WebLogic: How To Prevent OS Signals From Shutting Down WebLogic Server Instances

Published on Friday, 07 May 2010 21:43 | Written by Schelstraete Bart | Print | Email | Hits: 103
When WebLogic Server running with the Sun JVM is shutdown, it is because there is a unwanted operating system call terminating the process. The shutdown of the server is traced in the log files like this

<BEA-000388> <JVM called WLS shutdown hook.  The server will force shutdown now>
<BEA-000396> <Server  shutdown has been requested by <WLS Kernel>>

To overcome the problem, specify -Xrs parameter for SUN JVM in the JAVA startup arguments in the server startup script if the servers are started using script. Alternatively, specify the parameter in JAVA_ARGUMENTS in the remote start tab in WLS Admin console.

-Xrs reduces usage of operating-system signals by the JVM.To avoid possible interference, the -Xrs command-line option does not watch for or process CTRL_C_EVENT, CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT,

JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xrs"
