** Client.cpp
** Create:2010.12.28
** Author:gong
#include "Client.h"
//#include "configuration.h"
#include "common.h"
#include <conio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
static char const* state_str[] =
{"checking (q)", "checking", "dl metadata"
, "downloading", "finished", "seeding", "allocating", "checking (r)"};
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
#if BOOST_VERSION < 103400
using boost::filesystem::no_check;
if (argc == 1)
fprintf(stderr, "usage: client_test [OPTIONS] [TORRENT|MAGNETURL]\n\n"
" -f <log file> logs all events to the given file\n" //日志文件
" -o <limit> limits the number of simultaneous\n" //限制tcp连接的数量
" half-open TCP connections to the\n"
" given number.\n"
" -p <port> sets the listen port\n" //设置监听端口
" -r <ratio> sets the preferred share ratio\n" //设置什么比率
" -d <rate> limits the download rate\n" //限制下载速度
" -u <rate> limits the upload rate\n" //限制上传速度
" -S <limit> limits the upload slots\n" //
" -a <mode> sets the allocation mode. [compact|full]\n" //设置分配模式
" -s <path> sets the save path for downloads\n" //设置文件保存的路径
" -U <rate> sets per-torrent upload rate\n" //设置种子上传的速度
" -D <rate> sets per-torrent download rate\n" //设置种子下载的速度
" -m <path> sets the .torrent monitor directory\n" //设置种子监视的目录
" -b <IP> sets IP of the interface to bind the\n" //设置IP端口绑定
" listen socket to\n"
" -w <seconds> sets the retry time for failed web seeds\n" //设置重试的等待时间
" -t <seconds> sets the scan interval of the monitor dir\n" //设置对监视目录浏览间隔的时间
" -x <file> loads an emule IP-filter file\n" //加载一个电驴IP过滤文件
" -c <limit> sets the max number of connections\n" //设置连接的最大数量
" -T <limit> sets the max number of connections per torrent\n" //设置每个种子文件连接的最大数目
" -C <limit> sets the max cache size. Specified in 16kB blocks\n" //设置缓冲区大小
" -F <seconds> sets the UI refresh rate. This is the number of\n" //设置UI刷新速率
" seconds between screen refreshes.\n"
" -n announce to trackers in all tiers\n"
" -h allow multiple connections from the same IP\n" //允许来自同一个IP的多重连接
" -A <num pieces> allowed pieces set size\n" //设置每一片片的大小
" -R <num blocks> number of blocks per read cache line\n" //设置每读一行的块数量
" -O Disallow disk job reordering\n" //不允许光盘运行
" "
"TORRENT is a path to a .torrent file\n"
"MAGNETURL is a magnet: url\n")
return 0;
proxy_settings ps;
using namespace libtorrent;
session_settings settings;
handles_t handles; //存储libtorrent句柄的容器
settings.user_agent = "client_test/" LIBTORRENT_VERSION;
settings.auto_upload_slots_rate_based = true;
//settings.announce_to_all_trackers = true;
settings.optimize_hashing_for_speed = false;
settings.disk_cache_algorithm = session_settings::largest_contiguous;
int refresh_delay = 1;
std::deque<std::string> events;
ptime next_dir_scan = time_now();
// the string is the filename of the .torrent file, but only if
// it was added through the directory monitor. It is used to
// be able to remove torrents that were added via the directory
// monitor when they're not in the directory anymore.
