case LEADING: LOG.info("LEADING"); try { //初始化Leader对象 setLeader(makeLeader(logFactory)); //lead,线程在这里阻塞 leader.lead(); setLeader(null); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Unexpected exception",e); } finally { if (leader != null) { leader.shutdown("Forcing shutdown"); setLeader(null); } setPeerState(ServerState.LOOKING); } break; }
Leader(QuorumPeer self,LeaderZooKeeperServer zk) throws IOException { this.self = self; try { //打开lead端口,这里是2888 ss = new ServerSocket(); ss.setReuseAddress(true); ss.bind(new InetSocketAddress(self.getQuorumAddress().getPort())); } catch (BindException e) { LOG.error("Couldn't bind to port " + self.getQuorumAddress().getPort(), e); throw e; } this.zk=zk; }
self.tick = 0; //从本地文件恢复数据 zk.loadData(); //leader的状态信息 leaderStateSummary = new StateSummary(self.getCurrentEpoch(), zk.getLastProcessedZxid()); // Start thread that waits for connection requests from // new followers. //启动lead端口的监听线程,专门用来监听新的follower cnxAcceptor = new LearnerCnxAcceptor(); cnxAcceptor.start(); readyToStart = true; //等待足够多的follower进来,代表自己确实是leader,此处lead线程可能会等待 long epoch = getEpochToPropose(self.getId(), self.getAcceptedEpoch()); .......
public long getEpochToPropose(long sid, long lastAcceptedEpoch) throws InterruptedException, IOException { synchronized(connectingFollowers) { if (!waitingForNewEpoch) { return epoch; } if (lastAcceptedEpoch >= epoch) { epoch = lastAcceptedEpoch+1; } //将自己加入连接队伍中,方便后续判断lead是否有效 connectingFollowers.add(sid); QuorumVerifier verifier = self.getQuorumVerifier(); //如果足够多的follower进入,选举有效,则无需等待,并通知其他的等待线程,类似于Barrier if (connectingFollowers.contains(self.getId()) && verifier.containsQuorum(connectingFollowers)) { waitingForNewEpoch = false; self.setAcceptedEpoch(epoch); connectingFollowers.notifyAll(); } //如果进入的follower不够,则进入等待,超时即为initLimit时间, else { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); long cur = start; long end = start + self.getInitLimit()*self.getTickTime(); while(waitingForNewEpoch && cur < end) { connectingFollowers.wait(end - cur); cur = System.currentTimeMillis(); } //超时了,退出lead过程,重新发起选举 if (waitingForNewEpoch) { throw new InterruptedException("Timeout while waiting for epoch from quorum"); } } return epoch; } }
case FOLLOWING: try { LOG.info("FOLLOWING"); //初始化Follower对象 setFollower(makeFollower(logFactory)); //follow动作,线程在此等待 follower.followLeader(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Unexpected exception",e); } finally { follower.shutdown(); setFollower(null); setPeerState(ServerState.LOOKING); } break;
void followLeader() throws InterruptedException { ....... try { //根据sid找到对应leader,拿到lead连接信息 InetSocketAddress addr = findLeader(); try { //连接leader connectToLeader(addr); //注册follower,根据Leader和follower协议,主要是同步选举轮数 long newEpochZxid = registerWithLeader(Leader.FOLLOWERINFO); //check to see if the leader zxid is lower than ours //this should never happen but is just a safety check long newEpoch = ZxidUtils.getEpochFromZxid(newEpochZxid); if (newEpoch < self.getAcceptedEpoch()) { LOG.error("Proposed leader epoch " + ZxidUtils.zxidToString(newEpochZxid) + " is less than our accepted epoch " + ZxidUtils.zxidToString(self.getAcceptedEpoch())); throw new IOException("Error: Epoch of leader is lower"); } //同步数据 syncWithLeader(newEpochZxid); QuorumPacket qp = new QuorumPacket(); //接受Leader消息,执行并反馈给leader,线程在此自旋 while (self.isRunning()) { readPacket(qp); processPacket(qp); } ...... }
