Starting at 0x6c00000...
Initializing Flash Module .................................................Done
Intilalizing Port 0 MAC:00-25-9e-6e-1c-08 .................................Done
Intilalizing Port 1 MAC:00-25-9e-6e-1c-09 .................................Done
Initializing Lsw6045 ......................................................Done
Intilalizing the Debug Port................................................Done
Attached TCP/IP interface to eth unit 0....................................Done
Attaching network interface lo0............................................Done
Load Network Protocol......................................................Done
* *
* S9300 Bootload, Ver 107 *
* *
Copyright(C) 2003-2009 by HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.
Creation date: May 5 2009, 11:31:04
PCB Version : LE02MCUA VER.C
CPU type : Cavium Octeon
CPU L2 Cache : 128KB
CPU Clock Speed : 500MHz
BUS Clock Speed : 133MHz
Memory Type : DDR2 SDRAM
Memory Size : 512MB
Memory Speed : 667MHz
CF Card Init....Done
Press Ctrl+B to enter Boot Menu...
Booting from Flash...
Initiate Flash VFS...OK!
Getting Device Index named "flash:"...OK!
This Flash is already formatted!
Initializing Lsw6045 ......................................................Done
ulRet is 0
init vcmu OK
Bootrom CRC Check test............................. pass.
Epld test .......................................... pass.
Nvram DataBus test ...................................pass.
Nvram AddressBus test ................................pass.
Battery test ........................................pass.
LanSwitch test ......................................pass.
THE PHY(0) test .....................................pass.
THE PHY(1) test .....................................pass.
THE PHY(2) test .....................................pass.
Disable manage port...Done
DOPRA_C Library release version, by DOPRA.
Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
DOPRA is a registered trademark of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
This is commercial software; see the source for copying conditions.
Initilizing module Product adaption...........................................OK
L[2955] the g_LastPower[3] change to 180
Drv_Rcv_Reg OK!
Creating Task RTMR............................................................OK
Initilizing module Board install driver.......................................OK
BSP_GetFlashSize success : 67108864
flashInfoGet success , block size: 131072
Initilizing module IPC_VP_CHANNEL.............................................OK
Initilizing module VRP_FILE_SYSTEM............................................OK
Initilizing module HARDWARE_MPU_BACKUP........................................OK
No valid task switch track for last rebooting.
Initial time is 2009.11.25 16:36:45.000
L[2955] the g_LastPower[2] change to 450Initilizing module OS_MONITOR.................................................OK
Initilizing module LAM........................................................OK
Initilizing module LCNS.......................................................OK
Creating Task VRPR............................................................OK
Creating Task VRPI............................................................OK
Initilizing module GET_DEVICE_LINK............................................OK
Initilizing module CFG_Plane..................................................OK
Initilizing module CFM........................................................OK
Creating Task CFA.............................................................OK
Creating Task INFO............................................................OK
Creating Task LCS.............................................................OK
Creating Task ALM.............................................................OK
Creating Task CDEV............................................................OK
Creating Task DFSU............................................................OK
Creating Task DSMS............................................................OK
Creating Task CAT.............................................................OK
Creating Task IFPD............................................................OK
Creating Task PPI.............................................................OK
Creating Task L3AD............................................................OK
Creating Task UDPH............................................................OK
Creating Task L2IF............................................................OK
Creating Task MFLP............................................................OK
Creating Task LLDP............................................................OK
Creating Task APS.............................................................OK
Creating Task ND..............................................................OK
Creating Task DIAG............................................................OK
Creating Task FIB6............................................................OK
Creating Task FHM.............................................................OK
Creating Task BFD.............................................................OK
Creating Task ROUT............................................................OK
Creating Task LSPM............................................................OK
Creating Task OAM.............................................................OK
Creating Task LSPA............................................................OK
Creating Task PHY.............................................................OK
Creating Task LDP.............................................................OK
Creating Task RSVP............................................................OK
Creating Task CSPF............................................................OK
Creating Task TNLM............................................................OK
Creating Task L2V.............................................................OK
Creating Task SNPG............................................................OK
Creating Task EFM.............................................................OK
