
You use two languages to write Flex applications: MXML and ActionScript. MXML is an XML markup language that you use to lay out user interface components. You also use MXML to declaratively define nonvisual aspects of an application, such as access to data sources on the server and data bindings between user interface components and data sources on the server.
    您可以使用两种语言编写Flex应用程序:MXML和ActionScript。 MXML是一种可用于布置用户界面组件的XML标记语言,您还可以使用MXML来定义一个程序的非可视化方面,例如,访问服务器端的数据源,或者是将用户界面和服务器端的数据源绑定。

Like HTML, MXML provides tags that define user interfaces. MXML will seem very familiar if you have worked with HTML. However, MXML is more structured than HTML, and it provides a much richer tag set. For example, MXML includes tags for visual components such as data grids, trees, tab navigators, accordions, and menus, as well as nonvisual components that provide web service connections, data binding, and animation effects. You can also extend MXML with custom components that you reference as MXML tags.

One of the biggest differences between MXML and HTML is that MXML-defined applications are compiled into SWF files and rendered by Adobe(R) Flash(R) Player or Adobe(R) AIR(TM), which provides a richer and more dynamic user interface than page-based HTML applications.

You can write an MXML application in a single file or in multiple files. MXML also supports custom components written in MXML and ActionScript files.