protected void connectToLeader(InetSocketAddress addr) throws IOException, ConnectException, InterruptedException { sock = new Socket(); //设置读超时时间为initLimit对应时间 sock.setSoTimeout(self.tickTime * self.initLimit); //重试5次,失败后退出follower角色,重新选举 for (int tries = 0; tries < 5; tries++) { try { //连接超时 sock.connect(addr, self.tickTime * self.syncLimit); sock.setTcpNoDelay(nodelay); break; } catch (IOException e) { if (tries == 4) { LOG.error("Unexpected exception",e); throw e; } else { LOG.warn("Unexpected exception, tries="+tries+ ", connecting to " + addr,e); sock = new Socket(); sock.setSoTimeout(self.tickTime * self.initLimit); } } Thread.sleep(1000); } leaderIs = BinaryInputArchive.getArchive(new BufferedInputStream( sock.getInputStream())); bufferedOutput = new BufferedOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream()); leaderOs = BinaryOutputArchive.getArchive(bufferedOutput); }
public void run() { try { while (!stop) { try{ //线程在此等待连接 Socket s = ss.accept(); // start with the initLimit, once the ack is processed // in LearnerHandler switch to the syncLimit //读超时设为initLimit时间 s.setSoTimeout(self.tickTime * self.initLimit); s.setTcpNoDelay(nodelay); //为每个follower启动单独线程,处理IO LearnerHandler fh = new LearnerHandler(s, Leader.this); fh.start(); } catch (SocketException e) { ...... }
ia = BinaryInputArchive.getArchive(new BufferedInputStream(sock .getInputStream())); bufferedOutput = new BufferedOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream()); oa = BinaryOutputArchive.getArchive(bufferedOutput); //IO线程等待follower发送包 QuorumPacket qp = new QuorumPacket(); ia.readRecord(qp, "packet");
long lastLoggedZxid = self.getLastLoggedZxid(); QuorumPacket qp = new QuorumPacket(); //type为Leader.FOLLOWERINFO qp.setType(pktType); qp.setZxid(ZxidUtils.makeZxid(self.getAcceptedEpoch(), 0)); /* * Add sid to payload */ LearnerInfo li = new LearnerInfo(self.getId(), 0x10000); ByteArrayOutputStream bsid = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); BinaryOutputArchive boa = BinaryOutputArchive.getArchive(bsid); boa.writeRecord(li, "LearnerInfo"); qp.setData(bsid.toByteArray()); //发送LearnerInfo包 writePacket(qp, true); //等待leader响应 readPacket(qp);
byte learnerInfoData[] = qp.getData(); if (learnerInfoData != null) { if (learnerInfoData.length == 8) { ByteBuffer bbsid = ByteBuffer.wrap(learnerInfoData); this.sid = bbsid.getLong(); } else { //反序列化LearnerInfo LearnerInfo li = new LearnerInfo(); ByteBufferInputStream.byteBuffer2Record(ByteBuffer.wrap(learnerInfoData), li); this.sid = li.getServerid(); this.version = li.getProtocolVersion(); } } else { this.sid = leader.followerCounter.getAndDecrement(); } ...... //follower的选举轮数 long lastAcceptedEpoch = ZxidUtils.getEpochFromZxid(qp.getZxid()); long peerLastZxid; StateSummary ss = null; long zxid = qp.getZxid(); //将follower加入到connectingFollowers中,因为满足半数机器的条件,此时在此等待的leader主线程会退出等待,继续往下处理 long newEpoch = leader.getEpochToPropose(this.getSid(), lastAcceptedEpoch); ...... //发一个Leader.LEADERINFO包,带上新的epoch id byte ver[] = new byte[4]; ByteBuffer.wrap(ver).putInt(0x10000); QuorumPacket newEpochPacket = new QuorumPacket(Leader.LEADERINFO, ZxidUtils.makeZxid(newEpoch, 0), ver, null); oa.writeRecord(newEpochPacket, "packet"); bufferedOutput.flush(); QuorumPacket ackEpochPacket = new QuorumPacket(); //等待follower响应 ia.readRecord(ackEpochPacket, "packet"); if (ackEpochPacket.getType() != Leader.ACKEPOCH) { LOG.error(ackEpochPacket.toString() + " is not ACKEPOCH"); return; } ByteBuffer bbepoch = ByteBuffer.wrap(ackEpochPacket.getData()); ss = new StateSummary(bbepoch.getInt(), ackEpochPacket.getZxid()); leader.waitForEpochAck(this.getSid(), ss); }
