Outlook2003 PST文件修复之路


Outlook2003 PST文件修复之路_第1张图片

直接调用C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\MSMAPI\2052下面SCANPST.EXE来修复也不行,提示请使用磁盘扫描程序检查错误,不管这么多先检查用户的磁盘看看先.







Microsoft (R) Inbox Repair Tool
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1995-1996. All rights reserved.

**Beginning NDB recovery

  **Attempting to open database

  **Attempting to validate header

  **Attempting to validate AMap

  **Attempting to validate BBT

    !!Invalid block (bid=3BDE4, ib=120227392, cb=8176, cRef=2):
      CRC mismatch (read 00000000, computed AEAA4C75)
      Sig mismatch (read 0000, computed 3C8D)
      cb mismatch (read 0, expected 8176)
      BID mismatch (read 0, expected 3BDE4)

  **Attempting to rebuild BBT

    **Attempting to scavenge for blocks

  **Attempting to validate NBT

    !!Invalid node (nid=802E, bidData=3C59600000000, bidSub=3C5BA00000000, nidParent=0):
      Data block (bid=3BDE4) not found in BBT

  **Attempting to rebuild NBT

    **Attempting to scavenge for nodes

    !!Invalid node (nid=802E, bidData=3C59600000000, bidSub=3C5BA00000000, nidParent=0):
      Data block (bid=3BDE4) not found in BBT

    !!Invalid node (nid=802E, bidData=3C9FA00000000, bidSub=3CA2200000000, nidParent=0):
      Data block (bid=3C9FA) not found in BBT

  **Attempting to validate BBT refcounts

    ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (1DEC4)
    ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (2043C)
    ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (2241C)
    ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (22658)
    ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (22768)
    ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (22D2C)
    ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (239A4)
    ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (265A8)
    ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (29760)
    ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (2AB34)
    ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (2DF28)
    ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (2EEFC)
    ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (31004)
    ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (3358C)



**Attempting to check top-level objects for consistency

      ??Deleting SDO

  **Updating folder hierarchy

    Updating hierarchy table for folder (nid=122, RowID=8022)

**Attempting to fix original file

  **Attempting to copy back BBT

  **Attempting to copy back NBT