Creating Task MGR.............................................................OK
Creating Task EOAM............................................................OK
Creating Task CCTL............................................................OK
Creating Task TCTL............................................................OK
Creating Task TRAF............................................................OK
Creating Task DLDP............................................................OK
Creating Task LDT.............................................................OK
Creating Task PPIU............................................................OK
Creating Task PING............................................................OK
Creating Task ELAB............................................................OK
Creating Task MPLS............................................................OK
Creating Task OAMT............................................................OK
Creating Task GREP............................................................OK
Creating Task SECE............................................................OK
Creating Task QOSA............................................................OK
Creating Task VCON............................................................OK
Creating Task IPMC............................................................OK
Creating Task OAM1............................................................OK
Creating Task ADPT............................................................OK
Creating Task SDKE............................................................OK
Creating Task CSBR............................................................OK
Creating Task FIB.............................................................OK
Creating Task SOCK............................................................OK
Creating Task VTYD............................................................OK
Creating Task IFNT............................................................OK
Creating Task IDEV............................................................OK
Creating Task RSA.............................................................OK
Creating Task TUNN............................................................OK
Creating Task AGNT............................................................OK
Creating Task TRAP............................................................OK
Creating Task NQAC............................................................OK
Creating Task NQAS............................................................OK
Creating Task MDMT............................................................OK
Creating Task TRUN............................................................OK
Creating Task LOAD............................................................OK
Creating Task NTPT............................................................OK
Creating Task AAA.............................................................OK
Creating Task RDS.............................................................OK
Creating Task TAC.............................................................OK
Creating Task WEB.............................................................OK
Creating Task UCM.............................................................OK
Creating Task LAM.............................................................OK
Creating Task CFM.............................................................OK
Creating Task HS2M............................................................OK
Creating Task MSTP............................................................OK
Creating Task SMLK............................................................OK
Creating Task RRPP............................................................OK
Creating Task SNP.............................................................OK
the AC sdr get
the DC sdr get
Recover configuration...OK!
Press ENTER to get started.
* All rights reserved (2003-2009) *
* Without the owner's prior written consent, *
* no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed. *
* Notice: *
* This is a private communication system. *
* Unauthorized access or use may lead to prosecution. *
User interface con0 is available
Please Press ENTER.
User view commands:
arp-ping ARP-ping
backup Backup information
cd Change current directory
check Check version
clock Specify the system clock
compare Compare function
copy Copy from one file to another
debugging Enable system debugging functions
delete Delete a file
dir List files on a file system
display Display command
format Format the device
free Release a user terminal interface
ftp Establish an FTP connection
language-mode Specify the language environment
license Active license File
lldp Link Layer Discovery Protocol
lock Lock the current user terminal interface
mkdir Create a new directory
more Display the contents of a file
move Move the file
mpls MPLS parameters
mtrace Trace route to multicast source
patch Patch subcommands
patch-state The patch state
ping Send echo messages
power Power on or off operate
pwd Display current working directory
quit Exit from current command view
reboot Reboot system
refresh Do soft reset
rename Rename a file or directory
reset Reset functions
rmdir Remove an existing directory
save Save current configuration
<9303>dir falsh
Directory of cfcard:/
Idx Attr Size(Byte) Date Time FileName
0 drw- - Nov 14 2009 09:50:18 logfile
1 -rw- 105 Nov 25 2009 17:34:02 private-data.txt
2 -rw- 624 Nov 25 2009 17:34:02
3 -rw- 4 Nov 25 2009 05:40:36 snmpnotilog.txt
4 -rw- 198 Nov 25 2009 16:36:48 $_patchstate_a
5 -rw- 1,193 Nov 23 2009 17:13:04 123.cfg
6 -rw- 1,763 Nov 25 2009 17:39:34 091122.cfg
500,192 KB total (497,000 KB free)
The current configuration will be written to the device. Continue? [Y/N]:y
Now saving the current configuration to the device.
Nov 25 2009 17:41:20 9303 %%01CFM/4/SAVE(l): The user chose Y when deciding whether to save the configuration to the device...
Info: Succeeded in saving the current configuration to the master board device.
Info: Succeeded in saving the current configuration to the device.