, session::start_default_features | session::add_default_plugins
, alert::all_categories
& ~(alert::dht_notification
+ alert::progress_notification
+ alert::debug_notification
+ alert::stats_notification));
std::vector<char> in;
if (load_file(".ses_state", in) == 0)
lazy_entry e;
if (lazy_bdecode(&in[0], &in[0] + in.size(), e) == 0)
settings.use_dht_as_fallback = false;
std::string("router.bittorrent.com"), 6881));
std::string("router.utorrent.com"), 6881));
std::string("router.bitcomet.com"), 6881));
// 加载命令行给出的种子文件
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
if (argv[i][0] != '-')
// interpret this as a torrent
// first see if this is a torrentless download
if (std::strstr("magnet:", argv[i]) == argv[i])
add_torrent_params p;
p.save_path = save_path;
p.storage_mode = (storage_mode_t)allocation_mode;
printf("adding MANGET link: %s\n", argv[i]);
error_code ec;
torrent_handle h = add_magnet_uri(ses, argv[i], p, ec);
if (ec)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ec.message().c_str());
handles.insert(std::pair<const std::string, torrent_handle>(std::string(), h));
// match it against the <hash>@<tracker> format
if (strlen(argv[i]) > 45
&& is_hex(argv[i], 40)
&& string_begins_no_case(argv[i] + 40, "@http"))
sha1_hash info_hash;
from_hex(argv[i], 40, (char*)&info_hash[0]);
add_torrent_params p;
p.tracker_url = argv[i] + 41;
p.info_hash = info_hash;
p.save_path = save_path;
p.storage_mode = (storage_mode_t)allocation_mode;
p.paused = true;
p.duplicate_is_error = false;
p.auto_managed = true;
error_code ec;
torrent_handle h = ses.add_torrent(p, ec);
if (ec)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ec.message().c_str());
handles.insert(std::pair<const std::string, torrent_handle>(std::string(), h));
// if it's a torrent file, open it as usual
add_torrent(ses, handles, argv[i], preferred_ratio
, allocation_mode, save_path, false
, torrent_upload_limit, torrent_download_limit);
// if there's a flag but no argument following, ignore it
if (argc == i) continue;
char const* arg = argv[i+1];
switch (argv[i][1])
case 'f': g_log_file = fopen(arg, "w+"); break;
case 'o': ses.set_max_half_open_connections(atoi(arg)); break;
case 'h': settings.allow_multiple_connections_per_ip = true; --i; break;
case 'p': listen_port = atoi(arg); break;
case 'r':
preferred_ratio = atoi(arg);
if (preferred_ratio != 0 && preferred_ratio < 1.f) preferred_ratio = 1.f;
case 'n': settings.announce_to_all_tiers = true; --i; break;
case 'd': ses.set_download_rate_limit(atoi(arg) * 1000); break;
case 'u': ses.set_upload_rate_limit(atoi(arg) * 1000); break;
case 'S': ses.set_max_uploads(atoi(arg)); break;
case 'a':
if (strcmp(arg, "allocate") == 0) allocation_mode = storage_mode_allocate;
if (strcmp(arg, "compact") == 0) allocation_mode = storage_mode_compact;
case 's': save_path = arg; break;
case 'U': torrent_upload_limit = atoi(arg) * 1000; break;
case 'D': torrent_download_limit = atoi(arg) * 1000; break;
case 'm': monitor_dir = arg; break;
case 'b': bind_to_interface = arg; break;
case 'w': settings.urlseed_wait_retry = atoi(arg); break;
case 't': poll_interval = atoi(arg); break;
case 'F': refresh_delay = atoi(arg); break;
case 'x':
std::ifstream in(arg);
ip_filter filter;
while (in.good())
char line[300];
in.getline(line, 300);
int len = in.gcount();
if (len <= 0) continue;
if (line[0] == '#') continue;
int a, b, c, d;
char dummy;
std::stringstream ln(line);
ln >> a >> dummy >> b >> dummy >> c >> dummy >> d >> dummy;
address_v4 start((a << 24) + (b << 16) + (c << 8) + d);
ln >> a >> dummy >> b >> dummy >> c >> dummy >> d;
address_v4 last((a << 24) + (b << 16) + (c << 8) + d);
int flags;
ln >> flags;
if (flags <= 127) flags = ip_filter::blocked;
