Enable htaccess file work in Apache

1, Load LoadModule module in Apache

1) Find the “httpd.conf” file under the “conf” folder inside the Apache’s installation folder.

2) Find the following line “#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so” in the “httpd.conf” file.You can do this easily by searching the keyword “mod_rewrite” from find menu.
3) Remove the “#” at the starting of the line, “#” represents that line is commented.
4) Now restart the apache server.
5) You can see now “mod_rewrite” in the Loaded Module section while doing “phpinfo()”.


2, Allow override in Apache config file

Find the Directory for DocumentRoot part, replace AllowOverride None with AllowOverride All.


3, Place a .htacess file under root directory in project file, and write rewrite rule, a example is:

#Rules for Versioned Static Files

Options +FollowSymlinks

RewriteEngine on

RewriteRule ^tpl/(js|css)/(.+)\.(.+)\.(js|css)$ tpl/$1/$2.$4 [L]

RewriteRule ^tpl/public/js/(.+)\.(.+)\.js$ tpl/public/js/$1.js [L

(For rewriting js/css file with last modified time to its really name). 