Directory of cfcard:/
Idx Attr Size(Byte) Date Time FileName
0 drw- - Nov 14 2009 09:50:18 logfile
1 -rw- 105 Nov 25 2009 17:34:02 private-data.txt
2 -rw- 631 Nov 25 2009 17:41:20
3 -rw- 4 Nov 25 2009 05:40:36 snmpnotilog.txt
4 -rw- 198 Nov 25 2009 16:36:48 $_patchstate_a
5 -rw- 1,193 Nov 23 2009 17:13:04 123.cfg
6 -rw- 1,763 Nov 25 2009 17:39:34 091122.cfg
500,192 KB total (497,000 KB free)
Nov 25 2009 16:37:15 9303 %%01ALML/4/CAN_SELFTEST_OK(l): canbus node of PWR board[7] selftest OK.
Nov 25 2009 16:37:58 9303 %%01IFNET/4/IF_ENABLE(l): Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/22 has been available.
Nov 25 2009 16:37:58 9303 %%01IFNET/4/IF_ENABLE(l): Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/23 has been available.
Nov 25 2009 16:37:58 9303 %%01IFNET/4/BOARD_ENABLE(l): Board 1 has been available.
Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[9303]disp devic
S9303's Device status:
Slot Sub Type Online Power Register Alarm Primary
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 - LPU Present PowerOn Registered Normal NA
4 - MCU Present PowerOn Registered Normal Master
PWR1 - PWR Present PowerOn Registered Normal NA
FAN1 - FAN Present PowerOn Registered Normal NA
[9303]disp version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 5.50 (S9300 V100R001C02B125)
Copyright (C) 2003-2009 HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD
Quidway S9303 Terabit Routing Switch uptime is 0 week, 0 day, 0 hour, 5 minutes
BKP 0 version information:
1. PCB Version : LE02BAKM VER.A
2. If Supporting PoE : Yes
3. Board Type : BAKM
4. MPU Slot Quantity : 2
5. LPU Slot Quantity : 3
MCU 4(Master) : uptime is 0 week, 0 day, 0 hour, 5 minutes
SDRAM Memory Size : 512 M bytes
Flash Memory Size : 64 M bytes
NVRAM Memory Size : 512 K bytes
CF Card1 Memory Size : 488 M bytes
MPU version information :
1. PCB Version : LE02MCUA VER.C
2. MAB Version : 0
3. Board Type : MCUA
4. CPLD1 Version : 102
5. BootROM Version : 106
6. BootLoad Version : 107
LPU 1 : uptime is 0 week, 0 day, 0 hour, 4 minutes
SDRAM Memory Size : 256 M bytes
Flash Memory Size : 16 M bytes
LPU version information :
1. PCB Version : LE02G24S VER.B
2. MAB Version : 0
3. Board Type : G24SA
4. CPLD1 Version : 101
5. BootROM Version : 106
6. BootLoad Version : 107
[9303]disp power system
The total power is :800.0(W)
The used power is :85.0(W)
The remain power is :715.0(W)
The system used power detail information :
SlotId BoardName State Power(W)
1 LE02G24SA On 45.0
4 LE02MCUA On 18.0
6 FAN board On 22.0
7 PWR board On 800.0
[9303]disp this
sysname 9303
[9303]disp tran
[9303]disp transceiver
GigabitEthernet1/0/0 transceiver information:
Common information:
Transceiver Type :1000_BASE_SX_SFP
Connector Type :LC
Wavelength(nm) :850
Transfer Distance(m) :500(50um),300(62.5um)
Digital Diagnostic Monitoring :YES
Vendor Name :JDSU
Ordering Name :
Manufacture information:
Manu. Serial Number :C944QQ1X6
Manufacturing Date :2009-10-28
Vendor Name :JDSU
Alarm information:
RX loss of signal
RX power low
GigabitEthernet1/0/2 transceiver information:
Common information:
Transceiver Type :1000_BASE_SX_SFP
Connector Type :LC
Wavelength(nm) :850
Transfer Distance(m) :500(50um),300(62.5um)
Digital Diagnostic Monitoring :YES
Vendor Name :JDSU
Ordering Name :
Manufacture information:
Manu. Serial Number :C944QQ2GN
Manufacturing Date :2009-10-28
Vendor Name :JDSU
Alarm information:
RX loss of signal
RX power low
GigabitEthernet1/0/12 transceiver information:
Common information:
Transceiver Type :1000_BASE_SX_SFP
Connector Type :LC
Wavelength(nm) :850
Transfer Distance(m) :500(50um),300(62.5um)
Digital Diagnostic Monitoring :YES
Vendor Name :JDSU
Ordering Name :
Manufacture information:
Manu. Serial Number :C944QQCAF
Manufacturing Date :2009-10-30
Vendor Name :JDSU
Alarm information:
RX loss of signal
RX power low
GigabitEthernet1/0/14 transceiver information:
Common information:
Transceiver Type :1000_BASE_SX_SFP
Connector Type :LC
Wavelength(nm) :850
Transfer Distance(m) :500(50um),300(62.5um)
Digital Diagnostic Monitoring :YES
Vendor Name :JDSU
Ordering Name :
Manufacture information:
Manu. Serial Number :C944QQ86D
Manufacturing Date :2009-10-29
Vendor Name :JDSU
Alarm information:
RX loss of signal
RX power low
[9303]disp health
Disk Usage Information:
System disk usage at 2009-11-25 16:44:36 316 ms
Slot Device Total Memory(MB) Used Memory(MB) Used Percentage
4 flash: 49 21 42%
cfcard: 500 3 0%
System Voltage Information:
System voltage at 2009-11-25 16:44:36 957 ms
Slot Card SDR No. SensorName Status Upper Lower Voltage.(V)
1 - 3 3.3V normal 3.9592 2.6460 3.3320
- 4 1.05V normal 1.2642 0.8428 1.0584
- 5 1.25V normal 1.4994 0.9996 1.2740
- 6 1.8V normal 2.1560 1.4406 1.8228
- 7 2.5V normal 2.9988 1.9992 2.5284
- 8 12V normal 14.3590 9.5450 11.9520
- 9 2.5V_MII normal 2.9988 1.9992 2.5088
4 - 3 3.3V normal 3.9592 2.6460 3.3124
- 4 2.5V normal 2.9988 1.9992 2.5088
- 5 12V normal 14.3590 9.5450 12.0350
- 6 1.8V normal 2.1560 1.4406 1.8130
- 7 1.1V normal 1.3230 0.8820 1.1074
System Power Information:
System power at 2009-11-25 16:44:38 508 ms
PowerNo Present Mode State Current(A) Voltage(V)
---- More ----[42D [42D-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 YES AC Supply 0.8100 53.5200
8 NO N/A N/A N/A N/A
System Temperature Information:
System temperature at 2009-11-25 16:44:44 688 ms
Slot Card SDR No. SensorName Status Upper Lower Temperature.(C)
1 - 1 G24SA_VB TEMP normal 88.00 0.00 32.00
4 - 1 02MCUA_VA TEMP normal 80.00 0.00 37.00
System Fan Information:
System fan information at 2009-11-25 16:44:45 337 ms
FanId FanNum present register Speed MODE
6 [1-2] YES YES 29% AUTO
1 2310
2 2100
System Memory Usage Information:
System memory usage at 2009-11-25 16:44:46 48 ms
Slot Total Memory(MB) Used Memory(MB) Used Percentage Upper Limit
1 185 26 14% 85%
4 375 132 35% 90%
---- More ----[42D [42D-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
System CPU Usage Information:
System cpu usage at 2009-11-25 16:44:47 348 ms
Slot CPU Usage Upper Limit
1 4% 90%
4 5% 90%
<9303>disp cpu-usage
CPU Usage Stat. Cycle: 60 (Second)
CPU Usage : 6% Max: 47%
CPU Usage Stat. Time : 2009-11-25 16:45:32
CPU Usage Stat. Tick : 0x3e(CPU Tick High) 0x60869337(CPU Tick Low)
Actual Stat. Cycle : 0x7(CPU Tick High) 0xc13e749(CPU Tick Low)
TaskName CPU Runtime(CPU Tick High/CPU Tick Low)
BUFM 0% 0/ 21dee
VIDL 94% 6/b1a0a03b
TICK 0% 0/ 47dc09e
VRRP 0% 0/ 626d5f
IPCR 0% 0/ c090
Ecm 0% 0/ 4b8138
RTMR 0% 0/ 4423351
IPCQ 0% 0/ 5c1446
VP 0% 0/ 1029
RPCQ 0% 0/ 14d179
BEAT 0% 0/ 1abdec
VMON 0% 0/ 12ce2
DHCP 0% 0/ 189bec
tNet 0% 0/ 6e0c8b
tDca 0% 0/ 196fc8
smsT 0% 0/ 2590103
smsT 0% 0/ f85ef
smsR 0% 0/ 10b80c
smsR 0% 0/ 33e29
smsR 0% 0/ 1bf91b
smsL 0% 0/ 198cc2f
smsv 1% 0/1352fcfe
smsv 0% 0/ 12b5a3
smsp 0% 0/ 31ae626
smsv 0% 0/ 5d2f3ff
smsv 0% 0/ 1ea4f1
STND 0% 0/ 2b6e3bf
CFA 0% 0/ 15e4c5
CDEV 0% 0/ 1ba501
DFSU 0% 0/ 1bccd04
DSMS 0% 0/ 2f40a
L2IF 0% 0/ 383be7
MFLP 0% 0/ 51757
LLDP 0% 0/ 525c2
APS 0% 0/ 2e965a
FIB6 0% 0/ f8bfae
BFD 0% 0/ 72d81e
ROUT 0% 0/ cf8a814
OAM 0% 0/ 634b12
PHY 0% 0/ 452dc
RSVP 0% 0/ 634705
CSPF 0% 0/ 22d7548
TNLM 0% 0/ 2dbbe2
SNPG 0% 0/ 8e3538
EOAM 0% 0/ 5a025
TRAF 0% 0/ 67f72f
DLDP 0% 0/ 50ca4
LDT 0% 0/ 457c9
ELAB 0% 0/ 765ed
GREP 0% 0/ 44817
SECE 0% 0/ 2dba42
IPMC 0% 0/ 37b391
SOCK 0% 0/ 1a579f
VTYD 0% 0/ 52b8a3
TUNN 0% 0/ 79d604
TRAP 0% 0/ 16baf26
MDMT 0% 0/ 15d9765
LOAD 0% 0/ 4b605
NTPT 0% 0/ b6ddbf5
TAC 0% 0/ 66c86b