final long newEpoch = ZxidUtils.getEpochFromZxid(qp.getZxid()); if (qp.getType() == Leader.LEADERINFO) { // we are connected to a 1.0 server so accept the new epoch and read the next packet leaderProtocolVersion = ByteBuffer.wrap(qp.getData()).getInt(); byte epochBytes[] = new byte[4]; final ByteBuffer wrappedEpochBytes = ByteBuffer.wrap(epochBytes); //将自己的epoch发给leader if (newEpoch > self.getAcceptedEpoch()) { wrappedEpochBytes.putInt((int)self.getCurrentEpoch()); self.setAcceptedEpoch(newEpoch); } ...... //发送一个Leader.ACKEPOCH包,带上自己的最大zxid QuorumPacket ackNewEpoch = new QuorumPacket(Leader.ACKEPOCH, lastLoggedZxid, epochBytes, null); writePacket(ackNewEpoch, true); return ZxidUtils.makeZxid(newEpoch, 0); }
public void waitForEpochAck(long id, StateSummary ss) throws IOException, InterruptedException { synchronized(electingFollowers) { if (electionFinished) { return; } if (ss.getCurrentEpoch() != -1) { ...... //将follower添加到等待集合 electingFollowers.add(id); } QuorumVerifier verifier = self.getQuorumVerifier(); //判断是否满足选举条件,如果不满足进入等待,满足则通知其他等待线程,类似于Barrier if (electingFollowers.contains(self.getId()) && verifier.containsQuorum(electingFollowers)) { electionFinished = true; electingFollowers.notifyAll(); } //follower还不够,等等吧 else { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); long cur = start; long end = start + self.getInitLimit()*self.getTickTime(); while(!electionFinished && cur < end) { electingFollowers.wait(end - cur); cur = System.currentTimeMillis(); } if (!electionFinished) { throw new InterruptedException("Timeout while waiting for epoch to be acked by quorum"); } } } }
long epoch = getEpochToPropose(self.getId(), self.getAcceptedEpoch()); zk.setZxid(ZxidUtils.makeZxid(epoch, 0)); synchronized(this){ lastProposed = zk.getZxid(); } //发起一个NEWLEADER投票 newLeaderProposal.packet = new QuorumPacket(NEWLEADER, zk.getZxid(), null, null); ...... //投票箱 outstandingProposals.put(newLeaderProposal.packet.getZxid(), newLeaderProposal); //自己默认同意 newLeaderProposal.ackSet.add(self.getId()); //等待follower进来 waitForEpochAck(self.getId(), leaderStateSummary);
//当前选票轮数 self.setCurrentEpoch(epoch); // We have to get at least a majority of servers in sync with // us. We do this by waiting for the NEWLEADER packet to get // acknowledged //等待确认NEWLEADER包的follower足够多,那自己真的是leader了 while (!self.getQuorumVerifier().containsQuorum(newLeaderProposal.ackSet)){ //while (newLeaderProposal.ackCount <= self.quorumPeers.size() / 2) { //如果超过初始化时间initlimit,则退出lead过程,重新选举,有可能是follower同步数据比较慢 if (self.tick > self.initLimit) { // Followers aren't syncing fast enough, // renounce leadership! StringBuilder ackToString = new StringBuilder(); for(Long id : newLeaderProposal.ackSet) ackToString.append(id + ": "); shutdown("Waiting for a quorum of followers, only synced with: " + ackToString); HashSet<Long> followerSet = new HashSet<Long>(); for(LearnerHandler f : getLearners()) { followerSet.add(f.getSid()); } if (self.getQuorumVerifier().containsQuorum(followerSet)) { //if (followers.size() >= self.quorumPeers.size() / 2) { LOG.warn("Enough followers present. "+ "Perhaps the initTicks need to be increased."); } return; } Thread.sleep(self.tickTime); self.tick++; }