else flags = 0;
if (ln.fail()) break;
filter.add_rule(start, last, flags);
case 'c': ses.set_max_connections(atoi(arg)); break;
case 'T': max_connections_per_torrent = atoi(arg); break;
case 'C':
settings.cache_size = atoi(arg);
settings.use_read_cache = settings.cache_size > 0;
settings.cache_buffer_chunk_size = settings.cache_size / 100;
case 'A': settings.allowed_fast_set_size = atoi(arg); break;
case 'R': settings.read_cache_line_size = atoi(arg); break;
case 'O': settings.allow_reordered_disk_operations = false; --i; break;
++i; // skip the argument
ses.listen_on(std::make_pair(listen_port, listen_port + 10)
, bind_to_interface.c_str());
// main loop
std::vector<peer_info> peers;
std::vector<partial_piece_info> queue;
for (;;)
char c;
while (sleep_and_input(&c, refresh_delay))
if (c == 27)
// escape code, read another character
#ifdef _WIN32
c = _getch();
c = getc(stdin);
if (c != '[') break;
#ifdef _WIN32
c = _getch();
c = getc(stdin);
if (c == 65) //c==A
// arrow up
if (active_torrent < 0) active_torrent = 0;
else if (c == 66) //c==B
// arrow down
if (active_torrent >= handles.size()) active_torrent = handles.size() - 1;
if (c == ' ')
if (ses.is_paused()) ses.resume();
else ses.pause();
if (c == 'm')
printf("saving peers for torrents\n");
std::vector<peer_list_entry> peers;
for (handles_t::iterator i = handles.begin();
i != handles.end(); ++i)
FILE* f = fopen(("peers_" + i->second.name()).c_str(), "w+");
if (!f) break;
for (std::vector<peer_list_entry>::iterator k = peers.begin()
, end(peers.end()); k != end; ++k)
fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\n", print_address(k->ip.address()).c_str()
, ses.as_for_ip(k->ip.address())
, 0
if (c == 'q') break;
if (c == 'j')
torrent_handle h = get_active_torrent(handles);
if (h.is_valid()) h.force_recheck();
if (c == 'r')
torrent_handle h = get_active_torrent(handles);
if (h.is_valid()) h.force_reannounce();
if (c == 's')
torrent_handle h = get_active_torrent(handles);
if (h.is_valid()) h.set_sequential_download(!h.is_sequential_download());
if (c == 'o')
torrent_handle h = get_active_torrent(handles);
if (h.is_valid())
int num_pieces = h.get_torrent_info().num_pieces();
if (num_pieces > 300) num_pieces = 300;
for (int i = 0; i < num_pieces; ++i)
h.set_piece_deadline(i, (i+5) * 1000, torrent_handle::alert_when_available);
if (c == 'v')
torrent_handle h = get_active_torrent(handles);
if (h.is_valid()) h.scrape_tracker();
if (c == 'p')
torrent_handle h = get_active_torrent(handles);
if (h.is_valid())
if (!h.is_auto_managed() && h.is_paused())
// the alert handler for save_resume_data_alert
// will save it to disk
if (c == 'c')
torrent_handle h = get_active_torrent(handles);
if (h.is_valid()) h.clear_error();
// toggle displays
if (c == 't') print_trackers = !print_trackers;
if (c == 'i') print_peers = !print_peers;
if (c == 'l') print_log = !print_log;
if (c == 'd') print_downloads = !print_downloads;
if (c == 'f') print_file_progress = !print_file_progress;
if (c == 'h') show_pad_files = !show_pad_files;
if (c == 'a') print_piece_bar = !print_piece_bar;
if (c == 'g') show_dht_status = !show_dht_status;
// toggle columns
if (c == '1') print_ip = !print_ip;
if (c == '2') print_as = !print_as;
if (c == '3') print_timers = !print_timers;
if (c == '4') print_block = !print_block;
if (c == '5') print_peer_rate = !print_peer_rate;
if (c == '6') print_fails = !print_fails;
if (c == '7') print_send_bufs = !print_send_bufs;
if (c == 'q') break;
int terminal_width = 80;
#ifndef _WIN32
winsize size;
ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, (char*)&size);
terminal_width = size.ws_col;
// loop through the alert queue to see if anything has happened.