UCM 0% 0/ cf4e
LAM 0% 0/ 155b
MSTP 0% 0/ 5a4734
SMLK 0% 0/ 777c1
RRPP 0% 0/ ac0cf
RMON 0% 0/ b9d33
HOT 0% 0/ 2ceb355
co0 0% 0/ 442a634
OS 5% 0/ 0
[9303]disp environment version
SMS and canbus version information:
1. SMS software version: 018
LPU board[1] canbus version information:
1. APP Version : 00e
2. BOOT Version : 064
3. PCB Version : 011
4. SDR Version : 003
MCU board[4] canbus version information:
1. APP Version : 00f
2. BOOT Version : 064
3. PCB Version : 002
4. SDR Version : 003
FAN board[6] canbus version information:
1. Software Version : 067
PWR board[7] canbus version information:
1. Software Version : 0.5
2. Hardware Version : 001
3. Date : 010609
System view commands:
_emtest _emtest
aaa AAA(Authentication,Authorization,Accounting) view
acl Specify acl configuration information
apply Apply fib routing policy
arp Specify ARP configuration information
arp-miss ARP-miss message
arp-ping ARP-ping
arp-suppress Specify arp suppress configuration information, default
is disabled
assign Assign Resource
backup Backup information
bfd Specify BFD(Bidirectional Forwarding Detection)
configuration information
bgp Border Gateway Protocol(BGP)
blacklist Set or display blacklist
bpdu-tunnel bpdu-tunnel
bulk-file Specify the file name of bulk statistics
bulk-stat Set bulk statistics
ccc Circuit Cross Connection
cfm Connectivity fault management
clear Cancel current setting
command-privilege Specify the command level
controller Specify controller configuration view
cpcar Enter CPCAR view
dhcp Dynamic host configure protocol
diffserv Specify diffserv parameters
display display
dldp Device link detection protocol
dns Specify domain name system
drop-profile Drop profile
efm EFM module
execute Batch Command
explicit-path Configure Explicit-Path
fec-list fec-list
file Specify file system configuration information
header Define the login banner
hotkey Specify hotkey configuration information
hwtacacs-server Set HWTACACS server
icmp Specify ICMP configuration information
icmp-reply Enable ICMP reply fast
ifindex Constant-ifindex information
igmp Specify IGMP configuration information
igmp-proxy Specify parameters for IGMP-Proxy
igmp-snooping Specify parameters for IGMP-Snooping
info-center Specify message output configuration information
interface Specify the interface configuration view
ip IP global configuration commands
ipv6 Enable IPv6 functionality
isis Intermediate System to Intermediate System (ISIS)
l2-topology Layer 2 topology
lacp Link aggregation control protocol
lldp Link Layer Discovery Protocol
load-balance Specify load balance mode
load-balance-profile Enhanced Load-balance profile
loop-detection Loop detection config
lspv Lsp verification
mac-address MAC address
matched Is Command can be matched by upper template
mip Configure a rule used to create MIP
mld Specify MLD configuration information
monitor-link Monitor link configuration infomation
msdp Specify MSDP(Multicast Source Discovery Protocol)
configuration information
mtrace Trace route to multicast source
multicast Specify multicast configuration information
natpt Specify NATPT(Network Address Translation-Protocol
Translation) configuration information
nqa Specify NQA test class
nqa-server Specify NQA echo server
ntp-service Specify NTP(Network Time Protocol) configuration
oam-mgr oam-mgr View
observe-port Specify Observe port
ospf Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
ospfv3 OSPF version 3 for IPv6
pim Specify PIM(Protocol Independent Multicast)
configuration information
pim-ipv6 PIM IPv6 status and configuration information
ping Ping function
policy-based-route Specify a policy for policy based routing
port-group port-group view
power Power on or off operate
