 545, RST: 0, MST: 0

 BPDUReceived       :2            

         TCN: 1, Config: 1, RST: 0, MST: 0


[S1]display stp interface gi0/0/10



 PortProtocol       :Enabled

 PortRole           :Designated Port

 Port Priority       :16

 PortCost(Dot1T )   :Config=auto / Active=1

 Designated Bridge/Port   :4096.4c1f-cce0-2efa / 16.10

 PortEdged          :Config=default /Active=disabled

 Point-to-point      :Config=auto / Active=true

 Transit Limit       :147 packets/hello-time

 Protection Type     :None

 PortSTP Mode       :STP

 PortProtocol Type  :Config=auto /Active=dot1s

 BPDUEncapsulation  :Config=stp / Active=stp

 PortTimes           :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15sRemHop 20

 TCor TCN send      :52

 TCor TCN received  :1

 BPDUSent           :544            

         TCN: 0, Config: 544, RST: 0, MST: 0

 BPDUReceived       :2            

         TCN: 1, Config: 1, RST: 0, MST: 0

S2上使用display stp brief 查看当前接口的角色信息。

<S2>display stp brief

 MSTID Port                       Role  STP State     Protection

   0   GigabitEthernet0/0/9       ALTE  DISCARDING      NONE

   0   GigabitEthernet0/0/10      ROOT  FORWARDING      NONE

  0    GigabitEthernet0/0/21       DESI FORWARDING      NONE

  0    GigabitEthernet0/0/22       DESI FORWARDING      NONE



[S2]interface g0/0/10



[S2]display stp brief

 MSTID  Port                        Role  STP State    Protection

   0    GigabitEthernet0/0/9        ROOT FORWARDING      NONE

  0    GigabitEthernet0/0/21       DESI FORWARDING      NONE

  0    GigabitEthernet0/0/22       DESI FORWARDING      NONE




[S3]interface e0/0/3

[S3-Ethernet0/0/3]stp edg      

[S3-Ethernet0/0/3]stp edged-port en     

[S3-Ethernet0/0/3]stp edged-port enable

[S3-Ethernet0/0/3]interface e0/0/4

[S3-Ethernet0/0/4]stp edged-port enable

配置完成后可以将计算机网线接入到S3的接口E0/0/3,在S3上使用dispalay stp brief命令查看端口的状态。由于E0/0/3是边缘端口就立即转变到“forwarding”状态了。