std::auto_ptr<alert> a;
a = ses.pop_alert();
std::string now = time_now_string();
while (a.get())
std::string event_string;
::print_alert(a.get(), event_string);
::handle_alert(ses, a.get(), handles);
if (events.size() >= 20) events.pop_front();
a = ses.pop_alert();
session_status sess_stat = ses.status(); //返回事务的带宽统计与状态
std::string out;
out = "[q] quit [i] toggle peers [d] toggle downloading pieces [p] toggle paused "
"[a] toggle piece bar [s] toggle download sequential [f] toggle files "
"[j] force recheck [space] toggle session pause [c] clear error [v] scrape [g] show DHT\n"
"[1] toggle IP [2] toggle AS [3] toggle timers [4] toggle block progress "
"[5] toggle peer rate [6] toggle failures [7] toggle send buffers\n";
char str[500];
int torrent_index = 0;
torrent_handle active_handle;
for (handles_t::iterator i = handles.begin();
i != handles.end(); ++torrent_index)
torrent_handle& h = i->second;
if (!h.is_valid())
char const* term = "\x1b[0m";
char const* term = "";
if (active_torrent == torrent_index)
term = "\x1b[0m\x1b[7m";
out += esc("7");
out += "*";
out += " ";
int queue_pos = h.queue_position();
if (queue_pos == -1) out += "- ";
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%-3d", queue_pos);
out += str;
if (h.is_paused()) out += esc("34");
else out += esc("37");
std::string name = h.name();
if (name.size() > 40) name.resize(40);
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%-40s %s ", name.c_str(), term);
out += str;
torrent_status s = h.status();
bool paused = h.is_paused();
bool auto_managed = h.is_auto_managed();
bool sequential_download = h.is_sequential_download();
if (!s.error.empty())
out += esc("31");
out += "error ";
out += s.error;
out += esc("0");
out += "\n";
int seeds = 0;
int downloaders = 0;
if (s.num_complete >= 0) seeds = s.num_complete; //供下载的对等点的所有数目
else seeds = s.list_seeds;
if (s.num_incomplete >= 0) downloaders = s.num_incomplete; //仍然在下载任务的对等点数目
else downloaders = s.list_peers - s.list_seeds; //对等点的所有数目(包括种子源),对等点链表中的供下载源的数目
if (s.state != torrent_status::queued_for_checking && s.state != torrent_status::checking_files)
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%-13s down: (%s%s%s) up: %s%s%s (%s%s%s) swarm: %4d:%4d"
" bw queue: (%d|%d) all-time (Rx: %s%s%s Tx: %s%s%s) seed rank: %x%s\n"
, (paused && !auto_managed)?"paused":(paused && auto_managed)?"queued":state_str[s.state]
, esc("32"), add_suffix(s.total_download).c_str(), term //下载的总字节数
, esc("31"), add_suffix(s.upload_rate, "/s").c_str(), term //上传速率
, esc("31"), add_suffix(s.total_upload).c_str(), term //上传的总字节数
, downloaders, seeds
, s.up_bandwidth_queue, s.down_bandwidth_queue
, esc("32"), add_suffix(s.all_time_download).c_str(), term
, esc("31"), add_suffix(s.all_time_upload).c_str(), term
, s.seed_rank, esc("0")); //任务得到种子的重要级别,它决定那个任务将得到种子或者放在队列中。
out += str;
if (torrent_index != active_torrent && s.state == torrent_status::seeding) continue;
char const* progress_bar_color = "33"; // yellow
if (s.state == torrent_status::downloading_metadata)
progress_bar_color = "35"; // magenta
else if (s.current_tracker.empty())
progress_bar_color = "31"; // red
else if (sess_stat.has_incoming_connections)
progress_bar_color = "32"; // green
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " %-10s: %s%-11"PRId64"%s Bytes %6.2f%% %s\n"
, sequential_download?"sequential":"progress"
, esc("32"), s.total_done, esc("0") //下载的文件的所有字节数。