/* the default to send to the follower */ //默认发送一个SNAP包,要求follower同步数据 int packetToSend = Leader.SNAP; long zxidToSend = 0; long leaderLastZxid = 0; /** the packets that the follower needs to get updates from **/ long updates = peerLastZxid; /* we are sending the diff check if we have proposals in memory to be able to * send a diff to the */ ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = leader.zk.getZKDatabase().getLogLock(); ReadLock rl = lock.readLock(); try { rl.lock(); final long maxCommittedLog = leader.zk.getZKDatabase().getmaxCommittedLog(); final long minCommittedLog = leader.zk.getZKDatabase().getminCommittedLog(); LOG.info("Synchronizing with Follower sid: " + sid +" maxCommittedLog=0x"+Long.toHexString(maxCommittedLog) +" minCommittedLog=0x"+Long.toHexString(minCommittedLog) +" peerLastZxid=0x"+Long.toHexString(peerLastZxid)); //看看是否还有需要投的票 LinkedList<Proposal> proposals = leader.zk.getZKDatabase().getCommittedLog(); //如果有,则处理这些投票 if (proposals.size() != 0) { //如果follower还没处理这个分布式事务,有可能down掉了又恢复,则继续处理这个事务 if ((maxCommittedLog >= peerLastZxid) && (minCommittedLog <= peerLastZxid)) { ....... // If we are here, we can use committedLog to sync with // follower. Then we only need to decide whether to // send trunc or not packetToSend = Leader.DIFF; zxidToSend = maxCommittedLog; for (Proposal propose: proposals) { // skip the proposals the peer already has //这个已经被处理过了,无视 if (propose.packet.getZxid() <= peerLastZxid) { prevProposalZxid = propose.packet.getZxid(); continue; } else { // If we are sending the first packet, figure out whether to trunc // in case the follower has some proposals that the leader doesn't //发第一个事务之前先确认folloer是否比leader超前 if (firstPacket) { firstPacket = false; // Does the peer have some proposals that the leader hasn't seen yet //follower处理事务比leader多,则发送TRUNC包,让follower回滚到和leader一致 if (prevProposalZxid < peerLastZxid) { // send a trunc message before sending the diff packetToSend = Leader.TRUNC; zxidToSend = prevProposalZxid; updates = zxidToSend; } } //将事务发送到队列 queuePacket(propose.packet); //立马接一个COMMIT包 QuorumPacket qcommit = new QuorumPacket(Leader.COMMIT, propose.packet.getZxid(), null, null); queuePacket(qcommit); } } } //如果follower超前了,则发送TRUNC包,让其和leader同步 else if (peerLastZxid > maxCommittedLog) { LOG.debug("Sending TRUNC to follower zxidToSend=0x{} updates=0x{}", Long.toHexString(maxCommittedLog), Long.toHexString(updates)); packetToSend = Leader.TRUNC; zxidToSend = maxCommittedLog; updates = zxidToSend; } else { LOG.warn("Unhandled proposal scenario"); } } //如果follower和leader同步,则发送DIFF包,而不需要follower拉数据 else if (peerLastZxid == leader.zk.getZKDatabase().getDataTreeLastProcessedZxid()) { ..... packetToSend = Leader.DIFF; zxidToSend = peerLastZxid; ....... //NEWLEADER包添加到发送队列 QuorumPacket newLeaderQP = new QuorumPacket(Leader.NEWLEADER, ZxidUtils.makeZxid(newEpoch, 0), null, null); if (getVersion() < 0x10000) { oa.writeRecord(newLeaderQP, "packet"); } else { queuedPackets.add(newLeaderQP); } bufferedOutput.flush(); //Need to set the zxidToSend to the latest zxid if (packetToSend == Leader.SNAP) { zxidToSend = leader.zk.getZKDatabase().getDataTreeLastProcessedZxid(); } //发送一个DIFF或SNAP包 oa.writeRecord(new QuorumPacket(packetToSend, zxidToSend, null, null), "packet"); bufferedOutput.flush(); ...... // Start sending packets //启动一个异步发送线程 new Thread() { public void run() { Thread.currentThread().setName( "Sender-" + sock.getRemoteSocketAddress()); try { sendPackets(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Unexpected interruption",e); } } }.start(); /* * Have to wait for the first ACK, wait until * the leader is ready, and only then we can * start processing messages. */ //等待follower确认 qp = new QuorumPacket(); ia.readRecord(qp, "packet");
