[Biztalk 2009]Get Start Biztalk 2009 - Create a most simplest Biztalk 2009 Applcation

In this article, we will create a most simplest Biztalk application. This application will not involve any Maps, Schema, or Pipeline, no code of cause. The only function with the test application is sending a XML file from on location to another by Biztalk.
Before we going ahead to create anything ,we should prepare the Biztalk environment as required. Basically, we should have install all of these softwares:
1. Windows 2003/2008
3. Visual Studio 2008 with SP1
4.SQL Server 2005/2008
5.WSS 3.0 with sp1 or MOSS 2007
6. Biztalk Server 2009
For more information about how to install Biztalk 2009, please check:
Summary Of Steps
Step 1. Create a new Biztalk Application.
Run your Visual Studio 2008 as Administrator. click the file menu and create a new Biztalk application solution and Biztalk application.By default, a new Biztalk app project will be created as the solution created. we'd better delete the project and create a new Biztalk project and name it say, "BiztalkTest1".  that is all, that is all the things we need to create.
Step 2. Strong sign the "BiztalkTest1" project
When we are deploying the project to Biztalk Server. some of the dll will be deployed to GAC. that is why we have to strong sign the project. here is how we would strong sign the project.
Open project's properties tab. and find the Signing part. check the "Sign the assembly" check box, in the right below, you create a new strong key file. Because it is for test only , so ,you do not need to protect by a password, just uncheck "Protect my key file with a password".
Step 3. Deploy "BiztalkTest1" project
Still in the Properties window, find the "Deployment" part and give "Application Name" a name, then, we right click the project, build it and deploy it to Biztalk Server. Now, open your Biztak Server 2009 Administration Console. right click the Biztalk Group and refresh the list. under the Application node. you should find "BiztalkTest1" expend it.
Step 4. Configure "BiztalkTest1"
In the above 3 steps, we have created the project and deployed it into Biztalk Server. in this step we are going to do configure receive port and send port then ,run it.
Below the BiztalkTest1 node, right click the Receive Ports , create a "one way receive port", click "Receive Locations" then ,create a new receive location. Chose the Type as "File" and then configure the Receive folder. specify the location as you like.
Next ,we should create a new send ports, chose the file as "File " and specify your send port folder. after you have done this, find the "Filters" in the left frame. configure as the below diagram shows:
Step 5. Run and test the project
Right click the project and start it. Find a existed XML file,copy it and paste it to the receive location, after a second you should find a file in send location folder.

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