, s.progress_ppm / 10000.f
, progress_bar(s.progress_ppm / 1000, terminal_width - 43, progress_bar_color).c_str());
out += str;
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%-13s %s\n"
, state_str[s.state]
, progress_bar(s.progress_ppm / 1000, terminal_width - 43 - 20, "35").c_str());
out += str;
if (print_piece_bar && s.progress_ppm < 1000000 && s.progress > 0)
out += " ";
out += piece_bar(s.pieces, terminal_width - 7);
out += "\n";
if (s.state != torrent_status::queued_for_checking && s.state != torrent_status::checking_files)
boost::posix_time::time_duration t = s.next_announce; //任务向服务器通知自已的情况的时间。并且通知的间隔是服务器希望任务等待并下次再次通知的时间。
snprintf(str, sizeof(str)
, " peers: %s%d%s (%s%d%s) seeds: %s%d%s distributed copies: %s%4.2f%s "
"sparse regions: %d download: %s%s%s next announce: %s%02d:%02d:%02d%s "
"tracker: %s%s%s\n"
, esc("37"), s.num_peers, esc("0") //任务现在连接的对等点的数目。
, esc("37"), s.connect_candidates, esc("0") //正准备连接的任务的对等点链表中的对等点数目。
, esc("37"), s.num_seeds, esc("0") //客户端连接的正在提供下载源的对等点的数目。
, esc("37"), s.distributed_copies, esc("0") //任务的分发拷贝的数目。
, s.sparse_regions
, esc("32"), add_suffix(s.download_rate, "/s").c_str(), esc("0")
, esc("37"), t.hours(), t.minutes(), t.seconds(), esc("0")
, esc("36"), s.current_tracker.c_str(), esc("0")); //最近的服务器的网址。
out += str;
if (torrent_index != active_torrent) continue;
active_handle = h;
cache_status cs = ses.get_cache_status();
if (cs.blocks_read < 1) cs.blocks_read = 1;
if (cs.blocks_written < 1) cs.blocks_written = 1;
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "==== conns: %d down: %s%s%s (%s%s%s) up: %s%s%s (%s%s%s) "
"tcp/ip: %s%s%s %s%s%s DHT: %s%s%s %s%s%s tracker: %s%s%s %s%s%s ====\n"
, sess_stat.num_peers //事务中含有的对等点连接的总数
, esc("32"), add_suffix(sess_stat.download_rate, "/s").c_str(), esc("0")
, esc("32"), add_suffix(sess_stat.total_download).c_str(), esc("0") //从所有任务中得到的下载字节
, esc("31"), add_suffix(sess_stat.upload_rate, "/s").c_str(), esc("0")
, esc("31"), add_suffix(sess_stat.total_upload).c_str(), esc("0")//从所有任务中得到的所有上传字节
, esc("32"), add_suffix(sess_stat.ip_overhead_download_rate, "/s").c_str(), esc("0")
, esc("31"), add_suffix(sess_stat.ip_overhead_upload_rate, "/s").c_str(), esc("0")
, esc("32"), add_suffix(sess_stat.dht_download_rate, "/s").c_str(), esc("0")
, esc("31"), add_suffix(sess_stat.dht_upload_rate, "/s").c_str(), esc("0")
, esc("32"), add_suffix(sess_stat.tracker_download_rate, "/s").c_str(), esc("0")
, esc("31"), add_suffix(sess_stat.tracker_upload_rate, "/s").c_str(), esc("0"));
out += str;
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "==== waste: %s fail: %s unchoked: %d / %d "
"bw queues: %8d (%d) | %8d (%d) cache: w: %"PRId64"%% r: %"PRId64"%% size: %s (%s) / %s dq: %"PRId64" ===\n"
, add_suffix(sess_stat.total_redundant_bytes).c_str() //多收的字节数。
, add_suffix(sess_stat.total_failed_bytes).c_str() //下载下来了的数据但后来在hash-check失败了的数据。
, sess_stat.num_unchoked, sess_stat.allowed_upload_slots
, sess_stat.up_bandwidth_bytes_queue
, sess_stat.up_bandwidth_queue
, sess_stat.down_bandwidth_bytes_queue
, sess_stat.down_bandwidth_queue
, (cs.blocks_written - cs.writes) * 100 / cs.blocks_written
, cs.blocks_read_hit * 100 / cs.blocks_read
, add_suffix(cs.cache_size * 16 * 1024).c_str()
, add_suffix(cs.read_cache_size * 16 * 1024).c_str()
, add_suffix(cs.total_used_buffers * 16 * 1024).c_str()
, cs.queued_bytes);
out += str;