QuorumPacket ack = new QuorumPacket(Leader.ACK, 0, null, null); QuorumPacket qp = new QuorumPacket(); long newEpoch = ZxidUtils.getEpochFromZxid(newLeaderZxid); readPacket(qp); LinkedList<Long> packetsCommitted = new LinkedList<Long>(); LinkedList<PacketInFlight> packetsNotCommitted = new LinkedList<PacketInFlight>(); synchronized (zk) { //DIFF包 if (qp.getType() == Leader.DIFF) { LOG.info("Getting a diff from the leader 0x" + Long.toHexString(qp.getZxid())); } //如果是SNAP包,则从leader复制一份镜像数据到本地内存 else if (qp.getType() == Leader.SNAP) { LOG.info("Getting a snapshot from leader"); // The leader is going to dump the database // clear our own database and read zk.getZKDatabase().clear(); zk.getZKDatabase().deserializeSnapshot(leaderIs); String signature = leaderIs.readString("signature"); if (!signature.equals("BenWasHere")) { LOG.error("Missing signature. Got " + signature); throw new IOException("Missing signature"); } } //TRUNC包,回滚到对应事务 else if (qp.getType() == Leader.TRUNC) { //we need to truncate the log to the lastzxid of the leader LOG.warn("Truncating log to get in sync with the leader 0x" + Long.toHexString(qp.getZxid())); boolean truncated=zk.getZKDatabase().truncateLog(qp.getZxid()); ...... //最新的事务id zk.getZKDatabase().setlastProcessedZxid(qp.getZxid()); //启动过期session检查 zk.createSessionTracker(); long lastQueued = 0; // in V1.0 we take a snapshot when we get the NEWLEADER message, but in pre V1.0 // we take the snapshot at the UPDATE, since V1.0 also gets the UPDATE (after the NEWLEADER) // we need to make sure that we don't take the snapshot twice. boolean snapshotTaken = false; // we are now going to start getting transactions to apply followed by an UPTODATE outerLoop: //同步完数据后,准备执行投票 while (self.isRunning()) { readPacket(qp); switch(qp.getType()) { //将投票添加到待处理列表 case Leader.PROPOSAL: PacketInFlight pif = new PacketInFlight(); pif.hdr = new TxnHeader(); pif.rec = SerializeUtils.deserializeTxn(qp.getData(), pif.hdr); if (pif.hdr.getZxid() != lastQueued + 1) { LOG.warn("Got zxid 0x" + Long.toHexString(pif.hdr.getZxid()) + " expected 0x" + Long.toHexString(lastQueued + 1)); } lastQueued = pif.hdr.getZxid(); packetsNotCommitted.add(pif); break; //COMMIT则将事务交给Server处理掉 case Leader.COMMIT: if (!snapshotTaken) { pif = packetsNotCommitted.peekFirst(); if (pif.hdr.getZxid() != qp.getZxid()) { LOG.warn("Committing " + qp.getZxid() + ", but next proposal is " + pif.hdr.getZxid()); } else { zk.processTxn(pif.hdr, pif.rec); packetsNotCommitted.remove(); } } else { packetsCommitted.add(qp.getZxid()); } break; case Leader.INFORM: TxnHeader hdr = new TxnHeader(); Record txn = SerializeUtils.deserializeTxn(qp.getData(), hdr); zk.processTxn(hdr, txn); break; //UPTODATE包,说明同步成功,退出循环 case Leader.UPTODATE: if (!snapshotTaken) { // true for the pre v1.0 case zk.takeSnapshot(); self.setCurrentEpoch(newEpoch); } self.cnxnFactory.setZooKeeperServer(zk); break outerLoop; //NEWLEADER包,说明之前残留的投票已经处理完了,则将内存中数据写文件,并发送ACK包 case Leader.NEWLEADER: // it will be NEWLEADER in v1.0 zk.takeSnapshot(); self.setCurrentEpoch(newEpoch); snapshotTaken = true; writePacket(new QuorumPacket(Leader.ACK, newLeaderZxid, null, null), true); break; } } }
