2950 故障

00:57:51: %SPANTREE-7-RECV_1Q_NON_TRUNK: Received 802.1Q BPDU on non trunk FastEthernet0/21 VLAN1.
00:57:51: %SPANTREE-7-BLOCK_PORT_TYPE: Blocking FastEthernet0/21 on VLAN0001. Inconsistent port type.
00:58:06: %SPANTREE-2-UNBLOCK_CONSIST_PORT: Unblocking FastEthernet0/21 on VLAN0001. Port consistency restored.$ON_TRUNK: Received 802.1Q BPDU on non trunk FastEthernet0/21 VLAN1. 
#interface FastEthernet0/24
#spanning-tree bpdufilter enable
01:48:44: %SPANTREE-7-RECV_1Q_NON_TRUNK: Received 802.1Q BPDU on non trunk FastE
thernet0/8 VLAN1.
01:48:44: %SPANTREE-7-BLOCK_PORT_TYPE: Blocking FastEthernet0/8 on VLAN0001. Inc
onsistent port type.
1.连在AVAYA P882上,思科3560指示灯正常
3.连在AVAYA P334T-ML或AVAYA P330(在网络中使用),思科3560指示灯不正常,与上面的问题一样
4.连在单独AVAYA P334T-ML(不与其他交换机连),思科3560指示灯正常
根据初步分析,交换机提示:01:48:44: %SPANTREE-7-RECV_1Q_NON_TRUNK: Received 802.1Q BPDU on non trunk FastEthernet0/8 VLAN1.可能是端口受到某些BPDU信息后自行关闭.
interface FastEthernet0/8
spanning-tree bpdufilter enable

作者: edreamer2006 
01:48:44: %SPANTREE-7-RECV_1Q_NON_TRUNK: Received 802.1Q BPDU on non trunk FastE
thernet0/8 VLAN1.
01:48:44: %SPANTREE-7-BLOCK_PORT_TYPE: Blocking FastEthernet0/8 on VLAN0001. Inc
onsistent port type.
你这样做会把SPANNING TREE 在上连端口DISABLE掉.. 这样真的是在解决问题还是为将来的SPANNING TREE LOOP埋下伏笔? 要么两端起ACCESS LINK, 要么两端起TRUNK LINK, 都可以搞定啊..
检查S8610相应的端口配置正常,端口为默认配置,默认为switchport mode access.
no spanning-tree vlan 4

1.Error Message SPANTREE-7-RECV_1Q_NON_TRUNK: Received 802.1Q BPDU on non trunk [chars] [chars]
Explanation This message indicates that an SSTP BPDU was received on the listed interface, which is
not an operational trunking interface. [chars] is the interface ID.
Recommended Action Verify that the configuration and operational state of the listed interface and
that of the interface to which it is connected are in the same mode (access or trunk). If the mode
is trunk, verify that both interfaces have the same encapsulation (none, ISL, or 802.1Q). Once these
parameters are consistent, spanning tree automatically unblocks the interface as appropriate.
2.Error Message SPANTREE-2-RECV_PVID_ERR: Received BPDU with inconsistent peer vlan id [dec] on
[chars] [chars]
Explanation This message indicates that the listed interface received an SSTP BPDU that is tagged
with a VLAN ID that does not match the VLAN ID on which the BPDU was received. This error occurs
when the native VLAN is not consistently configured on both ends of an 802.1Q trunk. [dec] is the
VLAN ID. [chars] is the interface ID.
Recommended Action Verify that the configuration of the native VLAN ID is consistent on the
interfaces on each end of the 802.1Q trunk connection. Once corrected, spanning tree automatically
unblocks the interfaces as appropriate.
3.Error Message SPANTREE-2-BLOCK_PVID_LOCAL: Blocking [chars] on [chars] Inconsistent local vlan
Explanation This message indicates that the spanning tree port associated with the listed spanning
tree instance and interface will be held in spanning tree blocking state until the port VLAN ID
(PVID) inconsistency is resolved. The listed spanning tree instance is the same one as the native
VLAN ID on the listed interface. [chars] is the spanning tree port ID.
Recommended Action Verify that the configuration of the native VLAN ID is consistent on the
interfaces on each end of the 802.1Q trunk connection. Once corrected, spanning tree automatically
unblocks the interfaces as appropriate.


在连接ADSL MODEM的2950端口上作no span vlan 1后,问题解决