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "==== optimistic unchoke: %d unchoke counter: %d ====\n"
, sess_stat.optimistic_unchoke_counter, sess_stat.unchoke_counter);
out += str;
if (show_dht_status)
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "DHT nodes: %d DHT cached nodes: %d total DHT size: %"PRId64"\n"
, sess_stat.dht_nodes, sess_stat.dht_node_cache, sess_stat.dht_global_nodes);
out += str;
for (std::vector<dht_lookup>::iterator i = sess_stat.active_requests.begin()
, end(sess_stat.active_requests.end()); i != end; ++i)
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " %s %d (%d) ( timeouts %d responses %d)\n"
, i->type, i->outstanding_requests, i->branch_factor, i->timeouts, i->responses);
out += str;
if (active_handle.is_valid())
torrent_handle h = active_handle;
torrent_status s = h.status();
if ((print_downloads && s.state != torrent_status::seeding)
|| print_peers)
out += "====== ";
out += h.name();
out += " ======\n";
if (print_peers && !peers.empty())
print_peer_info(out, peers);
if (print_trackers)
std::vector<announce_entry> tr = h.trackers();
ptime now = time_now();
for (std::vector<announce_entry>::iterator i = tr.begin()
, end(tr.end()); i != end; ++i)
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%2d %-55s fails: %-3d %s %s\n"
, i->tier, i->url.c_str(), i->fails, i->verified?"OK ":"- "
, i->updating?"updating"
:to_string(total_seconds(i->next_announce - now), 8).c_str());
out += str;
if (print_downloads)
std::sort(queue.begin(), queue.end(), bind(&partial_piece_info::piece_index, _1)
< bind(&partial_piece_info::piece_index, _2));
std::vector<cached_piece_info> pieces;
ses.get_cache_info(h.info_hash(), pieces);
for (std::vector<partial_piece_info>::iterator i = queue.begin();
i != queue.end(); ++i)
cached_piece_info* cp = 0;
std::vector<cached_piece_info>::iterator cpi = std::find_if(pieces.begin(), pieces.end()
, bind(&cached_piece_info::piece, _1) == i->piece_index);
if (cpi != pieces.end()) cp = &*cpi;
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%5d: [", i->piece_index);
out += str;
for (int j = 0; j < i->blocks_in_piece; ++j)
int index = peer_index(i->blocks[j].peer(), peers) % 36;
char chr = '+';
if (index >= 0)
chr = (index < 10)?'0' + index:'A' + index - 10;
char const* color = "";
if (cp && cp->blocks[j]) color = esc("36;7");
else if (i->blocks[j].bytes_progress > 0
&& i->blocks[j].state == block_info::requested)
if (i->blocks[j].num_peers > 1) color = esc("1;7");
else color = esc("33;7");
chr = '0' + (i->blocks[j].bytes_progress / float(i->blocks[j].block_size) * 10);
else if (i->blocks[j].state == block_info::finished) color = esc("32;7");
else if (i->blocks[j].state == block_info::writing) color = esc("35;7");
else if (i->blocks[j].state == block_info::requested) color = esc("0");
else { color = esc("0"); chr = ' '; }
if (cp && cp->blocks[j]) chr = 'c';
else if (i->blocks[j].state == block_info::finished) chr = '#';
else if (i->blocks[j].state == block_info::writing) chr = '+';
else if (i->blocks[j].state == block_info::requested) chr = '-';
else chr = ' ';
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s%c", color, chr);
out += str;
out += esc("0");
char const* piece_state[4] = {"", " slow", " medium", " fast"};
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "]%s", piece_state[i->piece_state]);
out += str;
if (cp)
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " %scache age: %-.1f"