qp = new QuorumPacket(); ia.readRecord(qp, "packet"); if(qp.getType() != Leader.ACK){ LOG.error("Next packet was supposed to be an ACK"); return; } //ACK包处理,如果follower数据同步成功,则将它添加到NEWLEADER这个投票的结果中,这样leader主线程就会恢复执行 leader.processAck(this.sid, qp.getZxid(), sock.getLocalSocketAddress()); // now that the ack has been processed expect the syncLimit sock.setSoTimeout(leader.self.tickTime * leader.self.syncLimit); /* * Wait until leader starts up */ //等待leader的server启动 synchronized(leader.zk){ while(!leader.zk.isRunning() && !this.isInterrupted()){ leader.zk.wait(20); } } // Mutation packets will be queued during the serialize, // so we need to mark when the peer can actually start // using the data // //leader server启动后,发送一个UPTODATE包 queuedPackets.add(new QuorumPacket(Leader.UPTODATE, -1, null, null));
synchronized public void processAck(long sid, long zxid, SocketAddress followerAddr) { ...... Proposal p = outstandingProposals.get(zxid); ...... //将follower添加到结果列表 p.ackSet.add(sid); ...... //票数够了,则启动leader的server if (self.getQuorumVerifier().containsQuorum(p.ackSet)){ ....... } else { lastCommitted = zxid; LOG.info("Have quorum of supporters; starting up and setting last processed zxid: 0x{}", Long.toHexString(zk.getZxid())); //启动leader的zookeeper server zk.startup(); zk.getZKDatabase().setlastProcessedZxid(zk.getZxid()); } } }
由于follower进来已经满足投票条件,则leader 的server启动,如下
public void startup() { if (sessionTracker == null) { createSessionTracker(); } //session检查 startSessionTracker(); //处理链 setupRequestProcessors(); registerJMX(); synchronized (this) { running = true; notifyAll(); } }
protected void setupRequestProcessors() { //最后final处理器 RequestProcessor finalProcessor = new FinalRequestProcessor(this); RequestProcessor toBeAppliedProcessor = new Leader.ToBeAppliedRequestProcessor( finalProcessor, getLeader().toBeApplied); //投票结果确认 commitProcessor = new CommitProcessor(toBeAppliedProcessor, Long.toString(getServerId()), false); commitProcessor.start(); //投票发起 ProposalRequestProcessor proposalProcessor = new ProposalRequestProcessor(this, commitProcessor); proposalProcessor.initialize(); //事务预处理 firstProcessor = new PrepRequestProcessor(this, proposalProcessor); ((PrepRequestProcessor)firstProcessor).start(); }
//退出同步数据循环 case Leader.UPTODATE: if (!snapshotTaken) { // true for the pre v1.0 case zk.takeSnapshot(); self.setCurrentEpoch(newEpoch); } self.cnxnFactory.setZooKeeperServer(zk); break outerLoop; ...... //再发ACK包 ack.setZxid(ZxidUtils.makeZxid(newEpoch, 0)); writePacket(ack, true);
while (true) { qp = new QuorumPacket(); ia.readRecord(qp, "packet"); ...... tickOfLastAck = leader.self.tick; ByteBuffer bb; long sessionId; int cxid; int type; switch (qp.getType()) { //ACK包,看看之前的投票是否结束 case Leader.ACK: ...... leader.processAck(this.sid, qp.getZxid(), sock.getLocalSocketAddress()); break; //PING包更新下session的超时时间,往前推 case Leader.PING: // Process the touches ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(qp .getData()); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(bis); while (dis.available() > 0) { long sess = dis.readLong(); int to = dis.readInt(); leader.zk.touch(sess, to); } break; //REVALIDATE包,检查session是否还有效 case Leader.REVALIDATE: bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(qp.getData()); dis = new DataInputStream(bis); long id = dis.readLong(); int to = dis.readInt(); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(bos); dos.writeLong(id); boolean valid = leader.zk.touch(id, to); if (valid) { try { //set the session owner // as the follower that // owns the session leader.zk.setOwner(id, this); } catch (SessionExpiredException e) { LOG.error("Somehow session " + Long.toHexString(id) + " expired right after being