
     * A set of information given to a view when it is attached to its parent
     * window.
    static class AttachInfo {
        interface Callbacks {
            void playSoundEffect(int effectId);
            boolean performHapticFeedback(int effectId, boolean always);

         * InvalidateInfo is used to post invalidate(int, int, int, int) messages
         * to a Handler. This class contains the target (View) to invalidate and
         * the coordinates of the dirty rectangle.
         * For performance purposes, this class also implements a pool of up to
         * POOL_LIMIT objects that get reused. This reduces memory allocations
         * whenever possible.
        static class InvalidateInfo implements Poolable<InvalidateInfo> {
            private static final int POOL_LIMIT = 10;
            private static final Pool<InvalidateInfo> sPool = Pools.synchronizedPool(
                    Pools.finitePool(new PoolableManager<InvalidateInfo>() {
                        public InvalidateInfo newInstance() {
                            return new InvalidateInfo();

                        public void onAcquired(InvalidateInfo element) {

                        public void onReleased(InvalidateInfo element) {
                   = null;
                    }, POOL_LIMIT)

            private InvalidateInfo mNext;
            private boolean mIsPooled;

            View target;

            int left;
            int top;
            int right;
            int bottom;

            public void setNextPoolable(InvalidateInfo element) {
                mNext = element;

            public InvalidateInfo getNextPoolable() {
                return mNext;

            static InvalidateInfo acquire() {
                return sPool.acquire();

            void release() {

            public boolean isPooled() {
                return mIsPooled;

            public void setPooled(boolean isPooled) {
                mIsPooled = isPooled;

        final IWindowSession mSession;

        final IWindow mWindow;

        final IBinder mWindowToken;

        final Callbacks mRootCallbacks;

        HardwareCanvas mHardwareCanvas;

         * The top view of the hierarchy.
        View mRootView;

        IBinder mPanelParentWindowToken;
        Surface mSurface;

        boolean mHardwareAccelerated;
        boolean mHardwareAccelerationRequested;
        HardwareRenderer mHardwareRenderer;

         * Scale factor used by the compatibility mode
        float mApplicationScale;

         * Indicates whether the application is in compatibility mode
        boolean mScalingRequired;

         * If set, ViewAncestor doesn't use its lame animation for when the window resizes.
        boolean mTurnOffWindowResizeAnim;

         * Left position of this view's window
        int mWindowLeft;

         * Top position of this view's window
        int mWindowTop;

         * Indicates whether views need to use 32-bit drawing caches
        boolean mUse32BitDrawingCache;

         * For windows that are full-screen but using insets to layout inside
         * of the screen decorations, these are the current insets for the
         * content of the window.
        final Rect mContentInsets = new Rect();

         * For windows that are full-screen but using insets to layout inside
         * of the screen decorations, these are the current insets for the
         * actual visible parts of the window.
        final Rect mVisibleInsets = new Rect();

         * The internal insets given by this window.  This value is
         * supplied by the client (through
         * {@link ViewTreeObserver.OnComputeInternalInsetsListener}) and will
         * be given to the window manager when changed to be used in laying
         * out windows behind it.
        final ViewTreeObserver.InternalInsetsInfo mGivenInternalInsets
                = new ViewTreeObserver.InternalInsetsInfo();

         * All views in the window's hierarchy that serve as scroll containers,
         * used to determine if the window can be resized or must be panned
         * to adjust for a soft input area.
        final ArrayList<View> mScrollContainers = new ArrayList<View>();

        final KeyEvent.DispatcherState mKeyDispatchState
                = new KeyEvent.DispatcherState();

         * Indicates whether the view's window currently has the focus.
        boolean mHasWindowFocus;

         * The current visibility of the window.
        int mWindowVisibility;

         * Indicates the time at which drawing started to occur.
        long mDrawingTime;

         * Indicates whether or not ignoring the DIRTY_MASK flags.
        boolean mIgnoreDirtyState;

         * This flag tracks when the mIgnoreDirtyState flag is set during draw(),
         * to avoid clearing that flag prematurely.
        boolean mSetIgnoreDirtyState = false;

         * Indicates whether the view's window is currently in touch mode.
        boolean mInTouchMode;

         * Indicates that ViewAncestor should trigger a global layout change
         * the next time it performs a traversal
        boolean mRecomputeGlobalAttributes;

         * Always report new attributes at next traversal.
        boolean mForceReportNewAttributes;

         * Set during a traveral if any views want to keep the screen on.
        boolean mKeepScreenOn;

         * Bitwise-or of all of the values that views have passed to setSystemUiVisibility().
        int mSystemUiVisibility;

         * True if a view in this hierarchy has an OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener
         * attached.
        boolean mHasSystemUiListeners;

         * Set if the visibility of any views has changed.
        boolean mViewVisibilityChanged;

         * Set to true if a view has been scrolled.
        boolean mViewScrollChanged;

         * Global to the view hierarchy used as a temporary for dealing with
         * x/y points in the transparent region computations.
        final int[] mTransparentLocation = new int[2];

         * Global to the view hierarchy used as a temporary for dealing with
         * x/y points in the ViewGroup.invalidateChild implementation.
        final int[] mInvalidateChildLocation = new int[2];

         * Global to the view hierarchy used as a temporary for dealing with
         * x/y location when view is transformed.
        final float[] mTmpTransformLocation = new float[2];

         * The view tree observer used to dispatch global events like
         * layout, pre-draw, touch mode change, etc.
        final ViewTreeObserver mTreeObserver = new ViewTreeObserver();

         * A Canvas used by the view hierarchy to perform bitmap caching.
        Canvas mCanvas;

         * A Handler supplied by a view's {@link android.view.ViewRootImpl}. This
         * handler can be used to pump events in the UI events queue.
        final Handler mHandler;

         * Identifier for messages requesting the view to be invalidated.
         * Such messages should be sent to {@link #mHandler}.
        static final int INVALIDATE_MSG = 0x1;

         * Identifier for messages requesting the view to invalidate a region.
         * Such messages should be sent to {@link #mHandler}.
        static final int INVALIDATE_RECT_MSG = 0x2;

         * Temporary for use in computing invalidate rectangles while
         * calling up the hierarchy.
        final Rect mTmpInvalRect = new Rect();

         * Temporary for use in computing hit areas with transformed views
        final RectF mTmpTransformRect = new RectF();

         * Temporary list for use in collecting focusable descendents of a view.
        final ArrayList<View> mFocusablesTempList = new ArrayList<View>(24);

         * The id of the window for accessibility purposes.
        int mAccessibilityWindowId = View.NO_ID;

         * Creates a new set of attachment information with the specified
         * events handler and thread.
         * @param handler the events handler the view must use
        AttachInfo(IWindowSession session, IWindow window,
                Handler handler, Callbacks effectPlayer) {
            mSession = session;
            mWindow = window;
            mWindowToken = window.asBinder();
            mHandler = handler;
            mRootCallbacks = effectPlayer;