pw-template Specify PW template configuration
qos Quality of Service
quit Exit from current command view
radius-server Add or delete RADIUS server template
recover Recover operation
refresh Refresh routes to I/O board
reset Reset operation
return Exit to user view
rip Specify RIP(Routing Information Protocol) configuration
ripng Specify RIPng(Routing Information Protocol for
IPv6)configuration information
rmon Specify RMON
rmon2 Specify RMON2 Config
route Routing Module
route-policy route-policy
route-policy-change Specify route policy change parameter
router Configure router information
rrpp Rapid ring protection protocol
rsa Specify RSA module configuration information
service Toggle service mode.By default it is off
set set
sftp Set SFTP service attribute
slave HA command
smart-link Smart link configuration infomation
snmp-agent Specify SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)
configuration information
ssh Set the SSH (secure shell) configuration attribute
static-cr-lsp Static-CR LSP configuration
static-lsp Static LSP configuration
stelnet Set Stelnet service attribute
stp Specify Spanning Tree Protocol(STP) configuration
super Modify super password parameters
sysname Specify the host name
tcp Specify TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)
configuration information
test-packet Set the test packet
tftp Establish a TFTP connection
tftp-server TFTP Server
time-range Specify time-range configuration information
trace Trace route(switch) to host on Data Link Layer
tracert Trace route to host
traffic Specify traffic configuration information
traffic-policy Apply specific traffic policy
trunk-member The member of trunk
tunnel Tunnel module
tunnel-policy Tunnel Policy
udp-helper UDP Helper
undo Cancel current setting
urpf Globe URPF
user-bind User bind table
user-interface Configure the user terminal interface
vlan Virtual LAN
vrrp Specify configuration information of VRRP
vrrp-group Specify the configuration of the VRRP Management Group
vsi Specify VSI(Virtual Switching Instance) configuration
whitelist White list of flow to CPU
[5328_Server]disp inter b
*down: administratively down
#down: EFM Fault
(l): loopback
(s): spoofing
(d): Dampening Suppressed
InUti/OutUti: input utility/output utility
Interface Physical Protocol InUti OutUti inErrors outErrors
GigabitEthernet0/0/1 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/2 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/3 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/4 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/5 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/6 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/7 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/8 up -- 0.01% 0.01% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/9 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/10 up -- 0.01% 0.01% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/11 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/12 up -- 0% 0.01% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/13 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/14 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/15 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/16 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/17 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/18 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/19 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/20 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/21 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/22 up -- 0.01% 0.01% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/23 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/0/24 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/1/1 up -- 0.01% 0.01% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/1/2 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/1/3 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
