
如果charts中出现中文,通常会出现乱码现象,网上搜寻答案,均不凑效,仔细阅读FushionCharts V3的技术文档,其中有如下内容:
Using Multi-lingual text in FusionCharts

FusionCharts allows you to use multi-lingual (UTF-8) characters on the charts. Shown below is an example where we've used Arabic names on the chart:
You can use multi-lingual characters in all the charts in FusionCharts v3 suite. However, any rotated text on chart cannot show non-English characters. That is, if you want to use multi-lingual characters, you'll need to show horizontal x-axis labels and y-axis name (using <chart rotateYAxisName='0' ..>

FusionCharts supports only left-to-right languages as of now. It doesn't have native support for right-to-left languages like Hebrew. So, if you want to use Hebrew with FusionCharts, you'll have to programatically change the text sequence and then provide the data to FusionCharts.
To use multi-lingual characters on the chart, you necessarily need to use dataURL method. dataXML method would give "Invalid XML" error when using multi-lingual characters on certain occasions.

If you're using a physical XML file, make sure it's saved in UTF-8 format.
