Yolanda Adame - I Believe

电影《甜心辣舞》的结尾曲,Yolanda Adame演唱的“I believe“,每次看都很有感触,尤其最后那段辣舞, ICON那么多有共同梦想的青年人们终于登上了自己的舞台,他们尽情的舞动,我都会被深深的折服。很是激奋人心滴,每次再看一遍的时候都会感到很受振奋,内心触动很大,很是羡慕他们对梦想的执着。DO NOT GIVE UP !  I BELIEVE!!!共勉之!!!
现在还不能传歌,大家要的话我的背景音乐里有 ICON
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[url=http://down2.6626.com:9000/music_tt9012/1/6/13.wma?60022062342235x1161062073x60022108775735-c68cd4417756562956e07a7a66e35206]点这里下载-> 电信用户[/url]
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They said you wouldn't make it so far  aha
And ever since they said that its been hard 
But never 
mind that night'cha had to cry 
Cause you had never let it go inside 
You work real hard and you 
know exactly what you want and need 
So believe 
And you can never give up 
You can reach your goals 
Just  talk to your soul and say  
I believe I can 
I believe I will 
I believe I know my dreams 
are real 
I believe I can 
Ibelieve I will 
I believe I hold it soon and 
that is whatIdo believe 
goals are just a thing in your soul, aha 
And you know that your moves will let them show 
You keep  creating pictures in your mind 
So just believe they will come true in time 
It will be fine 
all of your fears and stress behind 
         Just let it go 
Let the music flow inside again the pain 
just start to belive  
Never mind what people say 
Hold my head high and turn 
With all my hopes and dreams 
          I will believe 
Even know it seems that's not for me 
           I w
           give up 
I'll keeping up looking to the sky 
         I will dream 
         Oh i mind these 
     I will always believe