renewed! (impossible)", e); } } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { ZooTrace.logTraceMessage(LOG, ZooTrace.SESSION_TRACE_MASK, "Session 0x" + Long.toHexString(id) + " is valid: "+ valid); } dos.writeBoolean(valid); qp.setData(bos.toByteArray()); queuedPackets.add(qp); break; //REQUEST包,事务请求,follower会将事务请求转发给leader处理 case Leader.REQUEST: bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(qp.getData()); sessionId = bb.getLong(); cxid = bb.getInt(); type = bb.getInt(); bb = bb.slice(); Request si; if(type == OpCode.sync){ si = new LearnerSyncRequest(this, sessionId, cxid, type, bb, qp.getAuthinfo()); } else { si = new Request(null, sessionId, cxid, type, bb, qp.getAuthinfo()); } si.setOwner(this); leader.zk.submitRequest(si); break; default: } }
writePacket(ack, true); //读超时为syncLimit时间 sock.setSoTimeout(self.tickTime * self.syncLimit); //启动follower的zookeeper server zk.startup(); // We need to log the stuff that came in between the snapshot and the uptodate if (zk instanceof FollowerZooKeeperServer) { FollowerZooKeeperServer fzk = (FollowerZooKeeperServer)zk; for(PacketInFlight p: packetsNotCommitted) { fzk.logRequest(p.hdr, p.rec); } for(Long zxid: packetsCommitted) { fzk.commit(zxid); } }
Follower的zookeeper server启动
@Override protected void setupRequestProcessors() { RequestProcessor finalProcessor = new FinalRequestProcessor(this); commitProcessor = new CommitProcessor(finalProcessor, Long.toString(getServerId()), true); commitProcessor.start(); firstProcessor = new FollowerRequestProcessor(this, commitProcessor); ((FollowerRequestProcessor) firstProcessor).start(); syncProcessor = new SyncRequestProcessor(this, new SendAckRequestProcessor((Learner)getFollower())); syncProcessor.start(); }
QuorumPacket qp = new QuorumPacket(); while (self.isRunning()) { readPacket(qp); processPacket(qp); } protected void processPacket(QuorumPacket qp) throws IOException{ switch (qp.getType()) { //PING包,写回session数据 case Leader.PING: ping(qp); break; //PROPOSAL包,投票处理 case Leader.PROPOSAL: TxnHeader hdr = new TxnHeader(); Record txn = SerializeUtils.deserializeTxn(qp.getData(), hdr); if (hdr.getZxid() != lastQueued + 1) { LOG.warn("Got zxid 0x" + Long.toHexString(hdr.getZxid()) + " expected 0x" + Long.toHexString(lastQueued + 1)); } lastQueued = hdr.getZxid(); fzk.logRequest(hdr, txn); break; //COMMIT包,提交事务 case Leader.COMMIT: fzk.commit(qp.getZxid()); break; case Leader.UPTODATE: LOG.error("Received an UPTODATE message after Follower started"); break; case Leader.REVALIDATE: revalidate(qp); break; case Leader.SYNC: fzk.sync(); break; } }
while (true) { Thread.sleep(self.tickTime / 2); if (!tickSkip) { self.tick++; } HashSet<Long> syncedSet = new HashSet<Long>(); // lock on the followers when we use it. syncedSet.add(self.getId()); //检查每个follower是否还活着 for (LearnerHandler f : getLearners()) { // Synced set is used to check we have a supporting quorum, so only // PARTICIPANT, not OBSERVER, learners should be used if (f.synced() && f.getLearnerType() == LearnerType.PARTICIPANT) { syncedSet.add(f.getSid()); } f.ping(); } //如果有follower挂掉导致投票不通过,则退出lead流程,重新选举 if (!tickSkip && !self.getQuorumVerifier().containsQuorum(syncedSet)) { //if (!tickSkip && syncedCount < self.quorumPeers.size() / 2) { // Lost quorum, shutdown // TODO: message is wrong unless majority quorums used shutdown("Only " + syncedSet.size() + " followers, need " + (self.getVotingView().size() / 2)); // make sure the order is the same! // the leader goes to looking return; } tickSkip = !tickSkip; }