, i->piece_state > 0?"| ":""
, total_milliseconds(time_now() - cp->last_use) / 1000.f);
out += str;
out += "\n";
for (std::vector<cached_piece_info>::iterator i = pieces.begin()
, end(pieces.end()); i != end; ++i)
if (i->kind != cached_piece_info::read_cache) continue;
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%5d: [", i->piece);
out += str;
for (std::vector<bool>::iterator k = i->blocks.begin()
, end(i->blocks.end()); k != end; ++k)
char const* color = "";
char chr = ' ';
color = *k?esc("33;7"):esc("0");
chr = *k?'#':' ';
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s%c", color, chr);
out += str;
out += esc("0");
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "] cache age: %-.1f\n"
, total_milliseconds(time_now() - i->last_use) / 1000.f);
out += str;
out += "___________________________________\n";
if (print_file_progress
&& s.state != torrent_status::seeding
&& h.has_metadata())
std::vector<size_type> file_progress;
torrent_info const& info = h.get_torrent_info();
for (int i = 0; i < info.num_files(); ++i)
bool pad_file = info.file_at(i).pad_file;
if (!show_pad_files && pad_file) continue;
int progress = info.file_at(i).size > 0
?file_progress[i] * 1000 / info.file_at(i).size:1000;
char const* color = (file_progress[i] == info.file_at(i).size)
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s %s %-5.2f%% %s %s%s\n",
progress_bar(progress, 100, color).c_str()
, pad_file?esc("34"):""
, progress / 10.f
, add_suffix(file_progress[i]).c_str()
, info.file_at(i).path.leaf().c_str()
, pad_file?esc("0"):"");
out += str;
out += "___________________________________\n";
if (print_log)
for (std::deque<std::string>::iterator i = events.begin();
i != events.end(); ++i)
out += "\n";
out += *i;
if (!monitor_dir.empty()
&& next_dir_scan < time_now())
scan_dir(monitor_dir, ses, handles, preferred_ratio
, allocation_mode, save_path, torrent_upload_limit
, torrent_download_limit);
next_dir_scan = time_now() + seconds(poll_interval);
// keep track of the number of resume data
// alerts to wait for
int num_resume_data = 0;
ses.pause(); //断开所有连接
for (handles_t::iterator i = handles.begin();
i != handles.end(); ++i)
torrent_handle& h = i->second;
if (!h.is_valid()) continue; //查看是否任务被找到
if (h.is_paused()) continue; //检查任务是否是激活的
if (!h.has_metadata()) continue; //如果任务有元数据,则返回true
printf("saving resume data for %s\n", h.name().c_str());
// save_resume_data will generate an alert when it's done
h.save_resume_data(); //产生一个快速恢复的数据并且返回一个接入值。
printf("waiting for resume data\n");
while (num_resume_data > 0)
alert const* a = ses.wait_for_alert(seconds(30)); //等待警告
if (a == 0)
printf(" aborting with %d outstanding "
"torrents to save resume data for\n", num_resume_data);
std::auto_ptr<alert> holder = ses.pop_alert(); //告诉事务是否一些错误或者事情已经发生
std::string log;
::print_alert(holder.get(), log);
printf("%s\n", log.c_str());
if (alert_cast<save_resume_data_failed_alert>(a))
save_resume_data_alert const* rd = alert_cast<save_resume_data_alert>(a);
if (!rd) continue;
if (!rd->resume_data) continue;
torrent_handle h = rd->handle;
std::vector<char> out;
bencode(std::back_inserter(out), *rd->resume_data);
save_file((h.save_path() / h.name()).string() + ".resume", out);
printf("saving session state\n");
entry session_state;
std::vector<char> out;
bencode(std::back_inserter(out), session_state);
save_file(".ses_state", out);
printf("closing session");
return 0;