GigabitEthernet0/1/4 down -- 0% 0% 0 0
MEth0/0/1 down down 0% 0% 0 0
NULL0 up up(s) 0% 0% 0 0
Vlanif1 up down -- -- 0 0
[5328_Server]disp inter g0/0/1
GigabitEthernet0/0/1 current state : DOWN
Description : Huawei, Quidway Series, GigabitEthernet0/0/1 Interface, Switch Port
PVID : 1
The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500 bytes, The Maximum Frame Length is 1600
Internet protocol processing : disabled
IP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_2, Hardware address is 0025-9e5c-ec5c
Transmitter's pause : disable, Receiver's pause : disable ;
Last 300 seconds input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds Multicast input rate: 0 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds Multicast output rate: 0 packets/sec
Input: 0 Packets, 0 Bytes
0 Broadcasts, 0 Multicasts
0 Oversizes, 0 Undersizes
0 FCSs, 0 Pauses
Output: 0 Packets, 0 Bytes
0 Broadcasts, 0 Multicasts
0 Oversizes, 0 Defers
0 FCSs, 0 Pauses
0 Collisions
[5328_Server]disp inter g0/0/12
GigabitEthernet0/0/12 current state : UP
Description : Huawei, Quidway Series, GigabitEthernet0/0/12 Interface, Switch Port
PVID : 1
The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500 bytes, The Maximum Frame Length is 1600
Internet protocol processing : disabled
IP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_2, Hardware address is 0025-9e5c-ec5c
Transmitter's pause : disable, Receiver's pause : disable ;
Last 300 seconds input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate: 2080 bits/sec, 1 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds Multicast input rate: 0 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds Multicast output rate: 1 packets/sec
Input: 8001 Packets, 1468162 Bytes
1850 Broadcasts, 0 Multicasts
0 Oversizes, 0 Undersizes
0 FCSs, 0 Pauses
Output: 93808 Packets, 10079892 Bytes
38840 Broadcasts, 48266 Multicasts
0 Oversizes, 0 Defers
0 FCSs, 0 Pauses
0 Collisions
[5328_Server]disp inter g0/1/1
GigabitEthernet0/1/1 current state : UP
Description : Huawei, Quidway Series, GigabitEthernet0/1/1 Interface, Switch Port
PVID : 1
The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500 bytes, The Maximum Frame Length is 1600
Internet protocol processing : disabled
IP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_2, Hardware address is 0025-9e5c-ec5c
Transmitter's pause : disable, Receiver's pause : disable ;
Fiber transceiver information:
VendorName : JDSU
band; 1G
Compliance : 1000BASE-SX
PartNumber : PLRXPL-VI-S24-HW-1
Modes: Multi-Mode
Fiber Type Supported and Max Transmission Distance:
Length for 50/125um: 500 m
Length for 62.5/125um: 300 m
RxPower: -4.83 dBm(Normal)
RxPower High Thresholds: 0.00 dBm
RxPower Low Thresholds: -16.99 dBm
TxPower: -5.03 dBm(Normal)
TxPower High Thresholds: 0.00 dBm
TxPower Low Thresholds: -9.50 dBm
Bias current: 3990 uA(Normal)
Bias High Thresholds: 18568 uA
Bias Low Thresholds: 1072 uA
Last 300 seconds input rate: 4544 bits/sec, 4 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate: 3200 bits/sec, 3 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds Multicast input rate: 1 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds Multicast output rate: 0 packets/sec
Input: 300651 Packets, 103118332 Bytes
28853 Broadcasts, 45598 Multicasts
0 Oversizes, 0 Undersizes
0 FCSs, 0 Pauses
Output: 257316 Packets, 49838838 Bytes
11671 Broadcasts, 2849 Multicasts
0 Oversizes, 0 Defers
0 FCSs, 0 Pauses
0 Collisions